Doom Marine in Smash 5

>Implying Nintendo won't add the Doom Marine on Smash 5 after all the support Bethesda has given

I hope you guys are ready
>b-but the Skyrim guy is cooler, h-he can scream!

No, fuck you, the Doom Marine has a massive legacy just like Pac-Man and Sonic, as well as very iconic.

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Doom Marine could probably take aspects of Snake's moveset

So is the skyrim port any good

Makes me feel like I'd like Bethesda games to sell on the Switch. I know they're pointless since PC is the best ver but at least they have kawaii love for a giant corporation

that sound pretty good actually

if you've played it on the computer I can't comprehend why you would buy it again scaled down.

pretty dam solid

>4 Doom 2016 Skins
>4 Classic Doom Skins

I need this so fucking bad

Doomguy better have his classic look, not the nu-doom suit.

They better give him his Doom 64 armor.
>b-but the Skyrim guy is cooler, h-he can scream!
Domguy is also the one Zenimax related character to have the most history with Nintendo consoles, while being part of a more important series, that he could represent FPS, like how some third parties represented different genres in Smash

I'm not sure smash is ready for doomguy to rip and tear mario in half or to strangulate peach with her own intestines

>What is portability
Is such a harsh concept to grasp? really, not everybody lives glued to their PC's 14 hours a day, a lot of people, including gamers, have jobs, or go to school, look it up on google.

What would his final smash be: berserk punching or something similar to Snake's, where he's in first person, shooting the stage?

Sonic was planned since Melee. Sonic has dozens upon dozens of Nintendo exclusive games, including the Olympic Games crossovers with Mario.

Pac-Man was planned since Brawl, and Bamco developed Sm4sh. Bandai Namco also developed the Mario Kart Arcade games, which feature Pac-Man Crossover characters.

Not saying that Doombro can’t get in but compare him with better characters.

Good for portability but boy does it look ugly on TV. Just get it on PS4/XB1 or a PC.

It's gonna be dovahkiin guy because samurai loves his sword fighters

oh, im sure that skin will be available

BFG obviously

But the classic look is shitty and gay tho, and that game is outdated and boring too

How are the Bethesda games selling on Switch anyway? Are they somehow doing alright despite how third party games often don't on Nintendo platforms?

Bayonetta was literally naked on her games, given how Americans are more accepting of blood and gore than nudity, I doubt we will have issues user.

why would you be playing video games at your job or during class

Can't Doomguy just pretend his chainsaw is a sword?

Doom on the Switch has a massive following, to put it on perspective.

DBZ Xenoverse was the first AAA on the switch and sold 500k worldwide and it had 0 hype backing it up.

Doom has massive hype and incredible reception already, it will easily surpass 2mil life time, funny enough more than the Xbox One version for sure. There also a movement on Twitter call #Doomillion, you can guess for what it is by the name alone.

With the existence of Daisy and the little Doomguy toys stating that Doomguy may have a "soft" side, do you think that means he, in some way, could fit a bit more in Smash than Snake?

>being this bad at b8ing
Underage b&

Doom Guy would be cool, but pic related would be more fun to play and mesh well with the rest of the cast.

>Doomguy in Smash 5
>Uses a Rocket Launcher, Plasma Gun, Gauss Cannon, Super Shotgun the Chainsaw and his fists for a moveset.
>Normals/Smashes are using the rifle butts, the Chainsaw, Super Shotgun and punching/kicking.
>Gauss/Rocket jumping is how he recovers
>Plasma Gun is his Neutral B, other guns are other specials.
>BFG Final Smash

All we know is that DOOM was #1 on the eshop for close to a week after release, Mario Odyssey took that lead for a bit then Skyrim took it. I'd imagine that the ports have been doing fairly well, obviously not as well as it did on PC/PS4/X1 but well enough to justify a potential nu-DOOM 2 releasing on Switch the same day as other platforms. Skyrim also seems to be doing good as its a good port and the only way of playing Skyrim on the go.

>Just get it on PS4/XB1
Why would you do that?

vault boy would probably be a better fit

>Not a single FO game on Switch right now
>Vault boy isn't even an actual character, just a mascot for a fake company
>Fallout as a series doesn't seem that revolutionary compared to Doom, which the first is even ported into every machine

Original doom turn into a maze very early on in the game. Looking for keycards is very annoying when it doesn't tell you where they are at. I just want to RIP AND TEAR, but they barely let you do that. Brutal doom is better, Doom 4 is better. Original doom is only worth playing for nostalgic purposes. Very outdated.

>Good for portability but boy does it look ugly on TV.
Good thing that I have yet to use my Switch on my TV despite owning it since September. The Switch is the GOAT handheld and is super comfy to pay whenever and wherever I want.

>Brutal doom is better
So many Doom mods exist, yet you keep picking this low hanging fruit.

His side smash being a close range Super Shotgun blast is the only correct option.

Why do third party games sell better on Switch than they did on Wii U or Vita anyways? I guess you could argue both were precursors to the Switch but third party never did well on those platforms.

I've gotta wonder why Bethesda third party games appeal more to Nintendo fans than other third party games

>We've been Nintendo fans forever
If that were true, it wouldn't have taken them until now to release a game on one of their consoles.

Lack of good third party games so when one comes out it's a big deal

Wii U didn't really have third party support. Something went wrong before launch and everyone bailed.

Marketing and hype. All third parties, epsecailly western publishers, were shitting on Nintendo during Wii U. Now they have nothing but good things to say.

>Domguy gets to be in Smash before Shantae

I can buy a console/PC quality game that I can play while taking a dump on a tablet maybe 50% bigger than my phone with some controllers attached.
When you're older and have more things to do and less time to sit down and play video games for 4 hours, being able to bust out your Switch and collect a few moons in Mario, do a shrine or two in BOTW, a quest in Skyrim, play a round of Pokken DX online, etc. sounds very appealing.

I have a high end PC, but between the two I'd rather get most games for my Switch as I can fit it into my bag or coat and play whenever I find the time. Since picking up the Switch I've been able to play more games then I have been able to for years.

Good Shantae is fucking nobody

Switchfags are literally begging Todd Howard to port more of his games to the system. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if it gets Fallout 3 or New Vegas by the end of next year.

>Vault Boy not the mascot of Fallout

You honestly don't believe this, do you?

>character who popularized one of the most biggest game genres ever
>shovelware company's OC from a series of cult GBC games

Get a laptop. It's something every person with a job or who goes to college should own.


Sandniggers don't belong in Smash.

>western shit in smash
No thanks. Next character needs to have history with Nintendo like a Castlevania character or Ryu from Ninja Gaiden.

>third party never did well on thise platforms
That is certainly not the case with the Vita. A lot of Vita owners compulsively buy new games for the thing, and first party games stopped being an option after year 2.

>Next character needs to have history with Nintendo

I can't fit a laptop into a coat pocket or gym bag. If I'm waiting somewhere for 10 or so minutes, I can't bust out a laptop, boot up a game and play a bit, but I can whip out my Switch and be bing bing wahooing in a matter of seconds.

Tell Wayforward remaster Mischief Makers then we'll talk.

Doom 64
Doom 1&2 on GBA
Doom on Switch
you're gay lol

With the Olympics coming up it's pretty clear that Goku will be the next Smash character.

I'd kill for New Vegas on the Switch, but you just know Todd's arrogance won't let that happen.
It's Bethesda's shitty Fallout games or bust.

Because it's a class on how to play videogames, you frickin nimrod!

lel. Vita sold like shit. Switch has been selling out for the entire year in Japan and no signs of stopping, plus the Switch is just much stronger than the Vita ever was so it can play real console games without severe downgrades.

why not, that's what smash bros is about. his style doesn't really fit but you can say the same about snake.

>There will be art of Doomguy bein shipped with Samus

Doom didn't start on Nintendo. It's a PC mascot. When people think of Doom they don't think Nintendo, fucking retards. It's like thinking Crash would make sense just cause he had games on Nintendo systems.

I know that Smash 4 roster has many clones but it was fine.
I hope Smash Bros for Switch doesn't go full retard with character like Crash Bandicoot and others shit.

>slowjack poster
no wonder you're a retard

By all means explain Sonic, Pacman, Cloud, Bayonetta, and so on.

I'll wait.

Probably pretty well, almost every game sells boatloads on the Switch.


Okay, great idea. I'll buy a good gaming laptop that's far more expensive than the Switch. I'll also have to carry a larger carrying case for it than I would have for the Switch. Don't forget about needing an external mouse or a controller. Also need a charger because there's no way you're getting more than 2 hours of battery on demanding games.

Seriously, why did I ever buy a Switch when this is clearly the superior portable gaming device.

Wii is underpowered

>Doom Marine
his name is Doomguy. Must be 18 or older to post here.

Sonic is in there because of Nintendo vs Sega retard.

there are no western characters in smash bros, all 55+ characters in smash 4 are japanese (diddy is half)

And even if you have a backpack where you can fit a laptop and more, laptops are used mostly for productivity and work, not for wasting battery on games. And they are way larger to hold than a Switch.

But he didn't start on nintendo, which is what you said. You also need to explain Snake, who literally had two games on Nintendo consoles.

You at least tried so I'll give you that but in the future please ensure you know what you're talking about before posting.

How would Sup Forums react to Smash 5 having cosmetic lootboxes provided the game was fully featured and any/all post-release content was free?

I would bet my life savings on Ubisoft getting a rep next game. It’s a sure thing.

>we're getting Fallout 4 at 540p and 20fps when 3 and NV could probably run at a solid 900p 30fps

The Wii U could've ran their existing games at the time.
It would've been a long porting process, but if they're supposedly big Nintendo fans, they would've done it, right?

They'd probably be 1080/30 with graphical enhancements like Skyrim and LA Noire.

There should be an official Classic Doom and Doom II port for NS , hell, I even wonder why they were not included with the Switch port of Nu Doom to make up for the lack of SnapMap

>Besides that, it might be something like a courtesy to include a character who has the experience of being on a Nintendo platform

Nintendo games aren't going to have lootboxes.

>playing bethesda games on anything but PC

Snake was in there because Kojima has a hard on for Miyamoto and he's also friends with Sakurai and asked if Snake could be in Smash.

I thought Skyrim was 900p?

AAA western game ports didn't sell on the Wii U and small and barely increasing install base wouldn't have made it worth it
At the very least the Switch has a portability angle and is bound to outsell the Wii U in a few months

I agree that Castlevania and Ninja Gaiden need to be represented before Doom. But wouldn't mind Doom being in Smash.

doom 3 bfg edition will probably be ported and include those. hopefully bring along the deathmatch as well

>it ends up veing a snake clone

this desu they should have added them to justify the 60$ pricetag

even revelations has a shitty nes type game attached
fucking jews

But he could use more guns like the Plasma rifle, right?
They better at least bring Final Doom and Master Levels, even if they're not that.

You're saying this with the benefit of hindsight. Did they know that would come to pass before the thing even came out?

>final smash is guaranteed to be the BFG
>they do it in with the pixel art style
It'd be fucking glorious.

Nintendo actually approached them about Skyrim on the Switch
They saw it had potential and agreed
They were originally cautious about the NX not being powerful enough to port a game like Prey but over time the Switch proved itself leading to the ports of Doom and Wolfenstein

>We’ve been in constant conversation with [Nintendo], and not just about the two games we have now, but about our whole approach to the platform going forward – what we can do, best practices, what things are a good fit, what they’re excited about in what we’re doing. We’re obviously excited about these two games, but it’s not as if we’re going to just do these two games and that’s it. We want this to be the start of a relationship that we build with Nintendo and Nintendo fans.

>Doom marine

It's doom guy you stupid fuck.

>“They came to us early about Skyrim, and we always wanted to work with them. Even though it’s a game that people have played before and have known for a long time, it’s special for us to work them. I think it was Nintendo of America who reached out to us. I wasn’t the original point of contact. We met with some people from Japan, but it originally came from the American team. There was much more of a push this time to get the support. They have the kind of device that makes it much easier for third parties to give them the support.”

>Bayo and Cloud got two looks
There's no reason why Doomguy can't.

Prey is more demanding than Doom? that was a game I really enjoyed. and would gladly buy again on the Switch really.

Snake is too tactical and Nintendo seems to be on okay-ish terms with Konami, so he's not entirely out of the question. Doomguy should be a pure rushdown character.

>Next character needs to have history with Nintendo like a Castlevania character or Ryu from Ninja Gaiden.
Doom Guy has more history with Nintendo than Ryu.

Could it make it in (science fiction inspired/stylized enough)
>Pistol (2016)
>Combat Shotgun (2016)
>Gauss Cannon
>Chainsaw (minus the gore so it may be interpreted as comical like Snake's explosives which he got to keep)
>Plasma Gun

Depends on how you interpret "realistic firearm"/how specific is the gun rule after Bayonneta was introduced
>Super Shotgun

You know, if he gets in he would be the first character created AND owned by a gaijin company in smash.

But I could accept it, Doom as a major staple in vg history to be honest, but I think he would get a Snake treatment, that it no guns, just explosives, rocket launchers, punches, grenades and laser weapons.

>doomguy's face in the hud smiles when he gets kills

>vault 13
What game is that from?

Considering how the Bethesda ports are doing so far and that Shinji Mikami is interested in porting The Evil Within 2 to the Switch, they might actually do more ports