Tfw you played vidya for 8 hours straight

>tfw you played vidya for 8 hours straight

>tfw you ate burritos and then played from 5 pm to 3 am

>tfw you didnt do absolutely anything for 8 hours straight

>8 hours straight is noteworthy

only americans do this

>tfw you played 8 hours straight and your eyelids feel like sandpaper

>You didn't do anything and spent all day browsing Sup Forums and watching youtube videos again

>8 hours

point and laugh boys

I can only play vidya for 8+ hours straight if I'm drinking the entire time otherwise I get bored in less than an hour.

Seeing fat dogs always makes me really sad.

Try 18 newfag.

>8 hours

>You will never play 160 hours of TF2 in 2 weeks like in high school again

>8 hours

>have fatboi
>everyone thinks he's preggo gril dog
>go along with it so I don't get judged

I think you dropped this

I wish I were a neet too.


>tfw sitting behind a computer for 10 hours straight
>tfw i suddenly feel a sharp pain in my head and pray that this'll be the bloodclot that finally ends me

>tfw too much of a drunk to last 8hrs awake if not a work day
>trying now to forget

>playing video games for 14 hours straight on my day off
Not worth it

>tfw you can't play vidya for 8 hours straight anymore without losing interest/ needing a break because vidya isn't as it used to be or maybe you just have changed
I miss having that enthusiasm towards vidya I had in my youth. Coming home from school, doing chores in 10 minutes max and then just playing vidya.

>managing to get in an 8+ hour session in
feels fucking fantastic, I fucking love video games.


When GTA SA came out I played that shit for 21 hours straight. Now I usually play a couple hours a day unless it's a game I can keep minimized and go back to every once in awhile.

tfw in ur late 20ies and u get bored playin vidya for longer than 40 minutes lol



>tfw too busy to play video games 8 hours straight

This what's up with all these casual bois


>Summer 2006
>Playing WoW as a Troll Rogue in Stranglethorn
>Grinding raptors off the coast behind the arena for both leather and experience
>Managed to get from level 29 to 42 in about five days
>Made enough gold to buy my mount, which I got lucky enough to queue up with and end up joining Arathi Basin's level 39 bracket as a level 40 with a mount
>Had a turf war with a skull level NE rogue who I knew from a private server
>Eventually catch up to his level and beat his ass
>Literally spent five days and night awake only taking breaks to hit the can or snack while on a flight path
>Pass out and sleep for 22 fucking hours straight
>Have vivid dreams about WoW, got lucid at some points
>Wake up and go to the kitchen to find my whole family there
>"Boy, look who's come out of his cave"

Nowadays I will find myself falling asleep like a bitch while playing games and shit, no matter how hype I was for them. Shit pisses me off to no end.

>playing some vidya before work
>check the time every 10 minutes

I know this feeling all too well.

>Work second shift, decide to play vidya before work
>Fall asleep and realize I got about five minutes to get out of the house
>Spend all day at work hungry and tire
>Come home
>Eat some fast, microweavable garbage
>Sit down to play
>Fall asleep

Rinse and fucking repeat

>only 8 hours

>tfw you played vidya for 3 days straight

>8 hours
>not 24 hours for the kids

at least get up and stretch, my ass gets sweaty if I sit too long.

really 8 hours? I only feel bad after maybe 12.

>tfw havent played vidya in months

>tfw I cant play for more than 3-4 hours max, if I’m super into what I’m playing.

Either I have a problem or I know better than to play all day.

I did 8 hours when I was 10, git gud

>Haven't played vidya for more than maybe 2-3 hours at a time since I quit WoW years ago
>Play Skyrim for the first time yesterday
>Sink 10 hours in before I even realize what time it is

How fucked am I? Is this game going to take all my free time the way WoW did?

It's just a natural part of getting older mate. It's actually a good thing if you embrace it.

Yeah. Then you're gonna put a ton of mods on it and throw true as much time in as you did on your first run. Then you're gonna realise it's a shit game you fucking pleb.


I start feeling bad about myself around the 4 hour mark nowadays

>tfw feel productive after playing vidya for 8 hours because at least you didn't waste 8 hours browsing Sup Forums.

>tfw you played vidya while being unconscious

tfw you played real life for over 30 000 hours only to realise fuck people, fuck humanity, fuck jobs, fuck sex, fuck friends, games are the only fun thing in this universe

just kidding i fucking hate all these new games made by nu-gamer culturers

me when cuphead came out


lol what a casual

>tfw you play vidya for 30 mins straight

>tfw you played vidya for 8 hours, straight

>weekend comes
>drink a gallon of acohol starting at 5pm and play various video games until 6am
>repeat every week end
I know I shouldn't, but I'd kill myself if I didn't have it

>tfw played vidya for 10 years straight

Getting out of NEETdom is looking more and more unlikely.

>only day off from work
>browse Sup Forums 16 hours straight