>the longsword is sturdy and blunt, but the katana is fast and sharp!
The longsword is sturdy and blunt, but the katana is fast and sharp!
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this is a japanese website. gtfo you normie shit
Name me a game where I can break swords in half with a larger bigger sword.
That only works because the mannequin can't fight back.
Or can he?
Fuck off
Op is a faggot
Please die and never come back
It's pretty funny how trolls will post porn and anal vore copypastas all day to bait Sup Forums, when all they have to do to make Sup Forums really mad is start a thread about swords or guns.
Obviously he can, else he'd be a
That "katana" looks like it was created on a press.
Don't be a dummy.
>katana defense force
Arent you supposed to catch the opponents sword with the flat of your blade to avoid damage? But that would only be effective with straight swords.
Katanas are LITERALLY only good for murdering unarmored peasants. Only the flail is more meme-teir
Post of the year.
what cuphead boss is this?
>Arent you supposed to catch the opponents sword with the flat of your blade to avoid damage?
There's reasons why that doesn't work like you think it is.
1) Because if you do that, the sword is more likely to bend and not stop the blade from coming down and cutting you anyway.
2) Because your first instinct to a big heavy metal sharp thing shouldn't be, "well, I don't want to damage this sword, I'm rather fond of it." It should be, "AH! Sword! Block!"
Irrelevant since a real katana master would have already teleported behind you to slice your back.
Nothing personal longsword faggot.
This. Actual katanas are folded over a million times in order to produce the sharpest and hardest blades known to man.
Pretty sure a katana could pierced through a longsword, where as that longsword could only dent a poorly made katana.
Would he have bought a good katana if he was planning to do this to it? This is pretty useless without context but I guess that's the point
>take a long sword
>work on it to shape it into a katana
What now?
It isn't a fucking longsword.
I found the video, it's a cheap katana he is destroying for fun.
It isn't even a sword, that's a knife, look at the hilt.
That man is wearing no safety equipment whatsoever. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future he seriously hurt himself doing stupid shit like that.
He's been doing this for over 10 years I think he is just fine man
Only takes one time for something to go wrong mate.
But can a shitty European sword beat Xena wielding a katana?
Just a sword? I don't think so, you need someone to wield it.
yeah but in the time he took for that slow ass swing the japanese guy would have used his superior quality katana to slice through him atleast 5 times
That video was meant for the sole purpose of destroying the katana though, something a bit more "real", I do believe the katana is a huge piece of shit though
absolutely, it just needs to be wielded by kevin sorbo
While you were shitposting, I studied the blade
why do people even care? you have about as much in common with the japanese as vikings/knights or whatever the fuck you praise so much. that is to say very little. being of blood ancestry is irrelevant.
That's not a real katana. A real katana is folded 1000000 times and cuts through diamonds.
Best dueling weapon coming through.
A skilled rapier user will beat a skilled katana user almost every time.
Japanese steel is shit
Way of the Samurai 3, maybe the others in the series as well.
only doing this because you used a troll face in 2017
katanas were mostly for ceremonial shit like honorabru duels and murdering unarmored peasants. for actual fights you would use a polearm or something.
>Katanas are LITERALLY only good for murdering unarmored peasants
I have never understood why the media portrays samurais as these brave holy warriors, when most accounts all point to corrupt cops working for corrupt nobility.
Pretty sure that historically katanas were forged from pig iron, a rather brittle metal, which is why they needed to be folded so many times. They were never super swords.
Id take that face over a pepe or wojak
Wtf? Was he gonna smack her with the flat side of the sword
Spears and bows, and then spears and guns.
This fucking gif makes my blood boil
355 replies and 76 images omitted.
You're wrong.
Polearms of any sort really were the ezmode go to for all the melee friends of yonder years, weren't they?
>Katanas are LITERALLY only good for murdering unarmored peasants.
Unarmored yes, but not only peasants were unarmored. Lack of good steel also meant lack of good armour for most combatants.
Notice how every time they strike the katana while holding the longsword like a club.
The katana CAN slice through a longsword if you know how to cut with it. You need to do a sliding motion to actually CUT, instead of strike like with a blunt weapon.
Katana was trash against anything but another Katana, this is a historical fact. Samurai primarily used Spears and Bows.
>sword is blunt
Who the fuck would say a sword is blunt? It's a fucking sword, you're supposed to cut not bludgeon people to death.
A beserker class in killing floor grinds the blades of gorefasts and gorefiends often and it has the satisfying feeling of locking blades and then slicing through youre talking about
>easy to use
>cheap to make
spears are basically the perfect weapon
There is common believe among some individuals that European swords were blunt and heavy and they didn't slice but rip and tear.
>Thinking you'll find useful weapons from a country who was using wood for armor
You have only one shot.
What's the miss rate of flintlocks? That's the rate you die when wielding it against a swordsman.
>The katana CAN slice through a longsword
lmfao imagine actually believing this.
It would be worse if he fought back.
If both swords clashed with full force, his katana would be far more damaged. He'd be basically forced to pull back for every block, which would put him in a ton of danger and keep him on the defense.
>spear hands down one of the best weapons (though one of the most boring)
>Make a video showing someone chop one in half
That's kinda what is going on here...
Katana are a great sword if you're dealing with little to no armor. They're not a battlefield weapon, no sword really is.
Aren't swords more sidearms than main weapons anyways?
How did Africa have better swords than Japan? They literally have an axe spear sword.
step aside fags
real men's weapon coming through
katanafags eternally btfo by superior europoor swords
>(though one of the most boring)
Imagine if someone on /k/ and posted a video of someone shooting a rifle with another rifle to prove that one is superior because it damaged the other rifle
Piercing > Slicing, always.
>claymores weren't battlefield weapons
a spear, or any polearm with thrusting capabilities, would make a better dueling weapon
That anime wasnt all that good.
I liked the part where her armor shattered tho.
Katanas were never wielded with shields, so the weapon itself is your shield.
Except swords are used like this and guns aren't used to shoot other guns
>Not the Wheel
Everyone keeps posting this. The guy has utterly terrible form, swung it incorrectly.
Except there are literally damage tests that do this you idiot. If a gun can take a shot around where the ejection port is, and still function, it's considered very reliable.
Does it ever progress past nonstop katana wank?
The wheel is not a weapon
it's an execution tool
Well, percentage of you hitting other gun is pretty small, while hitting a sword is your wanted outcome.
>Rifle A shoots Rifle B and vice versa
>Rifle A still functions after being shot
>Rifle B does not
don't even need a food analogy to show how retarded youare
>10 men charging into another 10 men is a battlefield
Blunt weapons are my favourite. I wish flails were in more games.
Not that i am aware of.
I dropped it after the transforming girl sword was intoduced
flails are dumb. i've always hated them even before i learned they weren't even used in battles
Cool, what does that have to do with what he said? How often are rifles wielded with shields, artard?
Blunt weapons are silly and only enjoyed relatively small frame time of relevancy.
Who purposefully goes to shoot the rifle?
Would it be an effective tactic to shoot the rifles to disarm them? Yeah sure. But in a life/death situation, who would purposefully go for the disarm instead of just injuring or killing the enemy?
Plus, ranged engagement is completely different than melee weapon combat. You're a fucking retard.
Is that Rober Downey Jr.'s Grandfather?
the idea isn't to stop the enemies swing by blocking it, but to parry / deflect it into a more favorable position
and blocking full force with the sharp part is pants on head retarded to begin with
t. katana idf