Is it worth buying a Switch for?
Is it worth buying a Switch for?
Not really, no.
If you grew up on 64 or Sunshine, yes.
Only if you really like Mario games, it's kind of simple at this point. There's been so many iterations of nintendo's franchises that you should really know at this point if you like them or not.
Don't spend 450$ to play a game just because people said it's good, you should already know how much you personally will like it
lol literally got my switch yesterday with odyssey and bought botw as extra. must say it's a fun game with a nice atmosphere but not really something you can play for 10 hours straight. i suggest buying two or three more game to switch (pun intended) between when you buy your switch. i suggest BOTW, mario kart (if you have friends with a switch or want to play together with your friends in person), xenoblade when it comes out, and splatoon if you're into that kind of game. the rest of the games on the switch are either dog shit or much better on other consoles/pc.
also incredibly retarded question
Especially don't listen to this retard
God no. It would be acceptable if you also want to play Botw, Xenoblade 2, and haven't played Hollow Knight maybe.
Uh..what? It's like $300 at max
no /thread
Not really. I didn't like it as much as Galaxy. BotW on the other hand is worth buying a Switch for. Amazing game.
t. grew up a Sony pony and don't have any nostalgia goggles to taint my view of the game
you wait until xenoblade 2 is out then buy the holy trinity of nintendo switch GOTYS: botw, odyssey and xeno2. These are the only games worth your time and money
>weeb shit that, once again, misses everything that make Xenoblade1 great.
>unironically calling it GOTY
ay lmao
you act like you played the entire game already. I fucking hate the Sup Forums doomsayers that come out a week prior to game launches
Switch 299$
Protective case 18.99$
Warranty 30$
Super Mario Odyssey 59.99$
I'm not the guy you replied to, but it ended up coming out to around 450 for me as well.
>paying for warranty
Don't forget the pro controller. The joycons are absolute garbage
Wew, I didnt get one. Felt like I spent too much already
Nah, if you can find 6 games you want on the console then go for it
playing botw entirely on joycons literally gave me carpal tunnel
So, is there a way to get to the moon through paintings or my pilling up run just ended here?
>paying for warranty and a case
>Mario Odyssey
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Xenoblade 2
>Mario + Rabbids
What else is there? BOTW doesnt count because of the superior Wii U version
I think there's one in Bowser Kingdom.
Yes, buy it and Splatoon 2. So many good games in the first year my dude. next year should be more of amazing games.
>BOTW doesnt count because of the superior Wii U version
This is just straight up wrong though.
the joycons are great if you don't have fat hands
>L.A. Noire
>This is the Police
>Advanced Wars
>Stardew Valley
The Switch is loaded with good games.
>Hollow Knight
It hasn't been released yet, for the Switch.
The one on bowser's kingdom leads to beach kingdom.
you get one year of free warranty retard
I liked Odyssey. It wasn't as good as 64, though.
In Canada it's more
>$400 for the Switch
>$80 for each game
>Tax, which is 15% here in Newfoundland
So at least $500 just for the console and a game.
30$ gives me 3 years.
It isn't a week until December 1, though. Which is around when it releases in NA
should I sell my PS4 for a Switch? i can't think of any upcoming PS4 exclusives.
>Mfw my "dealer" gave me the protective screeen for free
>Calling a GameStop employee a dealer
>The Worst 3D mario game
>worth buying a new console for
Fuck no, get a switch and 3D world instead
miss typed - Wii U obviously
> Implying I'm murrican
Some of us just can't go to the store to get our shit user.
Anyone else irked by the number of "freebie" moons that are in obvious spots and take three seconds to get? Luckily most of them aren't like that, but the obvious ones make me think they're just being lazy.
>It's just a teaser
>It's just a trailer
>It's just early in development
>It's just a demo
>It's just the first mission
>It's just the first three hours
>It's just the first 60 hours
NO! Fuck this shit argument. Everytime! They shows this crap because they want to represent the full game in a positive light, it's the best the game has to offer stop being a drone and making excuses for coorporations
Maybe if you're 12. Zelda, sure. That's on Wii U or PC though. No reason to get a system with no games. Plus, it's Nintendo, so wait for a revision.
Oh so you're Brazilian.
i will never understand why people liked xenoblade, or xenoblade chronicles x. Who wants to play a single player MMO or any MMO for that matter
If you're like me and haven't played a 3D Mario platformer since Galaxy 1, then yes. Afterwards you'll probably end up buying BOTW as well. That's upwards of 150 hours if you're really invested into both games like I was.
After that it's a matter of preference what to get next. MK8, Splatoon 2, LA Noire, or maybe just wait for Xenoblade. It's all enough to tide you over to the next killer app gets released.
>is one game worth $400
That's up to you.
I thought the same about my WiiU and Mario 3dworld, and while I do like the game, the buyers remorse was heavy until smash.
>paying for a warranty AND a protective case
nigger what are you doing
Is it worth buying a PS4 for?
>killer app
>is it worth buying switch for one game?
Fuck no
>is it worth buying switch for all of its games
Fuck yes
This and Bloodborne are all you need
If you go through the painting you don't need to deposit them. go through the paintings and teleport to a checkpoint to continue on
There's no game worth buying a console for.
As someone who loved 64 and Sunshine, not really. I mean, it's good, but I found it to be the worst 3D sandbox mario. Might be better than Sunshine if you're going for 100%, but not for just doing a playthrough.
>buying a system for 1 game only
unless there are 4 games you for sure want to play i wouldn't get any new console
>Protective case 18.99$