How do we fix the horror genre?

How do we fix the horror genre?

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have it so when you die in the game, you die in real life.

build up on atmosphere and possibly storytelling rather than relying on spooky monster jumpscares.



thats ymirs ass crack haha

I don't think it's possible to fix it at this point. After being exposed to it for so long it's hard to recreate a good feeling of fear and unease
Best you can do is go for shock value and hit the player with something completely unnatural/unexpected


Ask Shinji Mikami

Repeat the formula of this game

That's why I never go off piste.

Stop giving me so many guns and so much ammo.

t. E3 2017 writers

People who make first person walking simulators with shitty jumpscares are all put into labor camps until they learn how to make actual games.

lol just kidding we're gonna gas them

>How do we fix the horror genre?
Why do you always start the thread with this? What is wrong with the horror genre to begin with? We've been getting fantastic horror games lately.

this so much. knowing i can just unload at whatever comes my way without thought takes away so much spookyfactor

The problem with horror games is that they've turned into action games rather than actual horror games
Alien Isolation was onto something with its limited ammo and emphasis on making sure the player knew they were never safe
Making the player prey as opposed to predator is how to fix them

>We can only have spooky monster jumpscares!

You take what you deserve, stupid fags.
Enjoy your slenderman clone.

I agree. And what about a loli protag?

Lolis make everything 10x better.

This is so fucking terrifying.
At least when you get buried by an avalanche you usually suffocate pretty fast, but if you fall inside a glacier crack you're sometimes completely unable to move and slowly die of dehydration.

>The problem with horror games is that they've turned into action games rather than actual horror games
The fuck are you talking about? That is demonstrably false. We've been getting a shit ton of horror games that have few to no weapons at all, and even a few depriving you of basic functionality like sight.

Honestly though.
I don't mind being able to defend myself, but when I can kill everything in an area, get bigger guns and more ammo than I started with after killing everything in said area, it's just a shooting game with spooky sections.

Combat should be 100% mandatory in a horror game.

Nah, just make gunplay shitty again like in old survival horror games.

Also this What you can't see is always scarier than what you can see. Don't randomly make a skeleton jump out of a closet to spook me, let me find a book that tells me about a skeleton that likes to jump out of closets and then send me through an IKEA.

Make it about ryona and rape with some vore thrown in for good measure.

Rely less on typical monster design

See these things?
Do more like them! Nothing more, nothing less.

Considering those are kind of masterpieces you can't really tell people to copy them cause they'll most likely fuck up.


Try another aspect of horror apart from jumpscares

I dunno user, just because he used a curse word doesn't mean he is angry and certainly doesn't warrant a post as pointless as yours.

this, what else is truly horror apart from experiencing it for real

What's wrong with Alien Isolation and SOMA? Horror games seem to be doing fine

Besides this , they could use more lolis

Aside from the sight thing (that game where you play the blind chick is actually kinda cool) he's right tho. Probably 90% of horror games since 2012-13 have been Amnesia/Slender clones, most of them shit.

>Aside from the sight thing
>Mentions the sight thing

Alien isolation did this perfectly

How did he get out?

Make something in which the player is completely out of their depth. Things completely unfamiliar and foreign to us.

Be that
>Monster design
>World design
Give us something that we’re not used to, and don’t give us the tools to excel at the game. Tension is easily built upon when we’re out of familiar territory/comfort zones.

>Those cute little butts.

He is still there

Gnarly art+great sound design. Good story telling optional. Have combat but don't make it overbearing, its not supposed to be fun.

That's the formula that carried Silent Hill.

Silent Hill 2 has some of the best story telling of any game. I don't think there is any other game as subtle with it's storytelling and theme.

Lads, can horror games have replayability?

Silent Hill 1.
No, seriously. SH2 practically spoonfeeds you the plot & twists, whereas you really need to explore everything and do several playthrus to grasp what's going on in original.

I've replayed SH1 some 40 times, SH2 some 30 times, SH3 some 12+ times, Resident Evil 2 some 15+ times, and REmake at least 6 times.
Did that answer your question?

Resident Evil games are build for re-runs and route-planing. I'm bought REmake recently and I'm on my fourth run and having a blast.


Die pedo


We're all going to die user

How about no, faggot?

When I heard about SOMA introducing a pussy mode that disables monsters I rolled my eyes so hard into my skull.

Fucking don't do that shit for starters

>slowly die of dehydration.

You're literally surrounded by water, just eat the snow?

I don't mean the how the plot and what not is presented to you, but how the entire game is build around it, like every enemy, almost every line of dialog. Like how it's complete dogshit how Pyramid head is in any silent hill thing except 2.

I think the other SHs cripple themselfes by being to focused on that cult stuff.


That far down I'd guess you're going to be completely surrounded by solid ice instead of snow, and if you break your arms/legs in the fall then gg.

>I'll never be able to experience this game for the first time again
>no one will ever make anything like this again

Why even live? And don't say RE2 remake. We all know that even if ever comes out it will in the style of RE4 through 6. AKA SHIT


>why do you always start a thread with this
According to my actual research this phrase is more likely to get the thread rolling because people will be giving their opinions and having discussion instead of just listing some games they think are good.

make a game where if you die you have to start all over, make the game only a few hours long
If you understand that anything in games have no real affect on you its not scary, losing progress is actually scary because it actually has an affect on you
Getting Over It with Bennet fodder or whatever did this and its actually scary to play, but can get boring overtime

RE2make isn't gonna be in the style of Re4+. The reason they even announced it was cause the re-release of REmake HD was a huge success, it's almost certainly gonna be in the style of REmake and considering how good of a game Re2 already is it's almost impossible to fuck up, I'd be optimistic user.

>Pedophile enjoys shit made for brainlets

How surprising.

>Normalfag makes a stupid post
How suprising

Like this is literally just redrawing the backgrounds, upgraded character models, some rearranging of puzzles to keep it fresh and it's done.

More more!

Yeah but it didn't add to the horror part of it. Even if the story wasn't there, it would be just as good of a horror game.

here you go user


>we have the footage of his fall but somehow he's sitll there

Oh no. Please look up the age of consent for 2D drawings onegaishimasu

This thread suddenly got really interesting.

Forgot my lolipost

Contribute to the horror discussion or get fucked lolifags

Why do the more promising horror games always end up cancelled.

>tfw AoC is 14 in my country

Well, that sucks, I was planning to fuck those drawings. What am I going to do now?

>expecting lolifags to ever contribute anything of value

God I want to stuff my face into Elin ass.

Horror is difficult to make in this day and age because it's harder to scar people in general. Jump scares use to be easy enough to scare people.
Read an old horror story, for most people today it would just be silly or not scary(ironically things they've considered normal would be scary to us)
The best way to make a horror game is to make people feel powerless or to force them to make a decision that they would hate to make. Also uncanny scary enemies instead of the typical monsters.

The loli thread on Sup Forums hit its limit and now this shit is going to tempt me on Sup Forums?

Come on, man.

>The loli thread on Sup Forums hit its limit

Just search loli on the catalog

it's showing nothing?

And yet even an ugly fourteen year old would never fuck your third world subhuman ass. The age of consent could be 0 years and you would still die a virgin. ;^)

Fatal Frame has done that multiple times.


>meanwhile those 5 loli threads on Sup Forums got deleted after 60posts max
baka desu senpai

Force all developers to play and intimately understand Silent Hill 2 before starting.

>third world subhuman ass
I'm Euro and btw my ex is 15 and I'm 26.

Like I said, third world, and you're also a fucking liar. You will never have sex and if you do you'll be sent to prison for it where the other inmates will murder you. Enjoy your life, subhuman. ;^)

>Europeans enjoy more freedom than us

>3rd world
Canadian education.

eurocuks sure are desperate, next you're going to pretend that you have freedom of speech

Why are americans such subhumans?

>You want to ''what'' inside us?

Implant the wisdom I have gathered throughout my life, yes.

make the monsters disturbing and not generic ghosts and zombies