New WoW expansion

>new WoW expansion
>Allied Races
>we get fucking reskins instead of based Nagas and Ogres

Why the fuck is this allowed, Sup Forums? Who the fuck wants to play as nightborne, semenforged dreaneis and pale emo elves?

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Ogres are TOO BIG and Naga have no legs.

Meanwhile Horde gets upright orcs and red-hued Night Elves, something that Horde players have been asking for since forever.
And tell me there isn't fucking Horde bias in this horseshit.

>Horde players
>asking for upright orcs

People who say things like "I would play an orc/troll/tauren if only they had better posture" aren't horde players user. those are alliance players who want to play horde but don't want to be "monsters".

What side would these guys fight on?
I always thought they were the coolest.

Ogre mobs aren't even a consistent size; some are around Tauren height. That excuse has always been bull. The real reason is no one would play them.

>Nagas and Ogres
Why do you want them to be sub- I mean allied races, not full fledged player races?

I know there's an item that temporarily turns you into one. At least, there WAS when I played. I think. Was a while ago.

All of those players went blood elf years ago, user. Top two horde races in US and EU are belf and foresaken. It's time to accept that those races were a mistake and they should have been ogres and goblins respectively.

>Ethereal's never.

Curse for horde, uncursed for the alliance.

There's two items now that do that.

>alliance get shitty reskin races
>horde gets thick night elves and trolls

Once arcane torrent gets nerfed the BE population might go down. It's arguably one of the best racials.

>Top two horde races in US and EU are belf and foresaken

I think it was a good thing that blizz tried to counter faction imbalance that happened in the game, I just think they could have picked a better race to do it with.

You mean Blood Elf players

I loved the nightbourne story arch

You felt their story and struggle, and their entrance into the war makes complete sense

>horde get nightborne, zandalari, upright orcs, upright trolls
>alliance get customization options for draenei, nigger dwarves, and xX_SHADOW_ELVES_Xx

When will the horde favouritism end?

it's allowed because blizzcucks take anything

I'm kind of tempted to race change my belf mage to void elf so I could finally be on the alliance.

There is, it drops from the farmable world boss in the Sha'tari Skyguard reputation in Terrokar Forest. Takes a while to get the mats to summon him, but he drops the toy and some nice pant transmogs. And doing the Sha'tari Skyguard rep gets you the Nether Ray mounts, which are fucking awesome.

Lads why the fuck are they so hot?

>upright trolls
only Zandalari are upright
Darkspear are still hunched

Reminder to not include dark iron dwarves as a bad addition. It's the only good one on the alliance side if you liked BRD.

Except that it makes no sense whatsoever that they're joining the Horde, unless their intro quests somehow reveal that Tyrande went full Third Reich about them at some point.

>Implying Blizzard hasn't been reskinning skeletons since WOTLK.
>Implying you haven't been fighting the Legion since everything after Cataclysm and MOP.
>Implying you'll fight anything but Legion in the Next expansion.

WoW has been shit since forever ago, everything died with Arthas.

pretty sure tyrande was a bitch to them and they empathize with the blood elves

Like WoD, it’s clearly a fucking filler expansion with no content. Only buy it if you’re an idiot who likes wasting money

>m-m-muh nigga!!
That's literally what the fucking point of subraces are you goon, being less than fully assetted new races that don't need entire armor lines edited for their dumb scalefag tails.

>implying Blizzard would allow to not have the Horde have the best racials

tyrande is the biggest cunt in warcraft

this has been true since her very first appearance in wc3

Guess Tyrande should hush more.

I would like a 'Tier' armor set that changes based on race.

But TBC was about the legion, and Arthas was a product of the burning legion.

Also cataclysm was about Deathwing, and MoP was about old gods

Play the Alliance version at some point.
>Liadrin: Post these bulletins to let the people of Suramar know that help has arrived! We will bring justice to Elisande!
>Tyrande: Filthy addicts, let the Horde and Nightborne die for this attack, we have our own goals.

Furthermore, Sigryn has been in talks with Liadrin, talking about the Horde, why the Blood Elves saw it necessary to join a faction, they muse about mutual struggles and how it helped both of them.
The Alliance never really did anything.

>exotic blue skin
>cute accents
>tall and leggy amazons
>handlebar horns
>pronounced bubble butt due to hooves
>friendly qts who worship the light, visually a demon without the cuntish bits

pretty sure there's bad blood between them and the night elves

and tyrande is the most pretentious cunt in fiction

>race shouldnt be based on skin-color and slightly different features

pol pls leav

>join the REEEEEEEEEEE elves who hate arcane influence in their society and are staffed by Queen Cunt herself "HUSH" Tyrande
>join the former crackheads who have mellowed out in their neat (albeit chronologically fucked up) magical kingdom and ran diplomacy with Lady "complete opposite of grimdark" Liadrin


>Ogres are TOO BIG
And yet people still think something Vrykul might get added later.

Did people forget just how huge Vrykul are? We'd run into the same problem.

Is it true the void elves will have a worgen style racial that lets them appear like a normal high/blood elf out of combat? This will be quite useful for (E)RP

guy looks like faggot

Ogres are actually feasible though. Ones in Nagrand are fuckhuge while the ones in zones like Duskwood are barely bigger than Tauren. It's never been a good reason to exclude them.

I have a suggestion for a human sub-race!

Not quite, high shitler, the form in OP's picture is their out of combat one, whereas the combat one will be similar to how Alleria looks

And I hope to god it's in-combat only and not freely targetable just to fuck your ERP plans

Nah seems to be their normal mode. Their void form is probably grape-like, similar to Alleria's.

The racial makes them double voidy in combat, not the other way around.

Why not the big Kul Tiras humans?

>clearly a fucking filler expansion with no content
More and more true with each new announcement.

>no tier sets
>b-but we'll still make tier art!
>actually its only one look per armor class
>no new races
>instead its reskinned versions of existing races retardedly jammed into the arbitrary faction divide
>no new class
>a whopping three zones to level in

It just gets worse and worse.

>Add barrel humans from Kul Tiras
>Add weedy beta model defias lootniggers after some quest to make amends with Vanessa VanCleef
>Create Jay and Silent Bob duo

It's because a large portion of the player base wants their character to look attractive or aesthetically pleasing, as lame as that sounds.

All I'm saying is, they got the two-heads two-players model to work in Heroes of the Storm, make that fucking April Fool's joke a reality.

Naga fit that criterium, right?

The real question is what kind of retard actually wants playable naga?

Only retards would ever even ask for that, and Sup Forums has a lot of retards so answer my call. Explain why you would even want such a thing, then explain how you expect it to actually feasibly work. Keep in mind they won't even be able to be half the classes in the game, they would have to have unique animations for certain abilities, armor would need to be dramatically changed to actually sit on them correctly (applied to every armor model in the game), they would need some sort of unique animation and effect to ride mounts (applied to a massive variety of all different mounts), and i haven't even touched lore reasons.

Spoiler: It wouldn't work at all and you are a mouth breather if you can't admit this

i'm still wondering why they would announce this around WoW classic.
if anything its going to scare more people away to the old game because its too much.

Void elves get a cool transformation power as part of their racial shit. Totally gotta make a shadow priest one to stack up the shadow effect and see how it looks.

Yes that too, the syndicate might be the one I'm memeing about, but with the prospect of Kul Tiran monster hunters being teased it makes me want to see other human nations represented as sub races of humans.


Don't worry xiv didn't even get a new race for it's expansion.

>cool races are always non-playable

because her proportions are all fucked up? Seriously, she could basically wrap both hands around her entire waist. bad artist

But Kul Tiras humans look lame and ugly as fuck.

Obviously it's a filler expansion, what the fuck do you expect? Sargeras and burning legion are gone, they were the big bads of the universe up until just recently. Now the only big bads left are void lords. Illidan has had two expansions, arthas is gone, 3 out of 4 old gods are gone (pacified at least), kael was taken care of, deathwing is gone, elemental lords are now good guys.

The only actually villains we have left is azshara and the last old god n'zoth, both of which are being taken care of this expansion. After those two there is nothing left, just the void lords. Blizzard wouldn't make a void lord expansion so soon that would be completely retarded for them, if they did that and we took care of the void lords there would literally be nothing left at all. BfA is mostly filler and we all knew this ages ago, the next expansion after will be completely filler as well. BfA is actually less filler than the next expansion, or maybe even two expansions, and that's cause we at least get azshara and n'zoth in this one whereas the next one or two we won't have anything from previous establishments. Understand this basic knowledge and logic, then get used to it.

Have you ever seen a naga wear clothes?

only the fat pirate concept art that they showed, all the pics that were implied by Blizz to be monster hunters all looked like cornfed brutes that could rip apart a phonebook.

No, alliance get shitty recolored races
Horde get shitty reskin raced

How can Stormwinders even compete?


>be Belf
>some 10/10 glamazon nelf/drenei run over and stands by me

w-woah, they are big girls.

Legion proved that the Windchimes aren't immune to becoming antagonists.

>add more humans to the alliance when there’s already three

>Deadmen stoop over out of pity for their living manlet brethren

>turns out the Light is bad too
>you need both Void and Light to balance each other out

It's gonna happen.

Draenei and nelves gave me an amazon fetish.

I love the fact that this expac will kill the Horde for good. All these Orc, Troll, Tauren and Goblins will be replaced by two kinds of elfs and UD edge kiddies.

They should add in forsaken of other races.
Undead tauren and trolls and shit.

Just a thought. Don't upright orcs look just like green fat elves?

Why do people like Trolls so much again?

How do I get good at PvP? I seem to lose all my BGs and most of the time I have no idea what is happening in crowds.

>Keep in mind they won't even be able to be half the classes in the game

I don't know. I could see them being
priests, rogues, warriors, mages, druids, hunters, shaman.

couldn't see them being: paladins, death knights, monks, warlocks.

You sure like calling people retards, retard.

>Upright Orcs
Wrong, soyboy.

It would be interesting, and would give them a more Hordish aesthetic, but it would make them very unpopular since Orcs/Taurens/Trolls strictly believe in the sanctity of their spirits and shit, Death Knights were only tolerated because we killed the nigga that brought them up.

Though why nobody's flipped their shit over Nazgrim's desecration is beyond me.

>implying it is the hunch that keeps faggots from playing Orcs/Trolls

Have fun in your "wild and savage faction" Hordie. I am sure you'll find another greenskin eventually inbetween the UD and Elfs.

Hahahahahano. Naga are twisted aberrations of nature corrupted by the Burning Legion, literally Satyr-tier. Warlocks would be far more fitting if that.
Not everywhere is going to have a pond to slither up from that's stupid.

Everything else there has NPC basis so I guess it's fine.

The hunch is what keeps me from playing an orc. Everytime I see Thrall I feel like playing an orc shaman, but then I remember they're weird hunchbacks.

Won't happen and it shouldn't happen. Makes no sense my man.

Being undead is a cursed existence that none of them are happy with, 99% of them would prefer to be dead in a grave for good. On top of this, the actual act of making more undead is a cardinal sin and an affront to life itself. This makes sylvanas creating more forsaken unquestionably evil that even garrosh, a brain dead retard with little to no morals was against it. All of the horde is against. Doing it to humans is one thing, but if she did it to actual members of the horde someone like saurfang would end her for good.

because arguably first race ever and regen powers.

Considering how I had swapped from Orc Warrior to Undead Hunter in Cataclysm, and now am returning to it due to Hunters being fucked beyond relief instead of focusing on a subrace alt as I would have, yes, I am sure I will.

They're unique thanks to trolls being all over the place in pop fantasy. They're also wide spread and divided which means they have to give them unique cultures and features. Sure, there's the whole loa thing they all share, but at least it's something cool that no other race mimes. I find people enjoy their presence rather than playing them however.

>Who the fuck wants to play as nightborne, semenforged dreaneis and pale emo elves?

The same people dumb enough to play WoW in 2017 and being hyped about Classic.

get a computer that can handle 60 fps with several dozen people on screen and lots of background - foreground effects.

practice duels 1v1 again and again. You have to learn how to counter each class and spec compared against your own. Much faster process if you're experienced with the class youre up against.

>Lads why the fuck are they so hot?
Russian accent


so how do "allied races" differ from regular races?
do they start at a higher level like hero classes?

>and being hyped about classic

But the point of classic is to escape current WoW.

>she could basically wrap both hands around her entire waist. bad artist

found the fat roastie

Different racials
20, but they don't have their own starting location as the questline to unlock them replaces that

They are getting really lazy with animal races.

You don't. PvP has been a complete joke since cataclysm and it has never recovered. It's just a complete shitshow and it will probably always remain that way at this point. There is no getting good at it, nobody is good at it anymore. It used to be different and people could be good at it, but times change.

Just spam your abilities and hope for the best i guess. Only thing in PvP that requires any form of brain power is just picking who to get on first, and 9 times out of 10 the answer is any healer you see.

They're definitely a whole head taller.

who gives a fuck