How do I get good at arena shooters? Or fast-paced FPS in general?

How do I get good at arena shooters? Or fast-paced FPS in general?

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You don't. Arena style shooters is an oldass mechanic that so many people want but really comes down to twitch reaction speeds. Also your reaction speeds slow with age, your better off getting into slower paced FPS games with an emphasis on sounds movement and careful shooting.

Fight me you impulsive mouth breathers.

>slow fpses have more emphasis on sound movement than arena shooters
holy lel

You just keep playing them and you will get better.

>spawn abusing
Yeah thanks for proving the typical brainlet logic of arena shooters

You play them. And you get raped so many times that you start learning some habits and can react on impulse to every single situation out there because you've seen yourself killed the very same way a hundred times already. Your body will be reacting before your mind will. That's how you get good.

in fast fps you run around the map at high speed and twitch shoot the first person you see
in slow fps you slowly creep around the map and twitch shoot the first person you see

Keep your ego in check, record footage of yourself playing and observe your mistakes. Ideally find a practice partner better than you who will punish you for your bad habits. Same method as improving at any other game

sound cues are important in some arena fps like quakeworld and quake 2 and sneaking around players and setting up traps is a viable tactic

You post more pictures of Satania, that's how


Go back in time when you were twelve and start playing.

Play the damn game. And acknowledge the fact that you will never be as good as some teen because you reaction gets worse

Thats the year skyrim released though?

Practice. BUT: Stop playing on "auto-pilot", try improving one thing at a time.
For example, try practicing your aim for a few sessions, then work on positioning.
You want to outsmart the other player, let alone outplay them.
For shooters like Quake, keep track of pick-ups. You want to know EXACTLY when the mega and quad damage spawn, and you want to control those areas so that you (or a teammate) can scoop them up the second they pop up.

Stay hydrated. Don't play when you're sleep deprived. DON'T PLAY WHILE TILTED. If you're frustrated after losing a bunch, close the game, get up, stretch, watch YouTube videos, beat-off, etc. You need to avoid unnecessary stress in these games.

get better mouse and framerate and that's it

just give up and stick to singleplayer like I have. I'm 30 now, I don't have the time or the stamina to get gud

Play Overwatch and pretend you it's a game of skill

Play a lot, make sure you know the maps like the back of your hand, and know how to use each of the weapons worth using effectively.

Set up keybinds so that each weapon is easily accessible with the left hand. Learn advanced movement (bunnyhopping etc) if the game has it.

Only start fights when you can't escape or if you know you're at an advantage.


there are plenty of people older than you that are still top tier at afps

Fucking godless degenerate japs. Yall should be ashamed.

Play Payday 2 and Killing Floor 2 on the harder difficulties. It gets your blood pumping and makes focusing on a few people in arena shooter maps easier.

Dumb Sataniaposters

>Twitch reaction speeds
>Man is making obvious jumping noises and is heading down a hallway
>Hold the angle on the doorway he'll come through or spam projectiles to deter him

A lot of people think quake's all about bunny hopping and going sanic, but walking silently can get you a lot of intel if your opponent's fucking around