Games for depression

I'm depressed Sup Forums
give me some games to fill the void

Other urls found in this thread:

Firewatch. It really helped me. No jokes, no meme's, just play Firewatch.

Dragon Quest VIII. It will fill the void with comfort, then give you motivation to improve yourself at the same time. At least it did for me.

I'll check it out.
I'm not sure if I can do long games anymore. I can only play in 20 minute bursts before I need to shut it off.

There's no games that can really fill the void, user. I've been trying for years.

Everyone deserves their happy ending user.


Mother 3.

I've played this before when it 1st game out, make me wish there was some forest exploration game that was not weighted down with survival crafting bullshit, just wandering around the woods, skip some rocks on the water go back to your tower, eat a sandwich, go out on the rails and watch the sunset as you go about the rest of your night... Never ever

It kind of sounds like you don't need a game to experience all that user

Thanks for the recommendations anons. I forgot to add I only have a PC and a PS3 that I barely touch.

Persona 3-5

Perfect escapism games live another life for a few hundred hours

god hand, im not even joking, that game is so fun i cant get sad while playing it.
also this

I made this thread yesterday OP but I appreciate you starting it up again because I’m looking for more games

Funny you should say that, I'm playing it right now. I can't really get into it like I did back when I first tried it out. Never completed it, and it looks like I never will. I'm sorry bro.

OP here, please no console shit.

A Hat in Time

Doki Doki Literature Club

Night in the Woods baybee.

>muh depression

Depression isn’t real faggot. Psychology and mental “illnesses” are a bunch of bullshit invented by Jews to scam the goyims into paying for the placebo pill.
Literally just stop being sad. There, I fixed your problem.

Try Soma, it had a happy very ending

I had a friend like you, once.



its ok man, you like what you like

Ronnie may not be our guy, but he's my guy.

You need more friends like me in order to put you back in line, then. Fucking special snowflake soyboy cuck faggot. All that soymilk is making you fall for the jew.

you have to go back

Etrian Odyssey series

isn't it past your bedtime kiddo?

It was that attitude of his that made things worse. Eventually he turned into a giant asshole and was always ragging and picking on me for feeling the way I do. Things happened in my life. I'm like this for a reason.
But no one ever understands.

tfw no round hairy friend

This is the absolute worst forced meme so far

This is actually a form of psychotherapy, I foget it's name though. I doubt user is using it on purpose though.

this is me

Persona 5
Witcher 3
NieR: A
Super Mario RPG
Paper Mario

RPG's in general

I've already played that. Excellent game.

Quints confirm

Psychonauts takes me back to a simpler time. Colorful environments, funny characters, plenty of creative things to find and interact with, etc.

Just be prepped for some finicky platforming sections and a frustrating final level.

i hope youre merely pretending to be retarded m8 or else i genuinely feel sorry for you


Already played Nier and Witcher, I'll check out the others

basically, what you're saying is, despite the insane complexity of the human brain, nothing ever can go wrong with it.

That seems a bit retarded, doesn't it?

Neverending Nightmares

It is the only thing that I've seen portray depression accurately.

Try this game. It was created a friend of a good friend of mine, and it's been very well received for an indie title.


Katawa Shoujo


Doki doki literature club

So kundalini meditation is one

External cause the depression getting rid of it is inside you

Since people are recommending VNs, try Subarashiki Hibi. It unironically helped me.

Idk what your looking for. If your looking for a game to get you out of depression, sorry friend. Just not real life. If your looking for a game to waste time and take your mind off of it, well thats all games. Soon gonna recommend,


For real tho. You may need some simple, fun, brain dead games. Idk tho. I don't know you. None of "us" do.


The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.4

Why is it that when I post this and that there is bots on this website doing propaganda threads get deleted

Also, how old are you. If old enough, go get a fucking drink, try talking to people. If your too young, idk yp ur situation, there may be ducked up shit, you may just be sad, either way, life is hard. It's not going to be easy.



The external will never fully fix the problems of the internal

Thomas Was Alone

>OP gets a drink
>eventually depends on alcohol to moderate feelings of depression
>becomes an alcoholic
>still is depressed but worse
>commits suicide

Not the greatest advice

As a faggot this honestly turned me on

Does this turn you on as wel

I've already been through addiction and all it did was make my problems worse. I'm in a bad way, that's all that I'm willing to say.
Thanks for the recommendations so far guys. I'm writing these all down.

what the fuck is that even about?

Sorry, didn't know we were dealing with a walking cliche. I'm just saying, life is hard, sometimes your sad, die or don't. Most people do literally everything they can to not die. Always. That's life. If you eat or drink your trying to not die.
So die or don't.

just listen to this

This and any other Team Ico game, hope you get better user

What about this

this false flagging is getting ridiculous


World of Warcraft

Are you implying that I should be surprised that viral marketers are on Sup Forums?

If you don't know this already you're a fucking retard.

>shills exist
WOWEE BREAKING NEWS thank god some autismo put these images together

Super Metroid

Fucking buttslut

It goes beyond that. Literal bots spamming boards and swaying board culture and discussion, to a point where it becomes social engineering.

How about this one

the original nier, metal gear solid 3 subsistence or cave story if you by chance havent played those. Or divinity original sin. Maybe try going for walks more often and enjoy what you can of the sky and trees

VA-11 Hall-A

Already played all those sans OS. I'll give that a try too.
I've tried going for walks and traveling out of state, but at the very best it only provides momentary relief. Eventually the walks stopped working and it just made me more depressed.

Trails in the Sky. I'm playing the first one and while it hasn't exactly filled the void it's enjoyable enough to continue playing it and not drop it. It's a long game though, and it starts kind of slow.

Seconded. It's simple but pretty feel-good for a platformer.

It's kind of cliche advice, but the fresh air and sunlight's still good for you if you can get routine walks in.

Yeah you're right. I'll keep trying it.

Top tier advise, bro

>don't try to emulate, it will just make it worse

Depends on how you want to cope. If you're looking for a game to get lost in, i'd suggest Terraria. It's cheap, tons to do, you can play it with friends, you don't even have to progress if you don't want to and can focus on building any number of comfy village ideas.

Otherwise if you're REALLY looking for something to zone out to for a while, there's always Yume Nikki.

MMORPGs cure depression in my case. The feeling of a living world with real people in it and changing events with different seasons really gets me playing the game and having fun. Single player games usually capture my interest for 20 minutes or less.

DONT DO THIS it makes depression gas.

I like getting lost in game worlds. Sometimes I just like to explore maps and kill things, like you could in FNV. I have Terraria, I'll add that to the list.
Could never get into MMOs. The questing isn't really my taste, and I don't particularly like social games.

I might try to get back to Stardew Valley, but my impulse to rush everything is making me play the game in a stressful manner. How do people take things slow when a single game day goes by so quick?

There is something called the provocative method. Pretty sure it is used so that people face specific problems but don't see how it helps with a depression.

Far Cry Blood Dragon.
That'll do you right in.