Drama aside, loot boxes aside...

Drama aside, loot boxes aside, from a general gameplay perspective can anyone who owns the game give me feedback if the game is actually fun? I liked the first one honestly

It is bad and if you liked the first one you should kill yourself

yeah its pretty good and I don't get why this games lootboxes in particular got so much attention. when I actually looked through it all in game its fairly easy to get anything you want in the game from just playing a moderate amount. I am glad the microtransactions are gone for the moment though.

what bothers me now is everyone is talking about the lootboxes--all these people who don't even own the game and now any actual balance type issues will be glossed over.

It's as good as the originals, nostalgiafag

>It's as good as the originals

Not an argument. they were fucking ass,
be honest with yourself already

BF2 is actually fun and has better gameplay than the old ones. Old ones had better mode selection and shit though

It's ok

I like the dogfight mode

Nice shit taste senpai it's not like you have any understanding of what constitutes a good game anyway since you buy EAshit

Have to buy to find out how it is. Only bought the first EA game though.

Old BF2's single player was literally bot matches. Be honest with yourself.

Its bland as fuck.

And the star cards just unbalance everything.

Campaign is shit too. Storywise and gameplay.

Have you ever played a game

it's a little dull. looks beautiful, but the maps are too small, there's no conquest, and they got rid of all the fun gunplay from bf4

bout 15 hours in and Im having fun, only played galactic assault so far, only OP broken shit ive seen is some guy had the 3rd officer weapon fully unlocked with explosive rounds but you cant get that from lootboxes only from getting kills with the gun so eh


Galactic Assault is a million times better with the class system and battle points system for spawning vehicles/elites/heroes. Roll being brought back is also very nice.

Heroes vs Villains is also massively improved as there are no more troopers, it's 4v4 all heroes and rather than everyone having one life heroes are randomly assigned as targets and the teams must kill the enemy target before theirs is killed.

Strike has some fucked up maps but is generally fun if you like playing as the base troopers and elites.

I couldn't give less of a fuck about blast or starfighters

main character defects

You're missing out.
Starfighter Assault is FUN AS FUCK.


>buy chewbacca on a whim after having unlocked luke and vader
>fuck around with him for a minute in Heroes vs Villains
>he's literally better than Boba Fett
>L1 is Kylo Ren's freeze
>R1 is a combination of Han's charge and Luke's pulse
>L1 R1 keeps his bowcaster fully charged
>charged bow shots knock people jumping or rocket-packing down as if they got force pushed

>if the game is actually fun?

It's not.

You can literally buy your way to victory

If you liked the first one you will probably like the second one.

I on the other hand got it refunded after three hours of playing it.might have been moderately entertaining if its player base wasnt some of thee dumbest mother fuckers on the planet.
>Dude pops on screen the shields down shoot the thing retard!
>Nobody shoots thing even with giant blinking shoot me icon and a literal pointer that shows you where it and when its vulnerable through fucking walls and terrain
>See a squad worth of guys unloading on it when it clearly shows the shield up
Fuck modern gamings a shit hole. Even if the game was decent it wouldn't matter if your player base is retarded.

Been playing non-stop past 2 days, same with my friends. It's got a shit load of content, 10/10 presentation and is actually pretty fucking fun. All the game play changes have been for the better (besides the shit they did to heroes; having more than 1 on the field, random era heroes, etc)

there are problems with the games like the useless squad system. you have this bonus multiplier in the middle of your screen at all times that you can't turn off. tanks are probably too OP (got 60 kills and like 40k battle points with the aat earlier) maps have obvious bias as far as attacking and defending goes. sometimes it comes down to your team standing in a doorways and them shooting at the doorways until your tickets are gone.
not sure the reason but on some maps the heroes battle point costs are different. one map yoda will be 6k and rey will be 8k when yoda is like 10 times better than rey.

except there are no micro transactions so you literally can't.

You are an idiot if you think that's going to stay like that.

very repetitive and cheesy gameplay with a shitload of grenade spam and literally nothing but zerg tactics the entire time. unbalanced as fuck when you throw in the lootcrates and pay to win. the only positive is it's fucking drop dead gorgeous, but ugly as fuck once you look past its graphics.

Hero cost is relative to whether the hero is from that era or not.
So on Kashyyk, Yoda and Chewie are cheaper while Han and Luke are more expensive.

by the time they implement it I will have unlocked 90% of the shit anyways. The people bitching about star cards are retarded, they're cheap as fuck to buy in game

>not sure the reason but on some maps the heroes battle point costs are different. one map yoda will be 6k and rey will be 8k when yoda is like 10 times better than rey
I think that has to do with Era. On Naboo Palace and Kashyyk Maul is 6k but on Star Killer Base is 8k (vice versa for Kylo Ren).

>by the time they are done I will have spent 5 years unlocking shit
Sure user

I dont own it but I played the beta, and the reviewers are saying its pretty much unchanged from that, meaning it plays the exact same as the 1st game. meaning its not good.

>No down the sights unless you're a sniper.

Every hero is 10 times better than rey

>5 years
more like 5 weeks lol, I've played for 10+ hours and only need 5 more heroes and have most of the star cards I want.

People bitching about the system haven't actually seen it, as of right now, it's fucking 100 percent fine. And this is coming from someone who fucking hates everything EA does.

go into first-person...

the game is enjoyable, but just like the first game, it's easy and repetitive. the grind doesn't help.

Jesus Christ. That's such a load of shit. I have it and just finished playing a 7 hour session with my friends and it's fun but no where near as good as the originals.

Less Maps
No droidikas
Less Hero's
No Conquest more
Shitty Story
No vehicles where anyone could get in and out of them
No landing and taking off
No force jump for force users

It's a fun game but you are delusional. Only thing new one bears in is graphics and that's a given.

Or assault

and by weeks I mean playing on and off, not straight gametime

No. But even then, the ones that were were still more enjoyable.
$5 to the bloatware borg machine for 10 hours taught me as such.

>No vehicles where anyone could get in and out of them
user why do you feel the need to lie like this.
>No force jump for force users

>Less Maps
>Less hero's
>No vehicles where anyone could get in and out of them
>No vehicles where anyone could get in and out of them

At least play it or watch a video of it before you make shit up about it

user stop, the EA shills are too stupid to understand

I want dual saber anakin added

I love how no matter how streamlined, watered down, casualized, etc. video games get, these braindead troglodytes still somehow fail a simple game mechanic. This all seems like a zero sum game. The only thing going on in that rattler of theirs is "bang" and "shooty." I mean, good lord, I swear 3 quarters of the people I'm playing with and against don't even know a mini-map exists. The damn thing's borderline wallhacking. I fucking hate this industry.

WTF I own it motherfucker, I just played hours of it.

if you liked the first one just buy the BF2 deluxe edition + season pass like a good little cuck. you are beyond saving and like eating shit anyway.

who needs good gameplay, combined arms, teamwork, and a glorious clusterfuck of all thing star wars when ITS LIKE COD BUT WIF WELL GUD GRAFICS M8 10/10

Holy shit bait or not kill yourself

>no droidekas
>no magna guard
Some serious missed opportunities. Not that this whole travesty hasn't been one big missed opportunity. Only EA can fuck up this hard with a brand like Star Wars.

>game is getting shit reviews from gaming journalists
uh huh..

It really is amazing to see how horribly the game is doing. It deserves it since the quality of the game is garbage to begin with but I still love it

>he actually bought it

I am actually having a great time playing Star Wars Battlefront II Deluxe Edition. The fact that EA removed the pay for crystals system really shows that they care and take critical feedback into account.

Pic related, me having a blast in Star Wars Battlefront II

I've never watched the new films, but is the Rey character this insufferable?

I shit you not when I tell you Disney Wars is some of the worst high produced garbage available

better than the first one infintely

The gameplay itself *is* fun. It feels similar to the originals with the rolls and camera work, but not exactly the same. The multiplayer modes I played (HerovHero and 20v20) were entertaining, and the challenges were nice and felt easy enough to have a decent income even with the shitty-ass in-game currency bullshit.
HOWEVER, none of that shit matters because I based my purchase on the campaign. It was gunna be a lose/lose no matter how I played my cards purchasing the game regarding the story. I'm deeply upset that I picked it up, because the one thing I knew I did not want to happen happened. And that just kills the rest of the game for me because if I play multiplayer the only thing I'll be thinking is
>Why is Iden Empire in mupltiplayer? She's not Empire.

Yes. In the movie she literally mastered force powers in a span of no more than 15 minutes after watching Kylo Ren throw a temper tantrum in front of her.

stop enjoying things. especially when they're ripping you off

This is literally all true you dumb cuck. The only thing that has some basis is the vehicle part where you spawn in on a menu.

She's a mary sue. In the span of one movie she
>uses the force without previous training
>resists psychic Sith interrogation
>is shown to be an expert fighter pilot
>discovers Han Solo, Chewie and the Millennium Falcon in 15 minutes
>escapes certain death four times
despite her background being a simple scavenger on a desert shithole.

What is the point of playing anything not assault class?

So its bad to have a Mary Sue but a Gary Stue like Anakin is ok? Nice fucking logic

You're retarded.

Underneath the EA jew trickery it's a very good game. Basically an updated version of Pandemic BF2.

I'll end up buying it on sale if they get rid of all the lootboxes or put in Ahsoka.

>guy with serious temper tantrun issues that winds up slaughtering hundreds of innocents is a Gary Stu
I mean, sure, he's a bland The Chosen One, but he's still not some paragon of virtue.

It's a lot closer to the original games than Battlefieldfront

Some people like to be snipers
you got your general healsluts
And then there is me, who likes to just shoot down ranger and keep shooting until I run out of bullets.

shut up.

Did you miss the part where Anakin became Darth Vader?

It's based on era to incentivize picking a hero appropriate to the time period instead of always going with the biggest OP shitters.

ie. Han is cheaper in the OT whereas Yoda is cheaper in the PT maps.

Not all that different from Luke Skywalker who was raised on a moisture farm in a backwoods desert planet.

And he's treated like a mother fucking God.

so you ignore everything about his character. got it

Luke wasnt using Jedi mind tricks and dueling trained sith without lightsaber training in a new hope

Yes, but not worth $60. Wait for sale.

And Darth Vader was a slave making sand castles for his owner

Congrats on being the dumbest motherfucker in the thread!

For the record, Gary Stu's are not whiny autistic child/wife murderers. Retard.

Luke was always naturally mechanically inclined and flew a ship around tatooine. This is backed up by movie dialogue (T-16, womp rats. etc). His fighter profiency is at least explainable to some degree.

Han-Solo was just a rando smuggler in a dive bar so Luke meeting him isn't all that significant right away. Just lucky that Han turned out to be a bro.

Luke was trained in the ways of the force first by Obi-Wan and then Yoda and still got his ass kicked by Vader the first time, and only beat him the second time because, in fairness, Vader is a geriatric old man in a handicapped suit and Vader didn't want to kill him anyway.

In short, Luke's positive qualities actually make sense, unlike Rey who can miraculously pilot the Falcon despite no dialogue indicating she's ever done in aerial combat, can use the force/lightsabers with no training, even knowing the Jedi mind trick despite the fact that's a very high level jedi technique, and manages to coincidentally find Han and Chewie in a galaxy of trillions of people. Luke meets failure several times and endures hardships, Rey succeeds at everything with ease.

She also understands Chewie right off the bat

I don't completely disagree and she is a relatively disappointing character when compared, but it looks like they're going for the all-out HIDDEN POTENTIAL sort of meme plot with her in the next ones to explain away her latent ability.

Either way I'd advise not worrying so much about it and either enjoy it for what it is or don't bother watching it. You know full well the new trilogy and spin offs will have nowhere near the masterful execution of the original trilogy so if you continue to watch and compare them you're only gonna be disappointed friend.

>just turn your brain off lol