I fucking hate normalfags
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Is Konami even trying anymore?
AT least Star Wars isn't in there.
Why doesn't Sup Forums like FIFA? I thought you guys were all about gameplay and skill.
i dont even like sports games but let people enjoy whatever they play you faggot
What the fuck is Pokken doing there
Why the fuck does it bother you that a game and company that you have no interest in sells well?
>10 NS Pokken Tournament 75,599
Because with that money EA will buy more companies to ruin.
Can't fight the Messi
because it does have an impact on the industry
>Destiny 2
Choose one
Ronaldo is the face of Fifa, Barcacuck.
I could beat you 100 games of fifa in a row
Choose one
I gave FIFA a fair shake the other night but I fucking sucked and it wasn't any fun.
how can they even compete with fucking EA cock blocking Konami with a fucking licensing extension till 2022
>soccer as a whole
It's all about hockey mang
I like to play it in couch multiplayer from time to time, but that's it.
I prefer fifa with cars.
And whose fault is it that they trade publicly? If those companies cared about the work they do they wouldn't lube up their buypussy in front of investors who only care about money.
I hate kids who like jap pedo fluffy porn, I think they are mentally challenged.
>FIFA 18 sells 4x better on the PS4
>That kid who says if you dont like something in a game just vote with your wallet and dont buy it in protest
Europe is Sony's stronghold.
9 casual shit and then there's fucking Trails of Cold Steel III out of nowhere. it stands out so much in there.
Bless falcom and their crazy writers
Can you run a route, break off from a defender and get to your designated position to catch a pass that's quite literally practically in air before you even manage to star running? Now compare that to kicking a ball around for half an hour
Nothing wrong about the game itself but:
>It is the epitome of braindead creativity in game development and quick easy buck for big corporations.
>There's certainly no need of a yearly release but they still do it because it still sells
>They occupy Top seller positions throughout the whole year and titles that take risks fall into obscurity
>They keep EA drowning in money so they don't have to worry too much about upsetting people with insane anti customer politics.
It kind of sucks
I like it though because my EA stock goes up in price.
Well, they are the ones promoting the game along the machine. Aren't there some cheap Fifa bundles available?
Any time you ever think “EA cancered up this AAA game. They’re finished and gonna be bankrupt!” Just remember they have a yearly license to literally print money by releasing slightly tweaked versions of FIFA and World Cup editions every year and 4 years respectively.
Ah, yes, from the savior of gaming Konami.
I'm honestly surprised a niche JRPG is selling so well.
Oh I'm laughing
reminder that some better developer could just make a FUN soccer game that didnt have any micro transaction crap but casuals want the stupid and useless team licensing.
I dont get why GTA got away with years of made up cars but people just need their Ferrari and Manchester.
Im confused, how does it not contain gameplay?
Is it because you dont sit there clicking left mouse whilst writing poerty and eating cakes
Shouldn't you be glad that nongamers are subsidizing the games industry by putting money into it? Who do you think is buying all those ps4s?
And Madden and NBA 2k and NHL
>Star Wars
Sports games are so boring, how do normies buy them every year?
Where are you seeing this?
You could say that about any game genre.
Its all down to tastes.
You hate sports other love them & hate say rpg's.
Reminder that Sega and Midway's sports games were the last era of good sports games.
They honestly don't know any better. The games that are immediately seen as "cool" and not nerdy shit is CoD and sport games.
NA and Japan will always be irrelevant.
Said the shut in Nerd
If you play or like the sport, they're pretty fun. Madden is fucking great with friends and as a Lions fan, it's the closest I'll ever get to seeing my team win the Super Bowl
Fifa is unironically one of the best games ever made
Why are they boring? Playing sports games with your friends locally is a lot more fun than most other games. The only ones that are on the same level are Smash and Mario Kart.
>the two regions that buy games other than Fifia
Because they usually play 2 games a year, FIFA and COD. By the time the fun has worn off they're ready for the next one. People being angry about this is funny, it's common behaviour.
IIDX is still one of the most (if not the most) skill based game around.
Do people that are really into films get mad at people like me who only pay to go the cinema to see the summer block busters because of the effects while just watching everything else in the house? Am I the normie?
Biggest sport & most watched in the world and Amerifatties obsessed with anime hurr durr why a game about it sells so much.
Its hardly rocket science
Madden's gotten better over time but NBA 2k will always be the best.
>wildly inaccurate data
>constant edits of data after more analysis comes out to appear accurare
>releasing data for games that haven't even released
>STILL haven't updated accurate wii software sales data, by 50 fucking million off
>DS data is by fucking 100 million off
Why do we even take them seriously again?
FIFA, and sports games in general, can be done in real life.
Whats that got to do with anything?
99% of people arent premiership footballers or world class players, this game allows them to be
Shooting, platforming, hack and slashing, and almost any video game genre can be done in real life too.
t. SEETHING nintekid.
I can't tell if you're saying this because you think it's good bait or if you actually believe it
Don't project yourself onto me, nigger. You know nothing about me except your boring carbon-copy sport "games" you swallow every year.
>he's also a Lions fan
KEK. I'm in Michigan as well. Fuck those faggots. May they continue to lose forever so everyone here can stop caring about egghand.
Eat shit faggot, the fact that you think football is the same every year just shows your ignorance about the sport. Get fucked, Hope you get shot by a stray bullet this hunting season
>t. kiddydiddled redneck looking at fat niggers in spandex grabbing balls
*I don't play your
It is. What can you possibly do to change up football games each year except update the graphics and the players?
It encourages companies that make games I actually like to chase those "call of duty" or sports games numbers and thus abandon making the games I actually like
Sport games are for chad non Sup Forumsirgins
>Do people that are really into films get mad at people like me who only pay to go the cinema to see the summer block busters because of the effects while just watching everything else in the house?
idk about movies, but /lit/fags are always butthurt that I only read fantasy
Europe doesn't know anything about videogames
It's fine to play sports games but buying the same game every year is stupid.
>Unironically enjoying the gayest sport on the planet
>get mad at people like me
nobody cares about you, it's pretty sad you belief acting a certain way makes you special and enrage people. Do you happen to be Euro?
They should be dlc updates that are maybe $15-30 but EA knows the suckers will buy a full priced game for small updates.
Stay salty povertyball loving faggot
Rule changes, new plays and strategies, ect. as I said, you know nothing about football and if you did, you'd recognize why there's a new Madden game annually.
Fantasy is the most plebian genre in literature, that's why. I bet you like Harry Potter you faggot
Yoooo brooo you got the new FIFA? You got that new MADDEN? Hahaaaaa helll yea SPORTS BALL
he fingered his ass but with respect.
Do you have foreskin? Do you have brown eyes? Do you have black hair?
More of a Stormlight Archive, Lightbringer, Demon Cycle kind of guy, but case in point right here
Fun filename threads get pruned and deleted but this whiny garbage is allowed to stay up
>These madmen didn't classifiy for the WC
Feels bad man
I'm really happy the sports genre exist
It means there is a containment genre for the most dudest of bros
>running a predestined line that glows nice and neon on your UI is skill
>wow a whole pass in the air so hard to catch, now imagine if everyone in football had big stretch armstrong arms and didn't give a fuck about vertical distance, that's what a pass in soccer is like
>now compare that to constant movement as opposed to ten seconds of sprints and a 2 minute cooldown as you press faces with the boys
I don't even like Soccer but you're a massive faggot
>why buy games when you can pirate!
>I fucking hate when normie games sell well
Oh Sup Forums
>i fucking hate black console consumers*
fixed that for you muh nigguh
Best Soccer games?
>LITERAL manchildren who were completely uncoordinated spastics through school and suffered constant bullying by chad jocks with physical talent, thus leading them to spend way more time than is healthy playing video games to escape their failings in the real world
>trying to claim superiority over the same Chad Jocks who, 5-10 years later, buy FIFA and Madden each year to play and enjoy when not involved in their successful and fulfilling lives that was brought about by the charisma, social skills and self-esteem that was grown by dunking the heads of nerds in the school toilet
blacks hate soccer. its everyone in europe buying fucking FIFA along with mexicans and white ultra normies
I swam in high school. In America all the soccer kids weren't cool. They were like weird euro short dudes.
Mostly the skaters got laid.
>blacks hate soccer
Just the American ones
Africans love povertyball since it's the only sport they can afford to play.
Protip: There's a reason every self respecting company and media outlet uses NPD for US sales and not vgchartz
Because playing soccer past the age of 10 if you're not a girl is suspect and means you're a faggot incapable of playing a real sport like football, basketball, baseball, or hockey.
If fifa was released every 2 years, and they would just sell a dlc with the roster updates in between, I'd be actually hyped about whatever changes they do to the game.
But Europeans have superior tastes, they said...
>no skill
Kill yourself user
I thought the overlap between Sup Forums and Sup Forums was bigger tbqh