>party member dies and there's nothing you can do
Party member dies and there's nothing you can do
>MC is a complete edgelord but he becomes a functional member of society at the end
>weebshit JRPG but it's actually a beautiful masterpiece
>party member dies because of random event, and theres nothing you can do about it if you play on pain mode
>enemy can snap your party members head and instantly erase them from existance, you cant revive them either
>Your main protagonist goes insane and becomes a monster
>Party member dies
>W, A, Space
>Party member lives
>protag is an edgelord and kills himself, soon it's successor continues his legacy but making things right this time
>you can go out of your way to save them
>they're dead in the sequel regardless
>MC is a functional member of society that slowly turn into an edgelord trying to save the world and ends up being seen as the villain by everyone
glad you could make it, Uther
>There is only a single good party member, but he is scripted to die and not be replaced
>Sylvia, can't you see what you are doing? Can't you see I'm scared to speak,
and I hate my voice 'cause it only makes you angry
>Sylvia, I only talk when you are sleeping. That's when I tell you everything. And I imagine that somehow you're going to hear me
I really don't know how to feel about this album
>player has to learn to swim
>pump party member full of experience and gear
>dies in story and all of those resources disappear
>temptation to restart the game and not use that character seeps in
>party member tells you dont ever let anymone tell you you deserved that
Same here.
Can't believe it's still Sup Forumscore.
Kettering is one of my favourite songs
fucking lewd, user
>player teaches bitches how to swim
>not liking the most emotional album
>party member can't swim
>have to pull them out of the ocean while an underwater bossfight happens
>isolated, crazy astronaut finds secret to life and death and comes back from dead
>goes on a crusade to found massive space empire
>in his quest for massive stability he forged the perfect society; sterilizid, ageless, dominated by his will, only clones of him are new births
>at the high of power with a massive space empire he sees that life is meaningless without change, because nothing changes, there is nothing to do and no progress is made anymore
>he crushes his planet into the space anomaly who gave him his powers and destroys everything he created to serve as a warning
>part member gets mononucleosis but make at the end
There's definitely some songs in there that I enjoy and it sure knows how to hit hard in some points, but I still don't know how to feel about it
>party member is a total homo but he's still your bro
>game is a spiritual sequel to a cult classic
>party member is the epitome of a numale
>party member gets dragged down by the stone
>party member sometimes speaks gibberish that even he doesn't understand
>party member goes to the deepest grave where he should sleep alone
>calling my husband a numale
what are some other good joy division songs like Disorder?
Ceremony......that's all
>consumable buffs can't be stacked
What am I looking at?
God that was fucking amazing, can't imagine what a studio version and the rest of the album would've been like
Ian you dolt
Some dead rapper.
>kawaii party member gets crushed
Lil Peep's overdosed corpse
His friend filmed him jokingly thinking he was just passed out but he was actually dead, Xanax laced with Fentanyl
That is some wild parties you go.
>party member wishes he were dead
>Party member is the best character but leave the party early and never returns
>party member fits the sad clown archetype