Whos your favourite video game videos maker?
Whos your favourite video game videos maker?
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Kill yourself.
His autism is actually decent to listen to while I'm playing Sup Forumsidya.
No, fuck off.
He was my first LPer i watched. Pretty comfy.
>"dude le random humor so fucking funny xd"
You need to be 18+ to post here.
Some like his older videos because he was more depressed sounding and not overly horny since sniffing puss for the first time a handful of years ago, but I dunno, his autism has different phases and different pros and cons. I agree, his shit is comfy most of the time unless he goes full autismo and genuinely screams over shit like catching a legendary Pokemon in a poke ball or some shit.
Consider suicide. Both of you.
No thanks, I'm fairly content with my life, so there's no need.
Don't have a favourite.
I watch tbfp but they haven't been too great recently. Matt's streams are pretty cool though.
Oney plays
are a few
Does anyone else remember cloud8745?
He's pretty cool but I don't watch his recent stuff.
i feel like tbfp were good like 3 years ago, kind of fell off watching them and game grumps back then
I know this guy is a literally who but I've been watching him for a looooooong time. His videos are really well paced. Watch his bloody roar retrospective.
cant think of any others
once again proving all yuroshits need a range ban
>I don't watch his recent stuff.
Any reason? Is he overly jovial these days, and is offputting because of it? Because I could understand that, shit, it annoys me sometimes, too.
Dont do it for you.
do it for us.
cleanse the genepool from your mouthbreathing genes.
Alchestbreach. It's a shame that new Vegas mods are dying I'm not that into his fallout 4 videos.
I wish I could date brutalmoose he's a cute funny man. I live in Seattle too
Ross' Game Dungeon
Who hurt you, user?
Brutalmoose because he doesnt do the same shit as everyone else and is actually entertaining
Guru Larry
Do you even know what that means you fucking memelord?
this guy does a great job youtube.com
>call someone a mouthbreather
>implying this isn't projecting
I'm not a mouthbreather, I don't see why'd you even come to that assumption.
Sam Hyde.
I like ACG for his walk the walk videos
you fools are all wrong killian experiance is the best youtuber dunky isnt silly enough
That's the good shit
Anyone have the balls to try and DDOS my new fully setup server ;) it's one of the best yet + it's almost impossible to DDOS cause i programmed it myself
Try if you can: (actual private ip)
i like killians gay little accent
best girl
nypa maybe Sup Forums will fall for it
I don't know, he's pretty funny and I love puns, but I guess it's just the games, they seem to similar and just sequels or prequels of other stuff he did.
I'd love it if he played mother 3 or maybe Eternal Sonata (he mentioned liking those before) and just different types of games in general.
lol imagine going into clearly labelled threads on subjects you don't enjoy, just so you can be a jerk
>i love puns
Right now it's the Bittersweet Gamers, they like to go on long tangents trying to figure out characters, the story, etc. while doing their LPs.
You should see their LP of Danganronpa they have going right now, the case 2 trial was like having 3 Kiyotakas.
I'm not so fond of Vinesauce right now, I just have this bleh feeling that he doesn't give a shit at all, that sucks any enjoyment out of his videos. Like Miitopia, constantly fast-forwarding and auto-attacking.
OneyPlays are fun in short spurts, I'm also watching this furry called Voltorn Elda who's alright.This guy called Tom hasn't updated in a long while, pretty good LPs of Ace Attorney, Danganronpa and he played Silent Hill 2 for the first time.
Posting all this, any recommendation for an LP of Miitopia? I'm playing myself but y'know.
>Bittsersweet Gamers
What a shitty name oh my god
Game grumps, obviously
>mother 3
I believe he already did that like in 2010 or 11
>video game videos maker
wait actually he did in '09
Honestly any name with 'Gamer' 'Gaming' etc. at the end is usually just terrible. I don't disagree.
Oh never mind
I thought he was against piracy and said he wasn't gonna do it
good taste
>I lik bunkay!11
Research Indicates
2nd Jerma
said the rest for me
Good taste
>I don't watch Dunkey, I watch my original screeching monkey, Blunkey
still waiting to rewatch super luigi galaxy or pikmin. shit's comfy yo
>watch his old videos
>constant self deprecating humor the entire time
>watch his new videos
>constant puns the entire time
I don't know which I don't like more.
no fuck off
Old Game Grumps was genuinely funny. They were both pretty bad at games and lacked knowledge but they still had great personalities.
Ross "THE MOVIE" Scott
Video game dunkey is literally the lowest energy persona I've ever "experienced". How people like him is unfathomable to me.
The only right answer here
Literally /ourguy/
>I need people to scream and overreact to feel engaged
Kyle Bosman, GameTrailers or EZA. Incredibly talented
I'll never understand why people like this guy so much. His Sonic Mania review in particular was obnoxious, and I liked that game a lot.
>not evn close bby xDDDD
Post your racist image macros on Sup Forums, not Sup Forums.
>Preemptively screaming RAYCIS
wrong website, sweetie ;)
97% of his videos are reliably funny
I knew people would take his absolute shit tier bait.
Fitzthistlewits ;_;
Why are all of you so fucking GAY
No it's just that I don't find people in unironical comas to be particularly engaging.
>not being gay
Why does Dunkey expect people to take him serious when he just makes weird sounds and shit.
>it's a serious dunkey video
Swordlings are patiently awaiting his new video
How do we remove ecelebs from Sup Forums? They're completely off topic and have nothing to do with video games.
Sup Forums - social media & youtube
>this thread
Jokes on you, that was from my sexist folder
I remember years ago watching his Pokemon Emerald lets play, one of the few I've ever watched all the way through. Informative interesting and funny, I'd put it up their with the best LP's of all time.
I used to like them, but then during the mothers be aware interview I realized I fucking hate all of them
Zack Scott
northernlion exclusively
hey hey people
>Enjoy a Youtuber's content
>Check them out on social medias
>They're insufferable
Don't meet your heroes, kids.
Shame he doesn't make videos anymore.
owo whats this
He's getting more and more political with every video.
Or just be able to separate content from its creator as we as humans have done for the hundreds of years we've been on this planet after Xenu placed us here.