Driving with friends to Costco

>driving with friends to Costco
>two of them start talking about bf2 and how anyone who naught it are scum
>"hehe yeah guys"
>tfw I bought bf2 but can't even discuss it with my friends lest they ostracize me.

Are you happy Sup Forums? you and your Reddit bandwagon have made it impossible for people who want to play games to enjoy and discuss them without it becoming a MORAL issue, I just want to play my Star Wars game.

>Are you happy Sup Forums?

Why? Why are you happy. Because someone who isn't you might buy a loot box? That's their choice and I'm not even saying that ironically

>Caring so much about what your friends or others might think to the point you hide a game that you decided to buy

Your friends are based and your taste is shit. You don't deserve them

At least I have friends

>buying an EA game
holy shit you are stupid

No so much the lootboxes, because you bought a Star Wars EA game, willingly giving money to EA. You deserve to be ostracised for that alone.

>Reddit told me EA is bad so I don't buy games because I'm totally individual and not a slave to people's opinions on the Internet

Yeah, lets just forget about how pic related happened to visceral games not long ago or how Respawn are next after EA acquired them.

Look, this is gonna sound trolly but their recent games before they were shut down and their talent redistributed were kinda shit.

fair enough, Dead space 3 was shit. I hadn't even realized they were the ones who made battlefield hardline. Bioware's properly going to be next if Anthem doesn't do well enough, especially after Andromeda.

user, the moment they look at your achievement progress, they would know.

>if you don't like something that other people also happen to not like it means you can't think for yourself

>Buying an EA game
OP once again proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a colossal faggot.

>implying Sup Forums hasn't hated EA since at least 2011
Fuck off or lurk moar you little shit. Even Jupiter knew EA were scum.

>Are you happy Sup Forums?

Pretty much, yeah. Social ostracization of socially unacceptable and unethical practices of legal activities has been a crux of functioning civilization for thousands of years.

It isn't their fault you're a giagantic fucking pussy who doesn't have the balls to accept that people might not like your opinion.

>Sup Forums
>buying games

>I get autistic and my butt starts hurting because I care about a video game company I have had no direct interaction with
Publisher autists are Reddit trash, on the same level as console warriors and e-celebs

The same year Plebbit trash started coming here

The same year as the turd of Dragon Age 2, faggot.

You'd know.