You're playing a 3 vs 3 Power Rangers fighting game. Who do you put on your squad?
Power Rangers
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Red, Green, and Pink rangers. Chad, Punished Chad, and Stacy always win.
Zordon, Green and Blue.
If I need to fight a tournament match, Pink, White and Blue.
Tommy, Tommy and Tommy
>MMPR Plebs
I use motherfucking Zhane, Doggie Kreuger and Zeo Gold.
Even as a hardcore Power Rangers fan, who the fuck is the Green Ranger in the middle?
Anyways, Carter (Lightspeed Rescue) Jen (Time Force), Eric (Time Force)
>hardcore power rangers fan
Those exist?
I don't see why noone has made a decent Power Rangers game in years. Other franchises based on selling toys have managed to get a few decent titles out in the past 5 to 6 years
Green Ranger V2, from a fan production made by Bat in the Sun.
Yes. The show is goofy, but its had some God-tier moments. Like pretty much all of Countdown to Destruction
You can't make one based on a single series because they come out too fast; by the time you have it made and released the next series is out. Your only hope is a mashup game like this, which was a solid side scrolling beat em up.
There are fans for other live action kids shows so why not?
tommy verde
>You can't make one based on a single series because they come out too fast
The Japanese manage to do it well enough.
Sup faggots. Heard you were talking about Power Rangers without me.
Carter, Wes and Eric
I'm gonna make a controversial statement, but fuck it: Bulk and Skull from MMPR to In Space have more development than most other Rangers.
Carter Grayson, Casey Rhodes, and the most MOTIVATED Ranger
Three Zhanes.
Well they were in more shows than almost anyone so it makes sense.
Is that really controversial? They're the only characters that remained throughout that many seasons of the series, and went through several jobs and personality shifts.
>three zhanes
This nigga knows whats up.
>tfw Bulk finally became a ranger
>Samurai one of the laziest adaptations ever
>skips Shinken Brown
The thing is though, they went from bumbling idiot bullies to heroes in the show. When I was getting into Power Rangers when I was 13/14 I honestly got goosebumps during Countdown to Destruction when Bulk and Skull were the ones who lead the resistance.
Ecliptor, Magna Defender, Carter Grayson (LSR Red)
>Tommywank: The Character
The comics aren't bad, but it's lame that they don't explore the other seasons that much aside from a few visual references
You fuck Magna Defender and his Pay To Win bullshit.
I will never not be fucking mad.
>ancient viking ranger spirit needs a body to possess
>"oh this guy looks big and strapping, he's probably some kind of warlord"
>spirit possesses Bulk of all fucking people
Bulk not being Dino Charge Cyan was a fucking crime.
Marketing value user. Some people don't even know Zeo exists and it ended with Season 3.
>that crooked half-smile
He knew he was getting dropped like a sack of hammers after that.
Why was The "Legendary Battle" so bad? Look at Forever Red, or fuck, not even an anniversary episode but Fighting Spirit in Dino Thunder. That's fucking proper fanservice.
But there were a bunch of MMPR games, and at least one was great.
A. They cut like 95% of the existing footage because "#notmycanon"
B. Tzachor was too cheap of a fuck to film anything to fill the gaps.
I will take Dekamaster against 100 opponents.
That's not based Cruger.
Bridge (SPD Green)
Ziggy (RPM Green)
Green is always the best character.
if Cruger's so cool then where's HIS theme song sung by Isao Sasaki?
>that feel when I can't enjoy white ranger at all because it reminds me of that little fucking brat Kibaranger
Obviously you should go with Tommy (Dino Charge Black version) for the experience in leading multiple ranger teams, and any two guys from Super Megaforce for their ability to use anyone else's powers.
Sun Vulcan and the Go-Busters
Nobody knows who the fuck that is.
It was nice that DC didn't need to ride on MMPR.
Though what really pissed me off was them not adapting Navy/Talon ranger. Bandai should've forced them or something.
the dude that sings this song, jesus, try to pay attention
even if you don't know who the singer is, Kreuger's theme is sexy as fuck and nobody cares about the fucking lizard thing we got
Blame Nickelodeon for forcing a bunch of quota hires halfway through Dino Charge.
But seriously, why don't we have a Marvel Vs. Capcom style fighting game with tons of fucking Rangers to pick from? It would be fucking gold.
Still nobody knows or cares who circular logic nippon is.
They kept asking the audience to make what were essentially vines. Did anyone her actually do that?
Saban is a fucking jew, no, really, no developer in their right mind would agree to any of his contract demands.
>no lightspeed or timeforce
But who was the best villain?
Why is it fucking Dino Thunder did callbacks to MMPR better than Megaforce/Super Megaforce? I mean the Trent plot is pretty much note for note the "Green with Evil" 5 parter. Tommy even tells this to the group
> You shouldn't give up on Trent, I was once in a similar situation as him." That's a great callback. If Dino Thunder can do it, why not Megaforce/Super Megaforce?
There's a lot of series that are missing that I'm sad about. No SPD for example. But no, now we get ANOTHER fucking Jungle Fury character added today.
>No Ranger/Sentai Musou
Of all the series that would make a great Musou its this shit. So many characters to chose from, so many mooks to beat up.
Maybe have each team have a shared moveset with slight variations so you could play as any member. Each team would effectively be one character with 5 variations. Otherwise we'd probably get red rangers only
Zeo Gold
Magna Defender
although if I got to pick anybody
>DBZ vs PR by Arcsys
Green Ranger because you have to have JDF SOMEWHERE in there.
Black Ranger for HIP HOP KIDO combos
Bulk and Skull to style the fuck out of my opponent and use the broken as fuck BURGASAURUS and DOGASAURUS morphs.
I'm good with this. You pick a team and whatever member you want, all of their basic moves are the same but they each have a unique Musou. I'd be happy with that.
Black, Red, White
Blue a shit, Yellow a shit, Pink a shit. Only Black, Red and White were true athletes. Pink gym shit not enough, Blue was some nerd scientist and Pink did fuck-all nothing. My nigga Black was a break dancer, Red was a Chad jock, and White was Martial Arts expert.
If we're going based off the Nip version, then I have no idea.
>Z H A N E
>Doggie Kruger
>Omega Ranger
Usually Saban disregards the Disney era, but leaving out timeforce and lightspeed is strange as fuck.
>Alpha 5 is actually really fucking good in the game
What timeline is this?
True, but we have several Mystic Force characters so I have no idea what is going on.
My nigga
Obviously every teammember having their own moves would be the tightest shit, but that many characters would be pretty ridiculous. I think shared movesets for basic team is pretty fair.
6th rangers I'd hope would be a bit more unique unless its like Gold/Silver rangers from RPM or something.
>No Zen Aku
plebs al of you, best lone-ranger
Pink, pink, pink
Your team would be wiped, though, because the original PR team was objectively weaker than every other team that came after them.
>mfw fighting Pink in Legacy Wars
Let me tell you something about this cunt. She dodges at like twice the speed of every one else, so she just fucking cart wheels back and forth making you whiff 90% of your hits. Then she pulls her fucking INSTANT HIT CAN'T DODGE OR BLOCK flip move then combos into an arrow shot. Your match will last like 2 fucking minutes longer than it should because this whore will cheese you to death and make you want to kill yourself.
Fuck that bitch.
>no kinect power ranger game that has you doing kicks, punches, flips and rad as fuck poses
>not using the same system that Let's Dance 2017 uses to track your body movement
feels bad. would power ranger all day with Sup Forums.
Lol. You posted the wrong Pink Ranger, dumbass.
You have no idea how bad I want this. Even if it was just a glorified Fruit Ninja I would play this every fucking day.
Remind me: why did they have to use their Ninja Ranger forms to fight the Tengas?
>Psycho Ranger
>Female Red Samurai
>movie rangers
Part of the problem is that it's Super Sentai first and adapted into being Power Rangers later. It's a different show with a different story. Since the western counterpart is a totally different show, Japan doesn't see a reason to make it.
This guy doesn't lose his powers in the Japanese version. He straight up dies.
to sell toys, to fill in time without having to use the actual actors
>Even if it was just a glorified Fruit Ninja I would play this every fucking day.
same. just imagine the controls when we activate zord mode.
Quantum Ranger
Ivan "I splooge, Rangers loose" Ooze
In show reason.
Intentionally moving all slow and shit, acting like I'm kicking buildings. I'm all about it.
You know what, I'm not even mad. I'll allow it.
This nigga gets it.
Shit taste, brew
why did he cut the original footage? is it because "muh evil disney"
I like SPD but Doggie porn king Kruger > Anubis Cruger, even if he has superior animatronics
I think you both meant to type NINJOR. Because NINJOR is always pronounced in capital letters.
>tfw proto garo
they usually fight putties while untransformed
But with ninja forms, they don't have to risk the actors getting hurt.
Shogunzord, Mega Tigerzord, Goldar
Saban should make a mmpr season 4. Where they keep the old suits and the powers get used by newcomers.
It would be costly, but it's the only thing Saban hasn't done when it comes to milking MMPR.
Why are 6th rangers always the best?