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I wonder how many of those people bought that only because they're used to jerking off to exhentai porn and are expecting more of the same

yeah, all the japs that care got it off japanese sites, not some kuso gaijin "boiled water" platform

>thinking touhou "fans" actually play the games
fucking LOL

Why are they calling it hidden star in four seasons when the fucking kanji is completely different.

It‘s completely inaccurate until like 3-4 days after release you retard. Check other games. More than ten times the amount of owners as the amount reviews is normal.

It'll probably keep getting sales throughout the years.
Wonder how much it takes to profit from a game like that.

>tfw play the games AND look at the memes and doujins
am i cool yet


It‘s a subtitle not a translation.

It just came out like 20 hours ago. What the fuck do you expect?

because that's always been the case.
also the gameplay has 4 characters representing 4 seasons, so there's that

That's actually way more thn I expected
Touhou fans are already used to piracy

fair enough. just silly to translate it with the english translation over the kanji wrong. but whatever, japs be japs.

More like how many of those people bought that only because they're used to jerking off to MUH ZUN TOHO KAWAAAI DESSUH!

Sup Forums you really never disappoint with your incessant retardation.

>4 characters representing 4 seasons
not really, they do live around the area where those seasons took prominence though

Refer to

ah, i see. fair enough.

That's not the translation of the kanji, that's the subtitle.

curious how are the Touhou sales usually in JP?

Around 10000 would probably be a more accurate low estimate.

Just gotta have a lets player play it and it'll skyrocket and so would cancer

I'm sure Slowbeef will play it.

I can already see the video title in my recommended list
>THIS GAME IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!! Let's play Hidden Star in Four Seasons

The only people who would buy it are the ones who just want to support ZUN, there is literally no reason to buy the steam version because there was no attempt made to make it accessible for people not already fans of the series or even have any of the steam features like leaderboards, stats or even just cloud saving.

Probably only like one or two. It's pretty well-known that Touhou is a bullet hell series, so it would be hard for them to miss that completely.

I'd buy it on GOG.

Does this mean that video game journalists will fail on stage 1 easy mode?


Not surprised at all.

Remember the "it's outselling CoD WWII guyz" thread yesterday?

Why does hearing this from girls make me hard?

>1,433 + 1,984
what does this mean? why doesn't it just display the total

t. brainlet

Why does it have so many reviews?

It was quite clearly a best seller yesterday, according to steam at least, it probably surpassed CoD for a few moments in per hour/day sales or something

>It‘s completely inaccurate until like 3-4 days after release you retard.
it's quite accurate on release you retard

Because everyone who's purchased this have put in a 9/9 review.

My god, they need to translate that shit.

They're losing sales for not translating it.

Anyway, they made around 30k with it, I think.

Everything is in japanese, Jesus.

>need to translate this shit
>losing sales

nope.gif. ZUN does not need to translate this one bit. I am glad that he isn't translating this since catering to the lowest common denominator is the surest path to shit.

Tortanic was a mistake.
Why does everything need to be the next biggest flop here?

ZUN also doesn't give a fuck about sales, he literally makes Touhou because he loves it

>since catering to the lowest common denominator is the surest path to shit.

Bit ironic since this is Touhou we are talking about.

Touhou has never pandered, ZUN does what ZUN does. Maybe in the comics or fighting games where other developers get involved, but if you think anything he does is pandering you need to get a dictionary

>literally in japanese

So thats like 1500 japanese on Steam?

Are you stupid?
I always knew people on Sup Forums didn't have brains but this really just confirms it. I mean if you go to the FAQ of SteamSpy they even tell you they aren't reliable for recent games.

I already said, a low estimate is 10000 sales. You can find this out by comparing things like review to sales ratio of older games or looking at other things like most concurrent players compared to owners. Post this thread again in 3 days when SteamSpy has a more accurate guess. Christ am I annoyed by you people.

It's the margin of error. It makes no sense right now because SteamSpy doesn't work with new games.

ZUN encourages fan translations. People can get an English translation with two minutes of googling.

>English language not supported
>This product does not have support for your local language. Please review the supported language list below before purchasing
If you wish to see games in other languages, you can adjust your


>Touhou has never pandered
The entire reason Touhou is even popular at all is because of cute anime girls. The games themselves are only mediocre.

>paying for 2hu

>The entire reason Touhou is even popular at all is because of cute anime girls. The games themselves are only mediocre.
>Zun make the games with shitty doodles
>Otaku create the porns.
>So it meant Zun is pandering by making something that no one cares about

Actually, the games are popular for the soundtracks first and the cute girls second. Even then, the cute girls don't even do anything fanserviecey or over the top moe, most girls commonly portrayed as cute in fandom are uninterested killers in canon.

There was a time where it was impossible to be on the internet and never have heard a Touhou song in some form, and most people who discovered Touhou discovered it through the music.

>not supporting ZUN's beer supply

Literally no one cares.

>Zun art
-t secondary.

i like how the game feels like its literally from 1996

>They charged $15 for this shit.
My five years old niece can draw better.

You five year old niece can't drink beer.

So this is neo-Sup Forums huh. I suppose it's time for me to go.

>neo-Sup Forums

no. that's the genuine old Sup Forums and not /jp/ like the rest of this thread

even if he only gets a dollar each sale, you know how much beer he can buy with 1.5k sales? i'd consider it a win if i were him. all that money appearing basically out of no where

they're just bored kids looking for things to shit on, as if the Touhou fandom hasn't done this song and dance for years. le BTFO is fucking cancer

Old Sup Forums loved Touhou too, why do you think /jp/ was made?

dude i understand you and a ton of people love touhou, but the truth is the games have always been mediocre-to-shitty and the official art isn't much better.
it's why some people can't understand how it ever got as popular as it is.

>but the truth is the games have always been mediocre-to-shitty
>t. user who has never played a danmaku game in his life
thanks for your expert opinion

He's more qualified than a video game journalist, you know.

I'll buy it when I can buy 6 through 15.

t. autism

beating the tutorial in Cuphead doesn't make you qualified for jack shit

honestly the official art has its charms despite not being good. Probably from the fact that it's a 1 man project from start to finish including the art, and he has tried to improve. UFO probably has the best artwork in it.

Learn what pandering means.

It is kinda cute though.

>think western fans didn't already pirate it
I need to get on getting it and since I can buy I will, so ZUN got lucky this time.

I wish they released previous 2hu games before releasing this one so people can be excited.

dude, i'd say half the fandom probably doesn't play the games. Hell i'd wager there are fans who don't know there are games at all, much less bullet hell games.

Yeah, but she can't design better.

I'm the same way.

>posts art not drawn by ZUN
you could have at least posted EoSD or IN Sakuya

ZUN doesn't have to the source code for MoF and before that anymore.

hopefully zun will never touch steam gain

The only ZUN art I have to hand is this, which isn't cute at all.

makes me feel weird. it's like, you can see the guy likes what he does and makes an effort, and it's not his fault it's shitty, so it makes you feel kinda bad for thinking it is.

But they are kinda mediocre as shmups, the level design is often pretty boring and apparently scoring in them isn't very fun. Good boss fights though.

At least post actual ZUN art

That's also a great choice

Does that explain why he had to remake all the attacks for Satori's spells?

I believe it's EoSD Sakuya's face on Carol.


can she do music?

What is the best track in this game and why is it

>zun made an extra 20.000 bux for beer in a few hours with more to come
Seems like a very smart business decision.
It's not like he has a huge studio.
If he sells more than 10.000 units on steam he basically made a yearly wage just by uploading something.

post your score. post your lnmnb

The reason zun's art is so popular is exactly because it's so childlike and leaves room for intepretation. It's the naivety that appeals to fan creators.
Same reason kemono friends blew up, exactly because the anime looked so garbage, it had an underlying innocence that people resonated with.

It says that right on the website you stupid fuck.

hold up

>apparently scoring in them isn't very fun
I wish posting opinions about games you haven't played was a bannable offense.

>If he sells more than 10.000 units on steam
Already has.

it's an untranslated niche game I don't know what people expected
waiting for it to go on sale next year

I love how Okina got a new sprite set for her EX fight. ZUN could have used the same sprites from Stage 6, but he actually made a new set for her. I was worried I was going to be disappointed with the Final Boss also being the only EX Boss, but I'm alright with how it turned out.

How did it work? She steals your season, you retreat, and then rematch her? Didn't Reimu say some stupid shit like she only pretended to lose or something?


>1000+ sales in ONE FUCKING DAY for an extra niche franchise

I see nothing bad here

Hey bastard. Stop propagating this horseshit and read the thread.

Yukari gives you the border between seasons and you go fight her.
Cirno confuses Okina.
Reimu fights Okina to a standstill, then says she could just beat you by closing your door.
Marisa proves herself as a possible candidate as a servant.
Aya is bullied by Okina for being a smelly tengu.

You never really fight her while she's serious.

the artsyle grows on you, just give it sometime >steamspy on the first 3 days
eat shit that's not things work

Genocide 2hu when?

>1433 sales with a margin of error of 1984
>the game couldve sold as little as -551 copies

I'll buy it when I get paid, I swear