You should really STOP doing this!
You're not helping anyone and it's ILLEGAL!
You should really STOP doing this!
I'm helping myself to some good time.
Does having people waste their lives on games help them?
Game companies are no better than drug dealers.
Let the addicts have their fix.
Jesus copy pasted bread and fishes to feed 5000 people.
I believe in teaching of our literal Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It's not piracy, it's sharing. Sharing is caring.
in order for there to be a product there must be a customer.
He also pirated wine
Think of the poor winemakers!
you don't want to make the world a happy place ?
It's only illegal if you get caught. And if you have any common sense, you have a 100% chance of not getting caught. Therefore it isn't illegal for some people.
You think my ISP would give a shit about me downloading DS and PS2 games? I always think the cops are gonna get me.
>Products are not supported.
No. I'm downloading that Rom for a game instead of paying for a most likely repro of it.
Friendly reminder that 'piracy' levels are binded to the quality of the product.
Piracy is a victimless crime
Just go to your local library for an hour or something. Their internet is faster than yours anyway.
Illegal like speeding 35 in a 30 zone is. You can get in trouble for it but 99% of the population is doing it.
these people are complete doormats with an air of arrogance
No its not.
It is not legal, but there are no laws against it either, and my country will not extradite me to a country where it is.
ive given quite a decent amount of money to devs after i pirated their game and enjoyed it.
ive even completed games and then bought them then never touched the game i bought again.
I realize this isnt the norm but dont say im not helping devs
why would i pay for something that i can get for free and it's not stealing either?
So? Without games, society will turn out for the better.
this is why I torrent anime desu
Never, feels good to pirate.
that's one of the things that make it feel so good though
A product whose success lies in exploiting the naturally evolved functions of the brain, like the reward system, which leads to addiction, can and should in the very least be considered morally dubious.
We all know that games today are designed to make the player invest as much as possible into it.
I myself am generally against regulations because they are a slippery slope, but there have to be some. Games incorporating gambling practices for example.
I'll only pirate when I feel its right;
>To not support a cuck developer
>When I have to take out a small morgage to buy a game
totally man, ill just go pay scalpers 5 grand a peice for some "rare" snes games.
>piracy is a crime
So is prostitution but that doesn't stop me from fucking your mom.
New AssCreed needs to be cracked already.
>In Italy, the courts established that criminal liability does not extend to file sharing copyrighted material, as long as it is not done for commercial gain. Ruling on a case involving a copyright holder who employed a third party to collect IP addresses of suspected copyright infringers, the Italian Data Protection Authority ruled in February 2008 that the systematic monitoringpeer-to-peeractivities for the purpose of detecting copyright infringers and suing them is prohibited.
Lol no
I refuse to acknowledge long term copyright ownership. It is immoral and has no reason to exist. People have a right to share information and almost all monetary recompense gained by developers and publishers happens within 10 years at the absolute most.
You wouldn't download a car, would you?
The cuck soyboy in a nutshell - this might as well have been about his girlfriend getting fucked by someone else.
>you're not helping anyone
is this what people actually think?
>Pirate game
>Companies start introducing microtransactions to make a profit
>whine that companies are exploiting you with paywalls and pirate more
>Companies introduce more micro transactions
>pirate game
>Companies don't lose a sale for a pirated game
>Companies start introducing microtransactions even though they don't lose profit
>Being stupid enough to think that people who pirate wouldn't have bought the game anyway because then why pirate a game you had no intention of buying unless you felt entitled
>Being stupid enough to think that piracy doesn't impact sales
It's the same autism from you fucks
>Being stupid enough to think that people who pirate wouldn't have bought the game
Citation needed.
I own games and I pirate everything first anyway.
>companies wouldn't being introducing microtransactions if they made enough money already
What's with this influx of retards who think there's "enough" money in the eyes of a company, lately.
based mafia
>bike is stolen
>know for a fact some homeless fuck probably stole it and rode it to the bus stop or sold it to buy money for crack
>would probably beat the shit out of him if I saw him with it
The absolute state of nu-male cucks
>pirate game
>companies decide they want to make more money by implementing a system that is already used in 75% of modern AAA games
>go ahead and pirate the micro transactions too
It's not fucking piracy that makes companies add microtransactions
But they aren't lost sales.
>Browses Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>Thinks he can physically beat up anyone
At least you're not going full retard and calling it thieving.
Also you should indeed buy all games you want to play that the money reach the studio directly.
Paying for games with publishers is more often than not just giving your money to people that will use every cent you paid to make you regret it.
We need ways to preserve video games for the future. Thanks to piracy and its scene we have ways to enjoy old games that wouldn't get any other support otherwise.
go to be bootlicker somewhere else, faggot
Stupid alt right cuck drulrmf btFo
It helps me tho
>bike factory produces millions of bikes
>unnoticeable amount of bikes are gone.
>bike factory still makes profit
Torrenting isn't illegal, and that's what I'm doing.
Has to be posted.
Why do you think those people care? Are you retarded?
>You should really STOP doing this!
Make me, bitch.
If I use cheat engine on my single player game instead of paying for micro-transactions, am I pirating?
No, but you're still a faggot.
>equating laws with morality
you would be laughed out of any serious philosophical debate
>it's illegal
>can still do it
what did the legal system mean by this