>You can now get banned for reporting somebody
>You can now get banned for reporting somebody
Other urls found in this thread:
context is fucking everything can people stop making everything so inflammatory
He got banned for "abusing" the report system by reporting 1 trick players who have also been getting banned for 1 tricking heroes like Torb and Symmetra.
Did they report people for winning the game?
Stop watching streamers
I fucking hate Chance but Blizzard’s punishment system is literally the worst in the fucking industry. It’s either they ban absolutely no one or they mass ban for stupid bullsht
Hope more gimmick streamers get bent
the context makes activision look even more retarded for this ban cause they also banned the people he was reporting....
>Be top player in the league and stream you just sending reports saying "fuck you, piece of shit" which winds up just coming off as insulting whatever mook reads it at blizzard.
>Make the community and league look bad
>Get a 72 hour temp ban
That seems reasonable.
Blizzard just came out and asked people like 3 times to just not act like this and he does it to a large audience.
That's Blizzard. They either let shit stay overpowered of nerd it TO THE GROUND.
Oh, so his ban was deserved
>Banned for being a bitch and crying about people playing the game in a way you don't like
Based blizzard
maybe if activision didnt take 2 months to ban someone who throws for 10 hours a day on his stream, he would take the system seriously. who the fuck does take that system seriously? its a fucking joke. it was even reddit that got him banned in this case, not the system
hey, it only took THOUSANDS of reports to ban someone. what more do you want?!!@?!
He always sends reports with insults about players. He is misusing the reporting system ALL THE TIME! He deserves it for being a spastic toxic fuck 24/7.
>>Make the community and league look bad
Why wont overwatch die? Its literally a fucking joke
He makes money playing overwatch professionally.
The way he acts reflects on the game and he acts like a douchebag right after the company said they'd be cracking down on shit.
He's an idiot and earned it.
>it was even reddit that got him banned in this case,
It was him streaming himself being an angry little boy that got him banned, because of who he is and the bad image he's giving the game doing that.
"wahhh i can't afford overwatch"
get a job, you bum
Okay, out of all these retarded bans, there's finally a justified one. Still not playing this trash, sorry Jeff.
ok reddit. and whyd they invite him to activision, i mean, blizzcon then? and also, even under your retarded narrative, wtf is the point of 24 hr and 72 hr bans? you think hes gonna stop the reporting? are you stupid or naive or both? the dude makes bank off the stream, i think he can afford alt accounts.
Can't wait for the 20mio OW-league crash because few people watch that shit outside of Blizzcon.
>whyd they invite him to activision, i mean, blizzcon then?
>He makes money playing overwatch professionally.
>wtf is the point of 24 hr and 72 hr bans?
To warn him to knock off the douchey behavior.
You're on Sup Forums. People here desperately pine for a world where you can be the biggest piece of shit to ever live and everyone just has to deal with it.
>getting banned for being a 1 trick
>getting banned for reporting a 1 trick
so why not ban moonmoon? hes actually filing fake reports and gets invited to an activision panel. twitch clip /FastPlumpNikudonPermaSmug
and blizzcon is an exhibition, so yeah that still makes no sense. why wouldnt blizz ban him if he was actually a negative influence?
Overwatch is cancer in vidya form
He's been doing this for months. It only happened after a reddit witchhunt about it.
This isn't even close to the first shitty thing this guy has done on stream.
It was well deserved
>Guy acts shitty for months
>Gets a temp ban warning for acting shitty
if he was pointing out that the report system doesnt do anything, and then its not the report system that gets him banned, but reddit, isnt he right?....
Kill yourself.
deserved. Thanks for the context
ty for my new steam pic
This is the same guy who was crying about people thinking he was a dick because he was constantly shit talking teammates on streams because it might hurt his chances of getting on a good team/sponsorships at OWL.
He probably shouldn't have been doing bad shit after the company warned people they were finally going to start making reports matter and crack down on bad shit.
Probably also shouldn't be fucking around like that within a week of people actually getting quite publicly banned for reports.
heaven forbid someone isn't perfectly polite on the internet
This is unironically based.
I don't even like Blizzard, but you're literally a fucking retard.
he spammed like 4 reports on the guy all saying "fuck you"
don't worry, you're always welcome to shitpost here!
just not, you know, in places that matter
>Blizzard banning people who play 1 tricks
>Blizzard banning people who report people who play 1 tricks
>Sup Forums shits on OWbabbies for being whiny thin-skinned bitches
>Sup Forums thinks his bans are deserved because he's a big meanie
The eceleb was also being a huge faggot.
Of all the shit Blizz wants to ban from OW, faggotry is the one thing I agree with.
lmao what a faggot you are having "incriminating evidence" of this guy saved on your hard drive then you post it on Sup Forums saying it's a "shitty" thing
go back to tumblr you disgusting leftist nigger faggot
nobody should be banned from games for anything other than hacking or illegal actionable death threats. leftists are killing free speech and they need to be removed.
I don't own Overwatch but I'm thinking about asking Blizzard for a lifetime ban from it anyway, just so there's zero temptation. Should I do it?
>Disruptive gameplay is a 24 hour ban
>Abusing the report system is a 72 hour ban
Why not just remove his ability to report people?
Playing the game the way you want is not a bannable offense
write an email to blizz DEMANDING that the next hero is trans OR ELSE
good thing you can play quick play that way
xqc is a piece of shit that deserves everything bad that happens
>get absolutely shat on by koreans
>get picked for mvp because the people in charge of selection were literally 12
You desperately want to discuss Overwatch on this board but you resort to falseflagging to do it. Just go on /vg/ my dude, stop shitposting.
He's a huge gatekeeping faggot is what he is.
You're a narc
>Boy who cried wolf
>Reports a 1 trick every single game no matter if they won or lost.
>Would put stupid shit in the report like "sym op" and "fuck you".
>Fucking cries when he is banned for reporting like a dipshit.
>be one trick torb/sym in competitive mode (TL: this means playing to win and picking optimally)
>report for not working with team and being reasonably frustrated that your chances of winning are greatly lowered
what a joke.
>being this upset your favorite e-celeb streamer got banned
get a fucking grip, kids.
>your face when she lost
can't wait to deport all left wing bottom feeders like you
> Retarded kid is also a trump/kekistani bullshit supporter
What a surprise.
>mommy i need a safe space from the mean words and ebil right wingers!!
cant wait to give you your safe space outside of the West.
this has nothing to do with politics kid, stop trying to false flag like every single simple-minded Sup Forumstard
stick the gun to your head and pull the trigger, do the world a favor.
> hue hue hue right/left wings gonna be deported hue hue
Leave your fucking mom's basement.
so fucking fuming
eat shit commie subhumans
>1 tricking
What, like cheesing people with the same ability or strategy over and over again? That sounds like every game ever made why would they ban anyone for that.
>being a low test soy boy with "problem" glasses
People like this retard need to just kill themselves.
>This happens
>Have no fucking idea why
>less than 24 hrs
What is the fucking point, Blizzard? Can you at least tell me what I said to the triggered blizzcucks? Were they in tears because I told them not to skip Smith in AB?
>being this thin-skinned
>Therapy dogs and play-doh
But Splatoon 2 costs more and is also a much better game.
He singled out the sym and didnt report the dva one trick. Its hypocrisy if anything
>have no fucking idea why
Each fucking time. Pathetic.
keep going kid, each false-flag you makes get reported.
when trying to bait people, the trick is not to be so flagrantly retarded that people genuinely just want nothing to do with you and would rather have you dead, it's to fool them into thinking "holy shit, there are actually people who think this way?"
this new age we have entered is LOADED with a bunch of high-school aged posters who don't have a single idea what subtlety is.
le pol face, right guys!?! am i fitting in???
>all these obvious as fuck reddit blizzdrones itt
Nuke the board already.
>announcing reports
see you in 3 days newshit
What is with these fucking games
Overwatch, league, and whatever the hell the other hot shit "competitive" crap, the community is always rock fucking bottom, I mean look at this colossal bitch
Anything that is "e-sport" and have a twitch following just ooze cancer every fucking time.
What in the fuck caused this
>report people for false reasons
>get banned
??? i see no issue. Also, this streamer is fucking autistic and annoying as hell. I entered his stream 1 time and he was furiously dabbing so I immediately left and never returned
I'm accusing you of rape user.
Know why?
Doesn't matter. You're a rapist now.
one tricking a dva is as bad as one tricking a lucio, as in it's not bad.
>overcuck trannywatch
>you will be banned if you play of meta
>you will be banned if report someone not using meta
>you will be banned for teabag
>you will be banned for using voice lines
>you will be banned for writing GG or EZ
>you will be banned if you use chat
>you will be banned for changing yours keyboard layout
>you will be banned if you're too good, cuz you making oyher people uncomfortable
>you will be banned for using glitches or map exploits that were unpatched for 3 months
>you will be banned for using unbalanced hero ability
I was playing Team Fortress 2 for the first time in over a year just a few minutes ago.
Why aren't you doing the same, Sup Forums?
Its too long of a DL and I don't have room because I have too many other games installed.
because i'm waiting for my favorite server to update its fucking mods and go back online
So he gave a fake report? I mean yeah if you report someone for something that's not against the rules that's definitely trying to abuse the system so his own ban is ironic and justified.
Literally the definition of abuse is:
>"use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse."
That is exactly what he did.
Making a one word post saying "reported" gets you banned, telling you that people are going to report you for constantly false-flagging isn't.
kill yourself, newshit.
But TF2 requires far less space than Overwatch.
Shouldn't you have already uninstalled the game by now?
He's a fag but he's right, announcing reports, in any way shape or form is considered shitposting and will get your ass banned as well.
Always been this way.
Overjew is about to get BTFO by based Belgium anyway. Better to get out now.
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