Except for cheating, is there any actual reason someone should be banned from an online game?

Except for cheating, is there any actual reason someone should be banned from an online game?

>People are being dicks

And? Get used to it. That's life.

Cheating? Also life

People being dicks on your team in ranked games

>Except for cheating, is there any actual reason someone should be banned from an online game?

Why should cheaters be banned? Get used to it, the life is full of cheaters and you need to tolerate them.

whens sak

There's something to be said about protecting the reputation of your game. You don't want to be known as that game that's just filled with a bunch of assholes in every game. However, you can over do it.

>people are cheating

And? Get used to it. That's life.

imo people shouldnt be allowed to be mean in online games. some people get bullied alot irl and i dont wanna put up with it in games too.

What real repercussions does that have in the real world?

Oh yeah just live with it pal is not like they break the game for everyone or something.
Remember that first week of Dark souls 2 when a guy was using cheat items to give people insane amounts of souls to get them banned from online? Just deal with it dood. Or everytime Delfy finds an exploit in tf2 and ruins the game for weeks people just can't handle the banter.


It's really hard to find multiplayer games without heavily asshole-based community nowadays though. Admittedly, there are still notable differences between games. Especially those popular among children (mobas and shooters) which are basically full of shit.

Getting bullied makes you stronger.

Yes. Violating the terms of service for a game's online in any applicable way, aside from cheating.

The only issue is that some policies do shit like let mods or gms do something "based on their own discretion" as a catch-all for any reason not listed. So a faggy butthurt mod who never got over being bullied in school will bring the banhammer down on some kid that said "gg ez", because that's about as bad as calling someone a nigger apparently.

Have you ever worked or studied with an unpleasant person?

All the time. It's called life.

>complaining about cheating
>not being good enough to beat cheaters

Well in video james is easier to fix than in real life

So you rather eat that shit up than doing something about it.
Got it, you a pussy.

Well just like how I can fire in unpleasant person most multiplayer games like unpleasant people get banned. That's life

mic spam? if you are unable to mute them

Developers have to overzealously police their playerbases now since self-regulating private player-owned servers are gone and randomized matchmaking is unfortunately the new norm.

Matchmaking guaranteeing that players rarely will ever see their opponents again coupled with games demanding wins for maximum LOOT CRATE DROP RATE/ranked progression rather than fun also ups the vocal faggotry factor by a sizable margin

>people are using the online environment to plan terrorist attacks

And? Get used to it. That's life.

I can't think of a reason. If people are just being annoying or purposely losing or something then I'd rather just vote kick them. Of course this only happens in games with a server browser and whatnot and it's kinda sad how games don't try to have those.

>OP keeps being a fag and making shitty threads

And? Get used to it. That's Sup Forums.

This gave me a laugh.

You see, life also has rules. If you're a dick to people where you work, the employer has the right to fire you. If you're a dick to people you play the game with, the moderators have the right to ban you. I don't necessarily agree with banning people for insulting one another, but it doesn't matter.

If you write "gg ez" after winning a round you should get banned. It's toxic gamer culture and needs to be stopped.

Yea and someone going around being a huge dick is ruining the experience for people playing with them too

trash talk is a psychological component of online games i always appreciate and has its place

however, if you get banned or muted, you may have crossed the line somewhere

saying gg ez is just harmless and provacative and only children would be so sensitive to fly into a rage over it, so u may want to be careful there, but yeah, nothing wrong with some light trash talking

>Rules clearly state to not be a edgy 10 year old and shit up chat
>"le nigger kike shit ass fucking pussy faggot nigger kill yourself holy shit faggot XDD"
>the actual adults playing find you obnoxious and report you
>get banned
>"holy shit fuckign thin skinned sjw babies crying cant handle the bants lmao nu male soyboys just mute me this is literally fucking stealing i paid for the game but get banned wtf fucking libtards hate free speech stop censoring me >say bad word > get banned wow"

I don't know why people are immature babies incapable of even the slightest bit of self restraint then act like it's everyone else's fault that people don't want to deal with them

Rude behavior deserves its proper punishment.

If you need a safe space in an anonymous online game, you're a fucking faggot piece of shit worthless degenerate loser. You might as well be a fuckin crippled nigger faggot. WTF is wrong with you, SHIT TALK is why PVP games are even a thing. If you can't handle it, stick to fighting bots, like the little bitch you are.

The ironic thing is it's only babies like this who need safe spaces

prove it faggot

>c-cheating is b-bad! please listen to m-me! my opinions are important! stop r-ruining my gameplay e-experience you fucking toxic and p-problematic gamers!
Hi neogaf.

What if some players are above trash-talking and just want to enjoy the game without associating with the kind of scums that enjoy trash-talk?

The thing is that although something is fine with you does not mean it is fine with others. Similarly if something is fine with them that does not mean it should be fine with you.

>having an autistic meltdown because he can't say whatever he wants in public without reprocussion
Why don't you go find a safespace for yourself so you can act like the 10 year old who found Sup Forums a week ago that you are

I pay for this server and I don't want you and/or your kind on it.
Get used to it. That's life.

Making cheats = cool application of skillset
Using cheats other people made = why are you even playing the game? For empty meaningless self esteem?
People who actually feel good about themselves watching ANOTHER MANS code play a fucking VIDEO GAME for them are weak cuckolds. Literally cuckolds. Probably can't even fuck their own wives.

gg ez is testing for mental weakness.. a good player is not even slightly phased, only amused

only a complete noob cries over that

that being said, its what i would call bad sportsmanship

I don't know why people don't get the difference between trash talk and shit talk. Trash talk is friendly banter, shit talk is being a childish faggot

>being retarded

>waaaah da cheater hurt muh feewiiings
That's life kid lmao what's the big deal? It's just a game faggot.

>get banned from somewhere because you're an immature asshat
>come to Sup Forums and cry about it like a manchild
great thread op


You sign the terms and conditions by playing that game in a online environment and to keep that environment clean. if some turd sandwich starts throwing shit all over? they need to be cleaned.

>above trash-talking
how can you be above something that is the highest level of enlightenment.
People who can't handle shit talk are insecure weaklings who actually already believe about themselves, the things that are being said about them by online strangers.
If an online stranger who has no ability to affect your real life gets under your skin, you have something to examine and fix about yourself.
Shit talk is a competition of wit, humor, and psychologically reading your opponent. The only thing that can bother someone is something they subconciously already believe to be true.

Now quit being such a soft shelled little nigger faggot and thicken that thin skin.

>I got a C in highschool psychology now let me tell you how the human brain works

weak bait, you're not even activating a single atom, much less my almonds. Your appeal to board seniority is gay and boring. Why don't you cry more about how you need strangers to protect your from strangers over the internet. Develop a fucking personality before you try and interact with anyone outside.

people with a sense of humor and are skillful are not phased by trash talk or poor sportsmanship and don't feel the need to cry about it or attempt to censor it..

only low level players take it to heart because they're sensitive. you gotta toughen up

Sounds like made up definitions you came up with just now to have something to say. Which is gay and embarassing. You should just lurk, not post. You're ruining your anonymous online reputation.

life also has its own arbitrary social standards in mixed company outside of the strict bounds of the law. lordy

>Still typing asshurt nonsense with no substance because his default reaction to disagreement is to throw a shitfit
And I'm the one who needs a safe space, lel

Right. So if you went outside (what a thought, right?) and pulled out your little dick and screamed the same dumb shit you write here, people who would want you to just fuck off are insecure weaklings?

Stupidity and immaturity are not things that should be tolerated. But of course you disagree as you are the epitome of both.

>using green text wrong
I never even finished high school faggot, and I'm still smarter than you and you're pathetic fucking 2.5 gpa. You wasted your tuition money and will never pay off your student loans, dumb cuck.

I want to taste that

gg ez is NEVER okay. Maybe you need to check your gamer privilege.

>I never even finished high school
Thanks, really needed you to tell me

Wait, you mean people act the same IRL as they do on the internet? Why would you waste the opportunity to be anonymous on the internet to act like you always do anyways. What a fucking waste of the beautiful possibilities provided to you with the internet. What a socially controlled cuckbag.

>I never even finished high school
Fuck me, who would have guessed?!

Illegal things like threats and harassment and selling illegal drugs.
But yeah, in general companies are way too ban happy.

That's one puffy vulva

That must be why professional chess players call eachother faggots constantly. Yeah, totally, you're "enlightened" and woke as fuck. More like most gamers online are mental midgets and snot nose little fucking pukes with a chip on their shoulder because daddy snubs cigarettes on their face and throws beer bottles at the TV while their mom is out back fucking the pool boy.

The only people that can't tolerate things are usually the stupid and immature. Checkmate.

Protip: if you're not familiar with your audience and/or rules clearly state to not be an immature shithead, it's on you to behave yourself and if you don't like it then it's YOU who needs a safespace where you can act like the edgy little child you are

>gets baited
>takes bait, leaves counter-point un-countered.
typical low iq low energy fag bags.

>I never even finished high school
Holy shit, I would have never known.

like i say, its psychological.. they want to get in ur head and fuck with u

if someone is being hostile verbally or not friendly... dude, just laugh or ignore, you gotta learn it doesnt actually mean anything

this isnt always easy to do, but it's called mastering your emotions, that's why i approve of there being shit talkers

I see you failed some crucial classes. Anyhow, the point was that it is perfectly reasonable and consistent for people to dislike stupidity and immaturity online too. It may be your favorite hobby but most people disagree and would love to see you gone.

>Posts an endless stream of stupid shit
>N-no I'm not stupid, really

If they're playing each other anonymously online why not? Faggot.

Seriously why do words from strangers on the internet AFFECT YOU AT ALL. That is like the ultimate form of weakness. It's like bleeding from a slight breeze.

Never said I wasn't stupid. In fact I said I didn't graduate High School. So you can't even make a valid retort without straw-manning, against a low-iq brainlet who didn't graduate HS. What does that say about you?
Worse than crippled nigger faggots, I swear.

Fuck off social dropout, go learn to read you uneducated filth of society. Even my little sister is more educated than you.

You're mistaking people calling you an immature brainlet for them being upset. Keep braying like a rented mule, nobody here cares.

If they're griefing and ruining the game for others, by being AFK then I could understand a soft bam, slap on tge wrist, but otherwise no. In most games you can mute assholes anyway.

>actually being the 3rd person taking the low-hanging bait with the same comeback
>being this un-original
>being this much of a cucked faggot clone
>not killing yourself from self induced cringe already

Trash talk is one thing.
Constant threats to everyone around you? non stop putting people down and treating them like trash? those are not trash talk, those your someone being a massive asshole like you never would to anyone in real life, those deserve punishment to remove that human trash.

Yeah, teachers who do not tolerate some retard pulling other student's hair and screaming are stupid and immature. Makes perfect sense...

>Even my little sister is more educated than you.
Yeah, we've already established we agree on that, but I'm still waiting on you to actually same something that isn't a downer-tier repetition of every other cuck in this thread.

Throwing. If you're willing to waste the time of like 11 other people like you matter more than them then you can fuck off.

It's someone whose bored with the milque-toast weakness and bland unoriginality of all the un-interesting delicate little nigger faggots that surround him en masse. He's trying to provoke something novel out you boring faggot consumerist clone cucks.

>act like a dumb nigger
>get called a dumb nigger
Fascinating thread. 10/10

>equating IRL behavior with anonymous online opportunism
Only women make this comparison because they are too boring and uninteresting to actually realize the beauty of anonymity and the novelty of experience modulating your own behavior online presents.

Why do you expect me to proceed to new things when you have not understood a single point made so far? You have the education of my left rubber boot, just begone, pepe poster.

more like
>say im a dumb nigger
>get called a dumb nigger

>go to party
>start shit talking other guests
>host asks you to leave

really pickles the old brain op

>understood a single point made so far?
A point has to exist first... im waiting

Made me laugh.

>being the umpteenth person to equate anonymous online behavior with strangers to intimate IRL face to face behavior with your social circle

You guys should try things other than video games, you are literally fucking boring as shit.

And you're not fooling anyone, you've never even been to a fucking party to have the opportunity to talk shit, you're on Sup Forums on friday night faggot.

Being easily amused is a sign of retardation.

Don't forget about the part where he's complaining about how everyone else isn't woke or intelligent enough to handle him and still refuses to leave.

woah man you sure got me there. I guess it's okay to shit talk people as long as you have a mask on then

What kind of crippled nigger faggot parties to you uptight cheek squeezers go to anyway? Shit talking is literally the first thing that happens when you walk into a good party. Quickly followed by a cold can of beer being chucked at your head. It's called a nigger-pult and its the fastest way to get a beer without getting one yourself. Literal friendless losers talking about metaphorical social etiquette they'll never have the opportunity to act out. Sad.

It is always the school dropouts and people with shitty lives/jobs who act like retards, both in real life and online. It is still the same person behind it all, something he fails to recognize. What a loser.

>I guess it's okay to shit talk people as long as you have a mask on then


I promise it's incredibly relieving and empowering to fucking take that cramp out of your fucking butt cheeks and remove that rod from your sphincter you boring controlled little mind slave.

>Wow, I can hide behind a computer, that means I should be a complete faggot and shit up everything instead of do positive things I can't do with an identity.
For a board that mocks liking R+M, the fuckton of you have fedoralord nihilist tendencies.

>Get used to it. That's life.
>That's life.

People hack in real life
People kill each other in real life
People steal in real life
People bribe in real life
People will lie to ruin you in real life
People are born winners and losers in real life
People hate you in real life

Maybe I don't want my video games to be like real life, maybe that's why i'm playing video games

>believing someones auto-biographical information online
Holy shit the level of unironic autism here is insane.
"Omg, aren't we such better people than the guy we can't compete with? Omg I'm SOOO much more virtuous."
Actions, cmon bitch, HURT ME