Why does this game feel so soulless? What went wrong?
Why does this game feel so soulless? What went wrong?
maybe youre just a lonely fuck in this specific moment
nothing, it's the best soulsborne game behind DeS
>no souls
blood echoes son
he's making a joke, the game is literally soulless because unlike the other games in the series it does not have the word "soul" in the title.
i like this meme
DaS>BB>DeS = DaS3 >>>>>>>DaS2
DeS > DaS2 > DaS3 > DaS = BB
I would say DaS=BB, but otherwise you're spot fucking on.
Memes aside it had way more love and charm put into it than BotW, it's not at all a fair comparison. The only copypaste shit is the chalice dungeons which are relatively easy to ignore, whereas the shrines are a huge element of BotW and are intrinsically tied to health/stamina growth.
yeah, despite surpassing DeS in every way. Fucking nostalgia-faggots.
Reminder 3 and BB are the only Soulgames with decent gameplay!
shut up nigger
Cuz it's just a boring ass game, plain and simple.
Imagine being this wrong
and just imagine what else he's probably wrong about
>press r1 and circle, the game
>not wrong
really fun, truly.
Is "soulless" Sup Forums's "emotionally dishonest"?
BB>DeS=First half of DaS>DaS3>second half of DaS>>>dog shit>>>DaS2
And faggot who came into the series with DaS has their opinion invalidated.
Because of the health regen system they had to pack it so full of shortcuts that shortcuts were no longer fun to find, undermining the core joy of souls-like exploration.
The game is bloody brilliant, even if it's soulless.
I just wish that the chalice dungeons were better integrated into the core game, instead of being content that you'll probably either skip or start overlevelled for.
Because the name is Bloodborne and not Blood Souls. There's no Souls in the title.
Why do people call the series "soulsborne" when Bloodborne game mechanics are different from Dark and Demon's Souls?
Nice pun, I came here to say exactly the same.
Bloodborne isn't really that different. I mean the gameplay changes are so minor you can swap em with Dark Souls and it really wouldnt make a difference. The overall design of the game is super similar.
They're way more alike than they are different, you sperg
>tying chalice dungeon progress to individual characters
Why did they do this?
atleast it carries over when you go into NG+