I'm a cheap bastard and I'm looking for free games that can be played on my piece of shit $300 laptop...

I'm a cheap bastard and I'm looking for free games that can be played on my piece of shit $300 laptop. Are there other good free games out there like the original versions of Cave Story and Spelunky, or are those two an anomaly?

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Just get emulators and roms, user

There's a thread for emulators on /vg/

Environment Station Alpha
Eternal Daughter
Castle in the Darkness
May be Oddalus

Emulate super metroid and a link to the past.

Oops. missed the part with:

well then
Eternal Daughter
Treasure Hunter Man 2
Temporal (if you are into puzzles)
Illuminator (pretty fun)

Oh I've got emulators and ROMs, I've spent the last ~7 years playing the shit out of old games (SNES games especially). I created this thread cuz I'm looking to take a break from games not made during this century

Untitled Story
Torus Trooper
Treasure Adventure
Nitronic Rush
Hydra Castle


ty ty, copying these to a text file now...

Pretty much all classic roguelikes

Treasure Adventure Game
Hydra Castle Labyrinth
Jelly No Puzzle
Within a Deep Forest
Knytt Stories
Super Cat Planet

just pirate FTL

Oh I forgot: if anyone's got recommendations for good mods to SNES or N64 games, those would be awesome too. I was just playing FF6: Brave New World and I fucking loved it

just pirate a game if you can't buy it
you moralfags are braindead morons, take some of Troika games, studio is not existant anymore and all the money would go to actijew anyhow

The original La-Mulana is free, and though it lacks the side modes it also has a lot more shit to collect than the remake thanks to all the ROMs they didn't have to cut out. It's also a different enough experience from the remake so you aren't just playing the same game.

I didn't want the thread to get off on a tangent of people bitching about piracy, but I have no qualms about pirating stuff: the shittiness of my laptop is the main issue. If you've got suggestions for piratable games that will work on a laptop with no GPU, I'm all ears

as I said Troika games are awesome I've finished VtMB(on 150$ craptop) last night and playing Arcanum rn

What is the cpu? If its a 4 year old i5 then you can run all the old source and source 2 games just fine

2ghz Intel Celeron, dual core I think

Yume Nikki. It's comfy.

Binding of Isaac, FTL, could probably run Darkest Dungeon

lol you got ripped off m8

>I created this thread cuz I'm looking yo take a break from games not made during this century

There are emulators that play games that were made during this century, a prime example being Dolphin


The original Spelunky
The original La Mulana
Dungeon of the Endless (actually this may run poorly despite its rudimentary graphics)
Kero Blaster
the Shantae games
Stardew Valley
Ground Control 2 (it's an old rts)
Homeworld (also an old rts)

shiiit i got it like 3 years ago

this laptop can't handle a nintendoDS emulator, I don't think it'll be able to handle gamecube or wii emulation (though I haven't tried it)

thanks, just added all that to my list

>3 years ago
That doesn't make it better you know. If you bought it used then that's even worse. You really got ripped off

set this in desumume it got me stable 60fps, emulator is shitty for tweaking but you can optimize it

doki doki literature club's the only actual free game I've played in a while

oh interesting, thanks I'll give that a shot

used? and get flakes of stale jizm all over my fingers whenever I use the keyboard? fuck that

Cho Ren Sha 68k is a pretty accessible shmup that can be downloaded for free, all you really need to do is to put it on win98 compatibility and the game should run flawlessly.
www2.tky.3web.ne.jp/~yosshin/my_ works/download.html

I'm going to put one vote AGAINST Dungeon of the Endless on account of it both being not free, and being terrible, making it exactly the things you're explicitly not looking for.

bad taste, but undeniably not free

>An Untitled Story
>Treasure Adventure Game
>Within a Deep Forest
>Knytt (Stories)
if you're into that whole platformer w/ exploration business, which you should be going by your post.
An Untitled Story kinda looks and sounds like utter shit, but it's a surprisingly solid Metroid-like. Gives you a lot more freedom than your average one, too. And if you like freedom, do give Knytt Underground a try sometime. It's not freeware so you'd have to """"borrow"""" it, but you should love it if you like the above games.

Also seconding OFF for entry-level RPG Maker shit. Very distinct feel to it, great art+music, interesting setting, doesn't overstay its welcome. I'd also recommend Yume Nikki and Space Funeral to complete the entry-level RPG Maker trifecta.

Iji is one of my personal favorites.

Sonic Robo Blast 2
games by this sod venbrux.com/freeware.php (especially karoshi and focus)
Jumper! series
Liero, soldat, teeworlds
Sonic time twisted
DX-ball 2
Shadow Warrior Classic (free on steam)
Megaman 8 Bit Deathmatch
Megaman Unlimited, Megaman X Corrupted (haha right)
Merry Gear Solid 1+2

These should all run on a piece of toast glued to a motherboard from 1998