>lol lets make a boss that stuns you any time she hits you, basically making it a one hit kill
>lol let also give her quick attacks so you barely have time to dodge
>while we are at it we might as well give her a long range attack that stuns you for a good 5 seconds
>know what would also be cool? The only way the player can counter this paralysis is by getting a needle that only spawns a limited amount of times.
What the fuck. I have never seen such a bullshit boss before. Not even dark souls would be that much of a dick to you.I am just completely missing something?
Lol lets make a boss that stuns you any time she hits you, basically making it a one hit kill
use the acupuncture needles you find throughout the entire level, idiot.
Use magic to get the resistance items. Also sprint to dodge her attacks and block.
She's here to tell you that circling around ain't gonna work in this game, you need to go on the offensive.
>mfw hardest boss is actually clan selection window
Been stuck on that one for a while
are video games too hard in 2017, Sup Forums?
you mean the 5 that spawn? I already used them up and I can't find any more
Is there a good weapon for that? I am using the spear and 1kat.
Apparently, I haven't had this much trouble with a boss since I was a little kid.
I'm shit at nioh, and I beat this boss. Probably should listen to the other anons. I'll add, the ride only gets worse.
Pretty easy, iirc.
After she lifts her leg up to kick or spin, there's a nice window to attack.
I hit the boss with like 20, look for more, and I'm pretty sure you can buy them from the blacksmith too.
Pick the one that gives luck
how many times have you died to her yet.
these guys made Razor's Edge so bullshit is what they do.
and it gets worse from there so get ready.
around 10
>I am using the spear and 1kat.
Depend which upgrades you got, spear will get you reach so maybe try the heavy attack hoping it will stun her and give you a window to chain her with light attack, use low stance to dodge ranged and keep going for her, don't let her put distance between you two.
Also organise your items properly for this fight.
you can literally run circles around her to avoid the stun
I think you mean it gets easier and levels off for a stretch, before becoming this never ending upward slope.
Just start running instead of dodging. It's not that hard to figure out.
time your dodge and wait for the audio cue, also requip items with para resist on it
i really don't see how this game is so hard for people if anything it's much easier thanks to how fast it is, and i fucking hate dark souls
Just beat Dokuro, I haven't put any points into ninja or onmyou, are the dlc going to rape my asshole? Do I need to reroll?
It's just simple timing OP, just take a second and figure out the timing of her attacks instead of running around like a headless chicken.the stun waves are pretty easy to avoid if you listen to the cues and time your dodges right. And equip gear with para resistance, helps a lot.
Hell this entire game is about timing and knowing when you should be dodging and when you should be attacking. It's not hard once you figure it out.
you can play the whole game without either, they just make it significantly easier, especially onmyou, thanks to sloth, boosting talismans, healing talismans and guardian spirit talisman, which are all great.
Ninjutsu is much more disposable imo.
She killed me 30 times until I beat her. She feels like the Alma of Nioh.
It’s not until these games get a PC release that all the shutters come out of the wood work.
Time your dodges with her audio cue and you’ll never get hit by her paralysis darts, then don’t get too greedy when you punish her for her ground attacks.
I can’t wait to see how many of you shitters complain about the water in the big ass blob level.
Fucking shitters.
>I'm good enough at Souls to do a no-items run.
>Dude, why do I keep dying to this fucking boss? Shitty design japs.
>It’s not until these games get a PC release that all the shutters come out of the wood work
Mate, I instantly recognized this boss when I first saw her in the game because I had seen so many threads about her when the game was new.
you're missing the paralysis resistent charm that you find exploring the level.
I stacked two of them and she has to hit me 3 times before fully paralizing me
para resist items
dodge forward not backward
if you have nodachi or spear you can afford to dodge backwords
Imagine how buttblasted OP will be once he reaches Nue.
I completely forgot that came out for PC.
Time to fire up those torrents and give this chinese hack and slash a try
worst part is Nue is actually fucking easy once you figure out it's shit and stop panicking because "ohshitthatthinglooksstrongandscary"
Nue is way easier though. Is there a Nioh version of this image?
It really is. Then again I might just have gotten used to it with how often the game throws a Nue at you.
I finished the main story of Nioh and IMO that stunning bitch is by a wide wide margin the hardest enemy in the game. The only fights that are "harder" are the side missions where they just make you fight two bosses at the same time.
Also, the first time you fight her you're basically fucked if you didn't already have the needles on your hotbar, because you're not going to know ahead of time that you need them and by the time you get stunned it's already too late.
Ironically, she's the only boss in the game that you CAN'T beat by just circling strafing around them from long rang and waiting for them to attack so you can punish with a poke, since she does the instant hadokens if you're far away. The other bosses with projectiles are all slow and telegraphed as fuck
>People actually think nioh is hard in any way before ng++
you might aswell just stop playing videogames or go back to your nintendo switch
is the image supposed to be ironic? cause none of those are ctually hard, capra is the worst and it's mainly because of the bullshit dogs and minuscule arena, 1v1 he's a joke.
i always do circle around her but i also keep my distance just far enough that none of her attacks hit me
also dat master skill that lets me do even more damage when i attack enemies from the behind trivializes her even more
It's making fun of how in every dark souls discussion when someone says X boss is hard someone always comes and says that X boss is really easy but that Y boss is the rape machine. Have you literally never read a souls thread anywhere? To this day it's still a thing
>Midir is super hard
>no way fag Santa is the one that's hard
>hah Gael? Now the twin demons now those were hard
>It's a "shitters don't know how to play the game" episode
Stop trying to play it like Dark Souls you fucking retards
Act more aggressive
Dodge and block, don't only use one of them
This boss isn't even that hard, when you learn her rythm, which will only take a couple of tries, you'll be able to dodge her gg ez
T,L,D,R, stop sucking dick
You're so sugoi user-kun, please tell me more about how big your epeen is
WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE CRY SO MUCH ABOUT NUE? literally the first boss i killed without losing health mainly because you can fully kill him with your living weapon intact by just attacking him from the side trying to hit him below his belly whenever it glows (which happens quite alot during most of his attacks) he only ever has 2 dangerous attacks that you can easily dodge
nue is a noob
Nue is a classic type of enemy people stay away from because of how it looks, but the best way to fight it is actually up close. And once you discover the chest weak spot when he shoots lightning, it's gg.
i steer clear of DS threads of any kind, nothing in them is worth it.
It's unreasonable to expect people to already be masters of how bossfights are supposed to function when they've only fought one boss so far, and the optimal strategy against that boss was to stay as far away as possible and wait for it to wiff before running in with an attack. Same was true of all the big enemies in the game leading up to her, like the cyclops. You just wait for it to miss an attack and then hit it.
It's like the entire game up to that boss fight was training you to play wrong.
Well now you know.
She's still the one who fucks me up the most in the mini boss rush with ogress, spider girl, her and hundread eyes.
>You just wait for it to miss an attack and then hit it
What the fuck do you think you're supposed to do with bat lady
I'd invest some points in Ninjutsu to get three quick-change scrolls. Those really come handy on the harder difficulties where you can get oneshot all the time.
Just beat her and the side mission afterwards.
I don't understand what the fuck is going on, gameplaywise or storywise
It changes from a dark souls clone to something closer to Ninja Gaiden by encounter.
It doesn't work the same way.
If you back off far enough that her combos can't reach you she starts doing the stunning fireball thing, or worse yet she's jump in the air and start spamming the projectiles. Dodge and counter still works but you need to be much closer than when you fought the executioner, the iron balls giant, or cyclops
Are the DLCs for Nioh any good? I made 1 and a half playthroughs on release and haven't touched it since. I've been wanting to get back into it, should I bother with the DLC expansions?
The end game is way more ninja gaiden, it's basically "fight against several bosses in a row or two at the same times", or even "fight those never ending waves of annoying ennemies with a boss at the end"
yeah the dlc is fun but really fuckin hard
Yeah, the post game is just cancer.
>dude let me throw two fast and aggressive bosses or a dozen enemies at you at the same time. prepare to die :DDD
Sprinting in a circle around her is really effective though.
just finished the last DLC and i am upto the 4th region on way of the strong, it is worth wild to put on the nine tails spirit so i have a slightly better gear drop?
Stop playing it like a souls game, it'll end up biting you in the ass later.
This game really tests my patience. Do I need to grind? Does grinding help?
Git gud and find better weapons.
nah mate
but where are you stuck right now?
Acquire skill
I'm playing it like a souls game and I'm already on way of the wise.
Just get gear from revenants. Let those cucks grind for you.
I'm not really stuck just recently started and impatient.
you on steam nigga? Summon me and ill wreck her shit for you.
Look for revenants (the bloodstain things) with purple gear, and fight them. That's the easiest way to get statistically stronger. Also make sure you're spending your skill points
well no then you can beat the game without grinding (i dont even think grinding helps you that much) just find your favorite weapon and go on
is pvp already dead or something
lol, you can easily dodge everything she throws at you.
whats the best way to make money in this game?
I keep running out when i am soul matching my gear.
I finished RE on MNM and it really wasn't even that much bullshit
Nioh isn't anywhere near as hard anyway.
Trying to but the whole skill tree thing is confusing the fuck out of me.
I just stick with the sword and slash away and parry/backaway strong attacks to escape trouble but I feel like I'm missing something.
I've got no idea to do with all the yokai farts, ninjitsu and pulses and what not.
why not just upgrade so that your soul matching costs less? its what i did and in ng+ just doing one mission gives me well above the needed amount of money for soul matching my full gear+weapon
I can't catch up with recommended levels for the missions later in the game. Am i suppose to grind?
Is this an actual joke? Literally first playthrough
>game makes my PS4 sounds like a jet engine
>don't have a decent enough PC to play it
you can ignore magic and ninjutsu shit if you want to but going for a warrior you better do all the dojo missions and the one for your weapon so that you can get all skills atleast
(there is one inifitly upgradible skill for example that raises your damage)
There's two clans that give Luck.
nah the reccomended levels only say the level of the weapons youre gonna find in the level
beat my first playtrough at level 89 for example
>10k damage taken at the point of the game where your life bar is like 1k
Holy fuck what an absolute shitter.
>yokai farts
Ki Pulse, nigger.
twilight hino-enma does a lot of damage and the HP bars are usually at around 1.7k HP at that point of the game, mr. reddit spacing
>b-b-but she does a lot of damage :(
Try dodging and blocking, shitter.
Following conversations isn't your strong suit, is it?
It is. And so is playing video games. The same can't be said for a shitter like you who's drooling on himself for the entire bossfight.
use proper spacing really. gotta bait out her attack and repeat
too bad you pc cucks dont have the living weapon cheese
>And so is playing video games.
Congratulations, I guess?
Isn't your mommy calling that your din-din tendies are done?
I quit the game at this point. Fuck that shit.
just here to laugh at you
I really wish the game would tell me what the elements actually do.
what living weapon cheese?
the only thing similar i ever herd about the ps4 version is how sloth was broken as fuck, but i believe it got nerfed (it's still fucking broken tho)
No, she's on the phone right now talking to your mom, listening to her complain about what a miserable failure you turned out to be.
>what a miserable failure you turned out to be
I doubt my mom would care that I'm not a 1337 video game pro like yourself.
But whatever makes you sleep at night.
Get fucking good you little shit. Most of her attacks are easy to dodge, you have items to cure or resist the paralysis, you have a fucking god mode, you can block most of her melee attacks, you can easily bait her into missing huge combos entirely
Why is the second wave of players always so casul.
Just fucking dodge her attacks. It’s not that hard.
Too late, I quit.