What really does DMC3 have over DMC4 other than boss fights? I mean sure DMC4 may have been unfinished but at least you got to play as a completely different character. The game looks better and the combat is way better.
What really does DMC3 have over DMC4 other than boss fights...
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All you have to remember is that both of them are good games, as well as being leagues away from wreckage related.
DMC3 has a finished and great story, not to mention the best cutscenes of any video game to date.
DMC3's enemies aren't ridiculously fucking annoying. DMC4's enemies pose more of a challenge for sure, but they're also just shit to fight with horrible gimmicks before you can start actually attacking them.
Beyond that waaayyyyy too much of the enemy roster has super armor.
Nero's playstyle is too simplistic and shallow. He really needed alternate weapons and not the dump motorcycle engine bullshit.
style switching really wasn't that great of an addition imo. Sure you have all these new options now but what does that matter when Dante's movesets are unfun trash compared to DMC3? Part of the appeal of DMC3 that gave it so much replay value wasn't just getting costumes for every difficulty, but also going through the game trying different weapon and style combinations and seeing what you can get working and how cool you can make it. When Dante just has access to everything it wrecks this aspect.
DMC4 doesn't have anything as cancerous as the bloodgoyles, soul eaters or the fallen. Chess pieces are as unfun as they get too, its like hitting a wall.
Blitz alone are worse than all 3 combined.
literally die instantly, not a problem
and chesspieces are excellent for beginners to learn about the hidden mechanics like jump cancelling.
I honestly hate Blitz, Frosts, and Mephistos/Fausts more than the worst DMC3 enemies.
Yes I love fighting whats effectively a training dummy that doesn't react to my hits and has one attack for a third of the game
Being fucking finished, less forced dice sections and lady in her absolute reproductive fucking prime??
That said her breasts are FANTASTIC in her later years in DMC4:SE
In DMC4 you play the game once and then do it backwards in the same levels as a different guy that's stupid
>not to mention the best cutscenes of any video game to date.
>gittin crazyyyyyyy
>doesn’t fuck lady or suck on her big round tiddies once
I dunno mang.
Dante was actually cool in 3 and not a complete and utter faggot like in 4.
lady was my 14yo crush
DMC3 is simply more enjoyable to play
>better levels
>better bosses
>better enemies
>no Nero
DMC3 isn't a BP sim user.
Devil May Cry is a series for teenagers and manchildren.
It's absolutely cringe worthy how many times Dante says "woohoo" during fight cutscenes in dmc3. Not to mention how flat and unenthusiastic they sound. Reuben needs to stick do delivering snarky insults and yelling ROYAL GUARD
I had so many, but Japs trying to make western girls based on clearly 2000’s japanese girls was hot as fuck. They all had this hair at thst time:
Heather was absolutley another “not a Japanese teenage girl nope”
this desu~
Yes, Feels good. I can almost feel how warm her big tits are through the screen.
DMC3 had superior level design and better combat in the base game
it was moody and atmospheric, 4 was just the story of an angsty boy fighting random dudes
Dante in 3 was a cringey faggot. In 4 he was actually tolerable as Uncle
>3 simply more enjoyable to play
>has the inferior combat system which is what the game is based around
You tried. It's ok that you never tapped into the potential of the combat engine, it really is. Enemy and level aesthetic doesn't matter all that much when all you want to do is juggle and jc off demons until they die
What better level design are you talking about? Both are just empty rooms and occasional forced platforming or "puzzle" solving. DMC4 does a better job at not cluttering its combat arenas.
DMC has shit level design all around, a hallmark of the series.
Mfw people actually want to only fight sandbags. What the fuck. The new enemies (and some of the old ones from DMC1) were the best thing about DMC4. I can't believe you guys don't want enemies that can actually fight back. The Ninja Gaiden fags were right. I hope Itsuno doesn't listen to you.
The real question is what complete sorcery did capcom pull to get DMC4 so well optimised on PC?
>Muh combo vids
It’s that MTframework blud
To be fair the gameplay was pretty fluent in DMC, the only thing that made it shit were the charecters, the story and that it was pretty easy overall.
Gameplay was clunky garbage and hardly felt playable after playing the real games
You're both fags, this is what the peak looked like. Fucking DMC3babbies shitting up my board.
Man, combo videos should be a nice-to-have to show off true skill but the game shouldn't pander to combo video autists by making all enemies sandbags. Where is the fun? Just include a training mode with literal sandbags for combo videos but make enemies tough as nails in the actual missions and BP. Fuck even Bayo has better enemy designs than DMC3 and 4.
The story not being bogged down by "KYRIE!" bullshit.
This. You don't even see players like Donguri complaining about shielding enemies and such in DMC4. Nigga just blasts through them with precision and then once they're worn down combos the fuck out of them. That's how it should be. You should have to earn the right to combo-spam an enemy.
Her ass was the shit though son. Id cry for it like a bitch too.
Didn't Shimomura also direct the cutscenes in DMC4? Maybe he was involved with Bayonetta at the time...
>at least you got to play as a completely different character
And that's a good thing? I didn't ask to play as some whiny little fag. Could you come up with a worse character than Nero? I fucking doubt.
>He really needed alternate weapons and not the dump motorcycle engine bullshit
There was much more wrong with the way they balanced Nero's arn moves than anything Shuffle/Calibur related. "Press button for big damage" is more something I'd see in a GoW game than a DMC game.
But yeah, DMC3 was just a better package overall. DMC4 looks fantastic even to this day and the gameplay is still good but it was clear that they had some troubles during the development.
Motorcycle sword was immensely satisfying to pull off, what are you on about?
A few more sword techniques would be good because he IS shallow compared to Dante though
Better boss fights
Better enviroments
Better weapons
Better story
DMC3 is a wholesome complete experience with few flaws. DMC4 is extremely unfinished and the story feels like an anime filler arc.
How exactly is Nero whiny? His gf gets kidnapped and he despairs when he thinks he's lost her. That's pretty normal for anyone. Otherwise Nero is pretty cocky and knows how to be playful. Nero shows his feelings, whereas Dante tries to keep up this facade when shit bothers him. There's no reason they have to be the same character and handle shit the same way. People that hate on Nero make it seem like his entire character is about crying over Kyrie but it's literally two moments in the game and other than that he's as enjoyable as Dante.
I try to get mad at DMC and DMC fags despite enjoying the games by just taking a step back, looking at it and saying “it’s an anime. Just think it’s an anime”
And then everything is ok.
>Nero's playstyle is too simplistic and shallow. He really needed alternate weapons and not the dump motorcycle engine bullshit.
I see this statement a lot, and it's the telltale sign of someone that thinks he's far better at the game than he actually is. I've said this many, many times, but Nero is basically "casualization" done right. He's the training wheels to the game in a lot of ways for new players; it's easy to learn how to use him, but he's built in a way that that prepares new players for playing as Dante. He employs the game's basics while drilling in habits like timing, lock-on, canceling, etc, that you're going to use when you become a more advanced player.
On the other hand, Nero ALSO has a great number of tricks up his sleeve that allow advanced players to make him dance around the enemy, keeping them afloat with combos and general cuhrazy. He's got a lot more depth than he initially seems, and the best part about him is he's got the more potential for growth in that regard than any other playable character due to his unique system revolving around his demon arm.
That's my feelings on him, anyway.
JYB is definitely going to be in DMC5. And I hope he's the lead character again but for all the missions. Dante and Vergil can be traditional "replay the same campaign" unlockable characters.
DMC4 was shit out 40% complete. the budget and dev time were slashed so much he only got to do the scant few good cutscenes in the game.
You can clearly see the cutscenes that are finished versus the ones that aren't. Nero vs Dante is straight out of DMC3, but most of Dante's solo cutscenes are fucking effortless trash where he just teleports out of the way of an attack lazily and doesn't hit them.
Tameem pls go
It only has in my opinion better music and better bosses. 4 has better enemy design.
4 had better combat from the start user. 3s level design was trash
Why do people always overlook level design?
Like seriously, these questions shouldn't even have to be asked.
3s level design is trash though
Then don't make juggle combos and don't do enemy swarms.
One or the other, dude.
There's a reason I said "potential for growth" and not that he's "the deepest playable character." Grappling is pretty much just the surface level of the kind of system you can build around his powerset. It goes beyond weapon/style swapping because it's a gameplay element that is ever-present on him, meaning it can be used for far more than standard offensive combos.
If there is a DMC5, I'm excited for what Itsuno might have in mind for Nero more than Dante or Vergil. He's the most unique character out of the trio and his I always felt his moveset was fun to use, but in need of refining to really get the most out of him.
You can do juggle combos once you've broken through their defenses and earned the right to combo spam them. That's already the design philosophy of many enemies in DMC4 and actual skilled combo video makers do just that. If you can't keep up with that, git gud. Let's not dumb the game down for the lowest common denominator.
I want them to expand his weapon set and give his buster some more variations.
Also I want to be able to decide when to move an enemy near me and when to move towards an enemy with snatcher, instead of it being based around the enemy I'm grabbing on.
Also needs more dropkicks.
Bayonetta is better than both anyway.
So does dante like, fuck trish or what? And why is it okay for HER to be a demon walking about and shit. How has Lady not put one through her skull on principle?
It's implied they live together, and if Lady didn't kill Dante why would she kill Trish
>So does dante like, fuck trish or what?
I know som of you would, but really? Fucking a demon in the form of his deceased mom?
>And why is it okay for HER to be a demon walking about and shit.
I guess they like the fact that she actually helps instead of being either a mindless puppet or a 2 stories tall monster hellbent on fucking everything up.
3 was a balance between style and efficiency. 4 went overboard with comboshit and is loaded with useless and redundant attacks. Dante in general is clunkier and less cancel happy than his DMC3 counterpart with a smaller, nerfed, recycled moveset. Every weapon/style in DMC3 functions as a standalone (save maybe Artemis without GS), while in 4 everything is balanced around having your whole arsenal at once, so the Styles all got nerfed to Hell but Trickster and every weapon but Rebellion feels like garbage.
Every enemy and its grandmother has shields, super armor or both, making them annoying as fuck despite the game still being easier than DMC3. Meanwhile, bosses are huge, jump cancel friendly hurtboxes that are constantly vulnerable and still get long stunned periods so the stupid fucking Buster isn't worthless against them.
The campaign is terrible, more dumb puzzle shit and fewer enemies per fight (outside LDK mode which is a joke) with the laziest environment recycling in the series. Bloody Palace got a timer for no reason.
At some point some idiot on dev team decided high damage=just inputs, regardless of whether the attacks themselves are actually interesting, so if you want to deal high damage you have to juggle retarded just inputs from normal attacks and meter at the same time.
Nero is a fucking dumpster fire and the ranking system was ruined for no reason.
>has the inferior combat system
>actually more cancel happy with more tech beyond useless physics shit
Fuck off combofag.
it sounds to me like you just need to git gud, especially if you think fucking gilgamesh feels like garbage
>4 went overboard with comboshit
>Dante in general is clunkier and less cancel happy than his DMC3 counterpart
You seem a bit confused.
He's retarded user
>The new enemies (and some of the old ones from DMC1) were the best thing about DMC4
Yeah, Blitz, an enemy with super armor and a shitty shield that no sells most of your attacks, were so much fun to fight. Especially loved how Frosts would just smack you at random if you weren't jump cancelling them to death.
The first one is the best one.
If you were good at royal guard blitzs wouldn't be a big threat
>the game shouldn't pander to combo video autists by making all enemies sandbags.
People don't like sandbags because they want to combo shit, they like sandbags because they actually react to your hits without having to jump through a bunch of shitty hoops first. 3's enemies worked as a team to interrupt you, which is where the difficulty came from. In 4 they'll just interrupt you randomly.
literally git gud, you can make a complete joke out of them in seconds
>Frosts would just smack you at random
Wait are you saying an enemy attacking you is a bad thing? Is it supposed to just stand there? What the fuck happened to the DMC playerbase. I'm starting to understand why DMC1 fags exist.
Please prepare because this might be a retarded question and my brain isn't working yet today but does anyone else think the extended, slow version of Never Surrender
(after the first two minutes)
Is similar in feeling to Glory of Love by Peter Cetera from the Karate Kid soundtrack?
>You don't even see players like Donguri complaining about shielding enemies and such in DMC4
Because he fights them one at a time.
He fights 3 credos at once
oh okay so we want musou-tier mobs that just mostly stand around and stare at you and once in awhile make a move in your general direction. We've come a long way from shadowcats, death scissors, and frosts.
>I've said this many, many times, but Nero is basically "casualization" done right.
You're completely fucking wrong. Nero doesn't ready players for style switching at all, is boring as fuck and harder to play effectively than Dante at a moderate levels. His 'tricks' are mostly combo bullshit with zero practical use, and his two main gimmicks are both horrible.
In what universe were those remotely threatening
Not him but I think what he means by smack you at random is that while you're hitting a frost every once in a while they just go through your attack with armor and hit you. It even happens in that you can't cancel in time with jump or dodge, since some frames of the attacks can't be canceled.
This happens especially with nero I feel, because his attacks are slower and they have more chances of not getting interrupted.
That's not true at all. You can watch his actual mission and BP runs. He's a master at crowd management.
>I'm excited for what Itsuno might have in mind for Nero more than Dante or Vergil
Get out. DMC is about manual combos via normals/specials, not contextual action bullshit, and certainly not bad contextual action bullshit.
Nero does that while also having a great grapple technique you utter ponce
Enemies in other action games if they are going to stop you mid combo would parry you, DMC4 enemies just start attacking right in the middle of your combo, its bullshit.
>DMC5 comes out
>Shoulder cam
How'd you feel about this?
>it sounds to me like you just need to git gud
I've beaten DMD without upgrades, gittin gud isn't the problem.
>especially if you think fucking gilgamesh feels like garbage
>Kick 13 neither adjusts direction if the enemy moves nor is cancellable
>that fucking eternity it takes for the final hit of Combo A to connect
>multi kicks only being guard cancelable
>Full House having worse angle adjustment than Killer Bee
>Straight (a lunge) being hidden behind Draw (which is worthless)
>being forced to use Rising Dragon once Beast Uppercut charges instead of having a choice whether to self launch or not with a followup input
You're right, it's flaming garbage.
>the combat is way better
Opinion discarded
During fights it'd be preferable. Directional inputs with a camera that you have to manage yourself is a bit of a mess.
For the rest I just wouldn't mind, it's not so important.
>You seem a bit confused.
>cancel E&I shots into shotgun blasts and vice versa
>cancel E&I shots into Twosome Time and vice versa
>can guard cancel rolls
>what is Pandora
>what is Gilgamesh
Yeah DMC4 is so smooth.
>If you were good at royal guard blitzs
I am. How does that stop them from being unfun pieces of shit?
>Wait are you saying an enemy attacking you is a bad thing?
No I'm saying being randomly hit while the enemy is in stunlock by extremely fast attack in a combo heavy game is a bad thing.
>What the fuck happened to the DMC playerbase.
>I've beaten DMD without upgrades
kek, sure you have user. You don't understand the point of committing to your attacks if you just want to have the game guide your character along so you don't deal with the consequences of fucking up your input mistakes, but yeah go ahead and put the blame all on the game. It's totally not your fault.
>I am
You aren't, otherwise you wouldn't be complaining, obviously.
¡Que te jodan!
DMC4's level design is atrocious. DMC3 level design constantly kept you engaged while DMC4 had you running long stretches while doing nothing. Orbs found being tied into the mission rank is retarded too.
>DMC3 level design constantly kept you engaged
Yeah because Mission 17s level design is so good
oh wow one level feeling bad vs an entire game
>defending 3s level design
wew lad, Sup Forums is a contrarian hell hole. there isn't a single time when the games design rises above mediocre, it literally would have benefited from just straight hallways because the attempts at platforming are utter dog shit
dmc4 is only better than dmc3 if you think making combo videos is the peak of these games.
dmc3 has enough of the mechanics and style of dmc1 to gave lasting replay value beyond this, while dmc4 just steals a bunch of enemies and thats it
DMC4 is half a game that you're forced to play twice. That's what I hated about it.
also I wasn't big on the combat so I don't think I'm cut out for the series desu
>DMC4 is half a game that you're forced to play twice. That's what I hated about it
That's what pretty much everybody agrees on. One can only hope Capcom stops with this bullshit, it happens so fucking often and ruined already too many games.
I wish Lady looked like this in 4. Her face is honestly kinda disgusting in 4, and the graphics at the time could have probably matched her DMC3 CG render.