Why is she so trashy?
Why is she so trashy?
She's pretty shit. All she does is throw baseless insults at Pearl. Pearl may have been the uglier one at start, but now she's clearly the better girl.
I heard someone say this was the result of a typical shitty Nintendo localization that completely recharacterized her. Can anyone confirm?
shes black
I want to fuck her
t. Pearlfag
My japanese-speaking friend said she's also kinda snarky in the jap version, so I'm not sure.
Her more recent dialog seems to have toned it down a bit, though.
How loose is Marina's asshole that she can fit Pearl
>That image
My sides are actually achieving hover
Please tell me there's a copypasta to go with this.
Because she takes huge tentacles up her ass
because shes not thicc
Lmao people unironically made this and people fap to it.
That's why
Neither is she. Fan art doesn't count.
Is there more to this?
This is something I can bring with me to
Pearl is best daughterfu.
>Splatoon 1 had same body-type looking idol sisters that people were split about who was best girl
>Splatoon 2 has wildly different body type idols, people flocking to the delicious mint-chocolate chip Octo, while people treat pearl as the butt-end of a 5head joke
Why is Sup Forums so absolutely obsessed with anal vore recently? Like what the fuck
I accept these things. This delves into new curiosities of what I can orgasm to.
because Pearl literally owns her, the only reason she's allowed on TV is to make Pearl look even better
octos have no rights
Why does Nintendo make such sexualized hot lolis for a children's game?
to make it relatable
For whom? Hot sexy lolis are too busy being molested by Hollywood to play Nintendo games
for us hot lolis irl
Because you like Squiggers.
It's only ironic obsession.
Fucking lol
I've slowly migrated over to pearl over the fall.
I blame star
>basically Marie part 2
>Marie just talks down Callie every time
>somehow fags main her
Fucking insulting. At least Marina is delicious brown bait.
I'm in fucking tears
Why is he dabbing?!?!