Name ONE (1) alien race better than the Elites from Halo. Protip: you can't

Name ONE (1) alien race better than the Elites from Halo. Protip: you can't.

Why, my peenus weanus ofc

Turian because I want Garrus' dick.


elites weren't even the best alien race in their respective series

t. Tartarus

Kill yourself space nig

Turians are super overrated. What are those flap things on the sides of their mouths even supposed to accomplish?

Genocidal caterpillars with trust and remorse issues

Make them look alien.

Hunters from the Halo series

But they don't do anything


>ywn have a Hunter read chuuni war poetry to you as it casually fixes some gadget
Born 550 years too early

OP asked for one (I)(1) alien

I literally can't. halo has the best aliens of any vidya because they actually look, you know, ALIEN and not glorified humans with different colored skin

Sangheli are *silly cows* we do not *party* with them a lot much.

These niggas needed a hug, if only they stopped cleasing every motherfucker they come across.

>playing Halo 5
>red SIV speaks a sentence or two of Elite
>It's filled with consonants and sounds like some Hungarian shit
How? They don't have a lower jaw. Unless they're packing a hidden 2nd mouth like an eel or a xenomorph sounds like those would be inpossible to make

I kinda like the chimera... until they became less scary in resistance 2 due to the franchises "call of duty-fied"

Mah niggahs. I only recently discovered the star control series. I've played 1 and 2, I haven't tried 3 yet since it seems like the fans of the first two hate it. I'll admit, I'm not that put off by the puppets from what I've seen, it's kind of neat. Is it worth a shot?

>proceeds to post the worst iteration in their design history

Most "aliens" in games have the same facial structures virtually all animals on Earth have - two eyes, nose below that, and mouth below that. Meaning, they're not really aliens, because everything on Earth with said facial structure all have a common ancestor. If they were truly aliens and evolved on a different planet, they wouldn't resemble humans in the slightest.

You're alright, user

>Most "aliens" in games have the same facial structures virtually all animals on Earth have - two eyes, nose below that, and mouth below that.
That's because there's a reason why most creatures on Earth display these traits. Its the optimal arrangement of sensors on the head for large animals.

wort wort wort

the what from what?

blur elites are literally just H2 elites in higher fidelity

Is Resistance good?

no :)

>If they were truly aliens and evolved on a different planet, they wouldn't resemble humans in the slightest.
Kind of a false assumption. Assuming that they do evolve in a similar physical framework as we did, then there's a chance that there will be certain similarities with the design that evolution ends up with. Lot of the more outlandish alien designs we see in fantasy are garbage because they don't have that quality of streamline effectiveness that lot of real animals have. Evolution doesn't make things super-optimized necessarily, but it does kinda cull out the stupidest designs.

Probably for eating turian pineapples

For me it's the McChicken.


Destiny would like a word with you

Nah. Just the weird sharp-edged shape of their head, the skin's elephant/crocodile like texture, the nonsensical details like the spine on the ches or the wtf-muscle structure on the stomach and the sticking-out bones on the hips differentiate it from Halo 2's original design and makes it a bit silly.

It's not horrible but it's not great either.

About what, all the wasted potential it is?

I think the Jackals have cuter feet

Predators AKA Yautjas.

>tfw playing halo ce on legendary
>infiltrating a huge space ship
>picking off grunts and making good progress
>get to an huge hanger like room
>suddenly waves and waves of enemies
>using all of resources and smarts and manage to take down 4 over shied elites and two hunters by the skin of your teeth
>eyes wide and heart beating fast
>fuck yes this game is goooooood

You can give it a try if you want but it wasn't made by the original devs and it shows.

Incidentally, the original devs are finally making their own sequel 20 years later. On top of the "reboot" Star Control game that Stardock made and is coming out sometime soon.

It's meh, interestingly mysterious in the first game. COD'd the 2nd game when it came to campaign, but expanded on the mystery....then in the third it was like they completely forgot about the events at the end of 2. If you play them all the story in 3 will piss you off to no ends.

I want a Sangheili wife

She would just end up cheating you since you don't have the physique and stamina to keep her satisfied.

>tfw no sanghieli gf

There's actually 2 different H2A elite designs: The design the Heretics and The Arbiter after the intial cutscene uses, which is the one the OP picture has (and in pic related), and the design every other elite and the arbiter in the first cutscene uses.

I think the latter one looks a lot better

>Sanghieli with tits

And compare that with pic related

An alien race refers to all of the individuals. Just because an armor is a colony doesn't mean it doesn't count. What is it called.. Lekgolo or something?

>they wouldn't resemble humans in the slightest.
Why though?

Because humans were created in God's image

Stop making these threads. They are garbage. Were you born in the year 2000 or something?