VR thread

Payday edition

Gave the beta a quick go and I'm impressed. The short range teleport is a bit weird though.

Anyway, add another title to the list of games the vr naysayers are going to say "doesn't count"


i'll pick when they stop being fucking pussies
and let me choose for a smooth locomotion

Moving with controls is probably an option but I haven't checked yet.

Still, it's a interesting take on teleporting. You can only place the marker a few meters at a time, so you have to 'step' to areas instead of having inhuman Nightcrawler powers.

How come there's no VR foot pedal?

How would that work?

Sandal pedals, pedals with straps? Pulling up would turn you depending on what foot you're using. Right foot press would make you go forward. Left foot would reverse you.

A foot pedal!?

There's a mod for free locomotion up on the Vive part of le antenna alien site

There is foot tracking. Either with sensors on the feet or juryrigging a Kinect to track your whole body.

I don't think the controls you suggest would feel very natural but it would be interesting to see if stepping in place is an option. Some games have had some success with using the arms to 'pull' the player around.


Payday is a cool game for VR though. We need more first person games in general to get VR treatment.

well my idea was shit and just something that I thought while reading this shit thread. The nightcrawler teleporting shit is cancer.

Don't lose your temper.

Is teleportation hate a meme? People seem to hiss and piss about it with no valid reason.

Motion controls in general just need to die. They will never be the future for the simple reason that they require exerting yourself physically more than should be desired for video games.

An incredibly lightweight and wireless HMD with a more powerful processor and about 4-5 hours of life with gamepad support and full locomotion is all it needs. If they can pull it off and have it not cost a grand then VR will be the future.

>instantly get kicked from game

>Hand presence is so dumb
>I want to literally just strap a screen to my face

VR is garbage but you're a million times more retarded.

that webm gave me a boner

Nah, I'm just someone who has actually been playing video games since before the 90's. Motion controls do not lead to a greater experience and never will, but the HMDs certainly can. Motion controls also increase the percentage of discomfort VR creates which contributes to that claim. They are not worth it.

If you want to keep playing light gun shooters that most people were over with about 15-20 years ago be my guest, those are the games that will always be encouraged most by the motion controls.

>Anyway, add another title to the list of games the vr naysayers are going to say "doesn't count"

Of course it counts, it's yet another brilliant example of why VR shooters are so shit.

Sacrificing precision, control and movement for the sake of wagglan isn't progress.

Tried a game earlier with everyone using VR, it was literally impossible.

Vr is the future

would the inclusion of a VR player actually add -anything-?

>this is what americans would consider white

vr is getting more and more interesting. So many shit games i wouldnt touch with a stick on a monitor that look dope in vr

Hard to say. Probably better covering and quicker aim but that depends on the person.

I think the big hurdle with vr is that it's not about "muh efficiency". Some things are harder but more fun and involved. Sadly that makes mixed play a challenge to balance.

I hope they make it easy to block them, otherwise I will have to kick all those VR faggots.

>muh VR legs

Literally nothing.

Can't aim or shoot for shit.
Can't loot quickly.
Can't move bags efficiently.
Can't move whilst shooting.
Can't stealth.

It's absolutely worthless in a game like Payday 2.

Have you tried it?

Teleportation is a strong disconnect and annoying when smoother locomotion can be done correctly.
It's collapsing at the starting line and saying good enough.

Motion controls offer better interaction with a lot of things with just a few contextual inputs but don't disintegrate into rubbing up against everything and pressing a button to interact like with a gamepad.
Also holding your gamepad out in front of you while standing is an awkward experience and with rotation being the worst culprit for motion sickness (at least in my case) you will likely be standing.
And with split controllers at that point why not have hand presence?


>Here's your controller bro

There's that meme again.

>muh moshum siccnes

I honestly can't read that.

Do you even know what a fucking meme is?

I find 'hovering' around with the move controls just as much as a disconnect. I think it's all a sake of practicality until we have walking pads or something.

>It's another teleport meme game
Nigger make a proper game like Onward or fuck straight off with your bullshit.
At the very least give people the option for both, it can work, just not for everyone, get over it.

cause youre a filthy ESL
learn american

I'll ask again. Have you tried it?

Any genelets here? How did you cure your motion sickness? I want to play VR but I tried it and almost puked

I feel more dizzy than sick but I handle it with breaks. You get over it over time.

if youre already feeding the device properly with all its 90fps or w/e it runs natively and you arent doing anything crazy like rollercoasters then you need to progressively increase your sessions for each time you play so you can get slowly start getting used to it but some people wont ever be able to get over because they have a condition for flat screens it is like a 1% of the population for VR i bet it is a higher amount of people but i dont have the numbers

What kind of VR did you try?
The only thing that ever made me sick was minecraft before all the comfort updates they added.
I couldn't play that shit for more than 5 minutes.

It was a racing game and it was 90fps

some people take ginger pills

I saw a few anons in the past saying sea bands help a bit. No idea how affective it is though.

I've played countless games with teleportation, it's fine

Oh my God I the audio for this one so badly. Anyone got sauce?

Yes, and it's annoying. I prefer gamepad so much more.

You gotta be dense as shit to argue with me. Look at what most VR games are nowadays: light gun shooters essentially. Crap games. The only AAA VR games have gamepad support, one doesn't even have motion control support. Not to mention it's not doing good overall.