do people really take gaming """journalism""" seriously?
Do people really take gaming """journalism""" seriously?
Yes, people who don't play video games.
They won't get away with this
What a goofy, goofy elephant, looking for some water
>literally making shit up
>linking proof you're lying
How the fuck do you even get this retarded.
do not spam your lets plays here
this is a let's play?
>"BUAH, polygon made a "hit" piece on me, buaahh"
>makes a hit piece on the polygon girl
Hmm.. really makes you ponder
Normies do, this topic has been discussed to death.
Slandering and Criticising are completely different things you memeing fuck.
>""journalist"" puts easily provable lies into article
>gets called out
Oh yeah literally the same.
Oh I know that guy.
He got blasted for ripping off a soulbrothanumbuh2 video many months ago.
Dumbass piece of shit.
It's a tranny, right?
Do you have a double digit IQ?
His mistake is thinking Polygon are "journalists". They're just shitty bloggers.
People see them as a credible opinion on if a game is worth buying or not. Which is why it's so gay, because these incompetent morons actually have an influential voice with power. Which leads to shit like this.
so let me get this straight
guy buys game
streams the entirety of the game to his viewers, profiting off them watching him play the game.
he beats the game
he refunds the game (that he used to earn profits.) on stream under false pretenses
people get mad at him for exploiting the system
how is he in the right again? Because he "didn't like the game" that gave him full reason to refund it? he clearly knew the game was going to be shit going in. Also he profited off of the game and then refunded it, and that I find scummy. His only defense seems to be "well I didn't plan on refunding it when I bought it so, it wasn't premeditated, that makes it ok."
I want out of this timeline,
No one gives a shit if a shitty literal who streamer is a shitty person you fag.
Polygon (a corporate entity) and it's employees are not comparable to a single douchebag who runs a stream and is a faggot.
Fucking kill yourself you ancap piece of shit.
>exploiting the system
Forces was shite mate. Games like this are the reason the refund system exists.
based contrarian
Why do these game journalists always have to make a Iol,so randum blurb?
>Dogsbody at polygon, LGBT warrior joining the resistance against trump. when I'm not playing VIDEOGAME I'm eating poki and nuggets.
He could have taken the high road and called out polygon and the article without focusing on the writer itself.
It was a specific person doing that specific article and they sure as fuck didn't take a high road. Fuck 'em.