Is it safe to say Capcom has the best selection of girls from the video game industry?

Is it safe to say Capcom has the best selection of girls from the video game industry?

>Great Jaggi

u wot



I'm not sure if the best, but top 5 easy

I think it comes to personal preference, like all the girls from Ankama make my dick explode.

Nintendo can probably compete with that, at least.

Blizzard (Overwatch) and Tecmo Koei (Dead or Alive) just have the one series to their name, so they don't get in.

Hands down.

The hottest girls, the cutest girls, they got em all.

>better than Nintendo
Not even close dude.

have they produced any good waifus lately tho?

I mean sure Menat, but outside of that ugh...

Depends on how long you consider "lately".

Resident Evil mostly. Crimson Viper or Juri maybe.

If you want to go by publisher then Koei also have Dynasty Warriors and the Atelier games. When it comes to in-house waifus though, I think Capcom is a top contender.

Pokemon ALONE beats Capcom. Nintendo as a whole? Not a chance.

Great Jaggi is male only though.

This guy knows what's up.

You are underestimating rosters like Breath of Fire, Rival Schools, Power Stone, and many more.

Blizzard also has WoW and Diablo, but you hardly hear anybody waifuing, or even recognizing, most of the cast in World of Warcraft, or in Dynasty Warriors. Sure, the whole Musou series would seriously buff up Tecmo Koei's roster of female characters, but unless you have them all on a poster or standing in a room, most people won't even remember them.

In pokemon:
>all of the female protags
>all of the fem gym leaders
>all of the female antagonists
>all of the female npc trainers

Not even a furry but even some of the female pokemon are perfect.

I grew up on some of those. Shit, I think some of the power stone girls were some of my best/first faps as a kid... but Nintendo as a whole against Capcom? I just don't see it.

This picture has everything I like.


Preteen spotted. Welcome to Sup Forums.

I love how Hypno is like the patron god of lewd in Pokeporn, kind of like how orcs are for generic fantasy anime.

Fucking love this artist

>Press A to pound the ingredients

>not waifuing wow

what is sylvanas?
what is tyrande?
what is mograine?
what is draeneis?
what are belfs?
what are nelfs?
actually ever race in wow has a massive amount of porn except dwarves.

I'm the nintendo guy in here, but this guy is on point. Who here hasn't fapped to anything warcraft related because you are probably underage or just very unfortunate.

How about the girls from Square?

Blizzard, Nintendo, and Capcom are in a league of their own when it comes to cute girls. Picking any of them for #1 is enough.

Let's be honest the only place female draenais even exist is in porn. I don't remember the last time I saw one in game. I am overwhelmingly Horde, so that may affect my results.

try one of the big RP servers and go to goldshire

>Pokemon girls are Nintendo
So this includes third party? good to know.

Yeah, them too. Faris, Terra, Celes, Tifa, Dagger...

i want to hug faris

You're kidding. Please tell me thats a joke.

Yes? The Pokemon IP is first party. Gamefreak literally cannot do anything with the IP unless Gamefreak approves, and vice versa. It's jointly owned. The IP is in a strange spot sure but it's still 1st party.

Shit I meant "Gamefreak can literally do nothing with the IP unless Nintendo approves".

>third party