webm thread
Webm thread?
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What was the name of that guy again ?
Every single one of his webm is pure fucking genius.
I loved this game as a kid.
Is it the same guy that does each one of these? They're all in the same style
imma post these
>your motherfucking life ends 30 minutes from now
No wonder there's no white or black ink in the game.
how can a pair of floating hands show so much character
what game is this?
True modern genius. This is art.
>what game is this?
>fuck deep sea, space is fine
>Theres nothing scary in space
>see this
>That sick fucking frontflip into roll
What game is this
ps2 dark souls?
Is it just me, or is Redout really easy? Even with the AI on veteran in Class 4 races, it's pretty easy to smoke them early on and just stay well in the lead.
AI is kinda shit. If you use augmented propeller and turbo boost, you often don‘t even need to be trying very hard. If you run that set-up you can die like 3 times and still stay in the lead.
But that‘s just the AI. Try collecting platinum medals in time attack, survival, speed or instagib. That can be pretty insane sometimes.
looks gay. glad I grew up with goldeneye, perfect dark, jetforce and duke 64 for multiplayer games.
Gotta Protectors: Amazon's Running Diet
>augmented propeller and turbo boost
and this is why the game never had any longerivity for me. devs insisted keeping "just boost into walls lmao" as the meta and it sucks.
monster hunter
Actually, I think they made walls slow you down much more in the patch a few days ago. That obviously doesn't really affect short wall bounces, but if you go head-first into a wall, that slows you down significantly now from what I could tell.
Hadn't really considered that before. Maybe Augmented Propeller isn't a completely free win against AI anymore if you're a complete noob.
What game?
Shit thread, none of those webms are good, but as always I guess.
what the fuck mod is this
>they actually animated her falling off the stool
What the fuck
>what the fuck, that's not a reliant rob-
I propose all these webms for Oscar for Best male actor of 2017
Moar, these are some funny shit
What game is this?
Some vr game by illusion
VR Kanojo
what gaem?
Outer wilds
I wish someone would post the full set. There's like one or two that I've never seen posted ever again.
Was Outer Wilds ever updated?
this is indistinguishable from real life for me
This is the best one of these so far by a mile
because it's from a movie
Is this a f2p game?
Yeah, kritika online. There's a levelling event for the newest character, if you reach level 65 by dec 13th you get 2k funbucks, which is enough for 2 full costume cubes.
Plus there's ways to earn a bunch more in game. I've decked out all my characters with tops/bottoms/hair.
I love the shine
That is real life, you dip
nice gold fgt
What game
do you have that image? the pre-order golden AK bonus comic I mean.
I gotchu bro
what game
eh i'll try it
Best one
This one's bretty guud too
even through a webm you can spot the blurry TAA
is that a custom Soul Calibur character?
nigga that's boob physx folded many times
Monster hunter world looks great
American conquest fight back with Hawks European warfare mod (HEW)
American conquest divided nations with Hawks divided nations mod (HDN)(webm related)
The fuck happened to Rubick
Do you have the one where he fucks with her legs as she's laying down and then puts a hat on her ass, or something like that?
What do you mean? Cosmetics, man.
that can't be
I knew there was cosmetics, but to this degree. I can barely recognize him.
What is the game called?