Whats your opinion on tekken 7, Sup Forums?

whats your opinion on tekken 7, Sup Forums?

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Not a fighting game but some kind of casual smasher.

i'm pretty bad at it. my hands and brain are too slow to do combos or to read opponents, so if i'm up against anyone who isn't toddler-level i lose.

it's fun though.

Really fun, wish there it was a bit more popular though but I guess most fighting games have troublw with that.

terrible lobbies

Good game but lacking content. Not lacking as much as SFV but they could have done more. Mechanically speaking the game is fine for the most part save a couple annoyances that could be fixed. Balance wise it's pretty good. People play Jack-7 a lot in tournies but even at those tournies you can always see a wide variety of characters being used at the highest level. Even Jack players will switch to a different character if they feel it's necessary.

Overall I'd say it's one of the better Tekken games but nothing will beat DR at this rate.

>Katarina is ugly as sin when she removes the glasses

rly maeks ya tink

Probably the worst entry in the series since 4.

>story mode for everyone is a fucking joke

>liking bound mechanic over screw mechanic

that ribcage is hueg

she aint nothing but a hoochie mama.

Game is more complicated then it's worth

They need some kind of universal move system instead of just giving each character 150 different unique combo strings and expecting you to memorize every single one for every character in the game so you can actually block the high/low mixups

Looks like some One Piece outfit

I like the game but I'm getting sick of panic hopkicks. You get too much out of those moves. Against most of them you don't even get a good punish.

while it could be toned down it gets way less complicated after you really master one character. Learning other characters becomes a breeze and you end up not having to spend that much time with them to start to telegraph their patterns and combos.

Still though I don't blame people for having a hard time getting into Tekken. I've played these games for over a decade so it's a lot easier for me than most.

>fucking NOCTIS
>bowling is retarded
>still no legacy characters
>still no Geese
>lobby system is awful

fuck harada

I would fuck her.

That's what makes it different from street fighter though

I hate you can't even get up without there being five different options where four of them lead to another juggle.

There is no such thing as a safe hopkick afaik. Either sidestep it or block it.

would play it more often if it didn't have such massive load times

Yeah those load times are Sonic 2006 tier of optimisation.

why are kazuya mains so handsome and have such massive penises? they are literally gods among men and are the best at everything

How does this compare to like SFV or other popular fighting games in terms of being able to pick up as a new player and be at least mediocre online?

They said from the beginning that Geese would be winter 2017. It'll be soon user.

HOT a What Baabhabhiat


you had to start about a decade ago

Needs more Julia Chang

Depends on what you mean by mediocre. Making it out of Kyus is easy and making it to about 8th Dan shouldn't really be a problem. Once you get up to that point you really can't rely on just pure button mashing and you should actually have to learn the game a little more. I made it to Juggernaut before I started running into players who actually had a good grasp on the game and once you get above that you best know your matchups. It'll take a while but the grind is the fun part anyways.

It's shit and needs to die

Those are some nice tatas.

To go off what I said here I've been playing Tekken for about 12 years now so I have a little bit of an advantage over most people. Legacy knowledge translates extremely well between Tekken games so it can be a lot harder for new players to really get into it but you don't have to really worry about that unless you go to tournaments. You should be able to make it to Green ranks with little effort at all.

great game and hard as balls

>Legacy knowledge translates extremely well between Tekken games
this is true

Tekken 5 DR my dude. Mechanically speaking it's the best Tekken game and it has one of the best OSTs in the series. youtube.com/watch?v=r-6e-mjsqxs

Don't play original Tekken 5 or 5.1 though. Those versions are broken as shit.

Did they really give her a womb tattoo?

She is a brazillian hoochie mama. Harada studied the hues well.

her elbows are too pointy would not fuck

O fuck that's the Godlike Psp Tekken. 8 agree with you man that's some great taste.

I feel sorry for everyone who thinks I just play Asuka because of her shenanigans from Tag 2 online and not her Shenanigans from T5. They have no idea what they're getting into.

It had a PS3 version as well that was basically just an upscaled version of the PSP game. Still functions extremely well though. You will have a hard time finding people who dislike it except people who will always comment "I stopped playing Tekken at Tekken 3. None are as good as Tekken 2." Which is just pure bullshit. Tekken 2 and 3 are really fun games but they're broken as all hell.

Fuck off Adrian

*dodges your comment*

>n-no i wont post my rank!


Fuck off

This man comes up and slaps your girls ass and challenges you to a Tekken match. Wat do?

*sidesteps your EWGF*

I need Josie and her feet in my life

Bad game, too many bullshit characters ad abusable stuff

Injure his wrist again.

Best Tekken in a while, but that's not saying much, as Namco is really afraid of changing the formula.

>Get rid of Korean Backdash.
It's un-intuitive for something as important as moving backwards to require an advanced tech. It's hard to convince new players into learning Tekken, just to tell them that they have to learn high execution techs just to move around correctly.
>Get rid of 10 hit strings.
Beginners always learn these, just to get stomped by anyone who knows the game well. It's rare you ever see these in high level play, so why bother including them? They're just there to fuck with new players.
>Fix sidestep
Almost everything seems to randomly track and beat out sidestep, except when it doesn't. Tekken needs a side step that actually makes sense like in VF, DOA, and even fucking SC.
>Custom characters/movesets
Pretty much just combine Soul Calibur's create a soul with Tekken Tag 2's Combot mode. Maybe use it to create some sort of separate casual online mode using these characters. People would lose their shit over this.
>Faster movespeed
One of the reasons 2D fighters have made a resurgence is the higher tempo. Tekken needs a more aggressive walk speed in order to make the game more interesting to watch.

Good game but it's dying a slow death.

Hopefully noctis will bring some people back.

I must say that as much as I like tekken I have more fun with soul calibur.

>uterus tattoo
Haven't played Tekken since 3 but I'm on board with this one.

>always comment "I stopped playing Tekken at Tekken 3.

Those fags are the fucking worst. “Ahh T3 and TTT the BEST Tekkens. I refuse to play any after this” fucking pricks don’t have a fucking clue what they are talking about.

My favourite tekken is 4 surprisingly.

Im feeling this

i like tekken 2 but that's probably for nostalgia reasons. never played the first though

This song gives me mad childhood memories.

>capcom vs snk 2

What is stopping capcom from rereleasing it? Legal issues?

I bet he went to brazil and fucked a lot of trannies as research.

I bet she's Tekken more than 7 in her time

Harada reminds me of that guy from boyzIImen

They rereleased it on PS3 user. I doubt they'll do another one any time soon.

happy result bobs and vagene


Got me into Tekken since I can map 2 more button combinations, as I only ever want to play King.
When's Armor King?

Back to 9gag

>n-no I won't drink poison

>When's Armor King?

Never ever thank god.

>play king mains
>knock them down
>they do that absurd backwards launch kick from the floor
>just stand there
>he gives me his back
>throw him
>repeat till win
>”l-learn to play scrub spam noob!”

Fucking king players man

Did you think this didn’t make you sound like a dramatic faggot when you wrote it user?

Kuni when?

That was the point, to show the other person how stupid he sounds. Hence, I am satisfied.

The skill ceiling is incredibly high and it’s also not an easy game for beginners but it feels rewarding to beat someone of a similar skill level. It’s a lot more fun than tag 2, the only thing really lacking was a proper tutorial mode that teaches new players the basics of dashing, which moves start combos from counter hits, and how the block / duck / sidestep is used in relation to low, high, mid, and grab offense.
It seems like a game that’s harder to play at a high level without a lot more practice than other fighters.

Worst in the series. Casual as fuck if you compare it to TTT2

Don’t vbe self satisfied, other guy was correct. Arrgoant fags who wade in about how bad a game is that they don’t play can go fuck themselves.

Anna when?
>inb4 waifushitter

Mained her since Tekken 1.

I acknowledge the game as a deep, technical fighter, but it's just so damn boring for me I don't have the drive to improve.

>worst in the series

As a King player, this is hilarious.
>watching lesser Kings springboard


the full mask was better

Needs more active support from the devs other than the season pass DLC and character portraits. Needs something like legacy characters being added for free every other month. More customization options, Tag2 had a shit ton you can easily rip from. Also needs a better lobby system because I hate how you can't even pass your turn in lobbies.

All the new characters are trash
Soundtrack is the worst in any Tekken game
Stages are bland and forgettable
Story mode is piss if you don't care about Mishimas
Barely any offline gamemodes compared to previous Tekken games
Netcode is no better than TTT2
DLC for a gamemode that was included in a previous game for free
Cheap invincible moves and rage arts to appeal to shit players

should go on a big sale so i can buy it

t. tekken 3 veteran

Chras are toooooo fat
The skin texture looks extreme bad
All in all 6 was better
Nothing beats 3

What sense does that make? Is it not only logical that people proceed to play good games and drop bad ones?

>new characters are trash
Your opinion
>soundtrack is the worst in any Tekken game
>cheap invincible moves and rage arts
>he thinks rage arts are cheap
Most characters get more damage off of using their rage drive than they do their rage art. Stop rushing in and learn how to defend.

>All the new characters are trash
That's subjective. Kazumi and Claudio are pretty fun
>Soundtrack is the worst in any Tekken game
Surely you have the PS4 version right?
>Stages are bland and forgettable
>Story mode is piss if you don't care about Mishimas
Definitely, I don't like the how the individual character stories were handled
>Barely any offline gamemodes compared to previous Tekken games
>Netcode is no better than TTT2
>DLC for a gamemode that was included in a previous game for free
Pretty scummy, yeah
>Cheap invincible moves and rage arts to appeal to shit players
lol just bait/punish it like any other decent player

>Learn the most used moves from my problem characters
>I get switched up on nasty and mans start pulling out these wierd moves
>lose bad since the frame data is different and wierd as fuck compared to sf so it's hard to look at the character animations and use the punish
>go to the movelist and practice against the move
>finally confident to go online again
>rinse and repeat with 30+ characters with an average of 90 moves a piece
>then figuring out combos with multiple states that you have to string together (launch,screw,blowaway) that varies between stages and characters
>on top of the massive PS4 lag

I want to like this game but it's above me I haven't touched it since launch month.

>Soundtrack is the worst in any Tekken game

AHAHAHAHAHAHA OH WOW. It HAS to be mostly americans with this shit opinion. T7 has some of the BEST hype music any tekken has ever had.

>jungle outpost
>infinite azure
>haze heat shadow
>mishima dojo
>arctic snowfall
>dragons nest

Oh shit nigga, miss me with your shit taste.

Your opinion on this matter is irrelevant though.

I rented the first Tekken after playing the shit out of Tekken 2 and even then the grafix seemed outdated as shit.

bad graphics? I dunno but DOA looks a lot smoother despite being old but this junk looks all plasticity and stuff

impregnate? [y/n]

Out of all those - I really only like Infinite Azure. Everything else is ok fighting music to me.

Right, so is yours. At least I own Tekken 7 unlike you and call legitimately call it shit.