Yet another "critically acclaimed" "AAA" game that I have never played
And I'm willing to be my life that I didn't miss out on anything
Yet another "critically acclaimed" "AAA" game that I have never played
And I'm willing to be my life that I didn't miss out on anything
Well you'd fucking die then, because Far Cry 3 is damn good.
It's pretty good, user.
Ubisoft focustesting at its finest.
I like Primal but it makes my PC overheat.
just another ubisoft open world trash game
its legit good and ages pretty well
It gets repetitive pretty fast.
wrap your PC with wet paper towels to cool it down
The absolute state of nu-Sup Forums. Find a rope and wipe yourselves from the gene pool.
blood dragon was better
Is primal fun?
You didn't even play it.
Play it for tribal waifu.
hello, /erp/
Couldn't finish it. Honestly don't think I even got very far, made it to the mushroom doctor or whatever it was he had.
I didn't like it, but I didn't hate it.
Cool ideas wrapped in way too many repetitive missions and scenarios and relies too much on the random shit that can happen at any moment over well thought out missions. 2bh one of the best ubishit and triple A titles but that's not saying much since it still suffers from the shit that people tend to hate about those games.
It's run of the mill ubishit open world formula but I still had some fun with it honestly.
I played it for the first time in 2016, you didn't miss out at all.