Lets do it
Lets do it
i dont care about starshit
im still buying madden and there is literally nothing you can do about it ladyboy
I havent bought an EA game in like 2 years and iy does nothing
I've been doing this all my life, get on my level plebs
Nigger please. I mostly buy games second hand. I've never given money to EA.
I haven’t bought an EA game in 6 years. The result seems to be the same as yours.
>Lets do it
Yeah lets not buy it, im sure that those +20 anons that browse Sup Forums will change anything. If you want to do that shit go to reddit or some place that actually matters
take this support (You)
keep fighting the good fight op
I literally can't think of the last time in a decade EA has gotten a dime from me and they seem to not care.
i can safely say i've NEVER EVER bought an EA game...western games are GARBAGE
Normies will never stop shoveling shit into their mouths. It's hopeless.
I already don't buy any EA games. The last one I bought was Mirror's Edge years ago and was the first one in years.
I'm in XD
We can do this, Reddit!
>Warner Bros adds lootboxes in a singleplayer game
>For a financial quarter.
I haven't bought an EA game since 2011. Get on my fucking level.
Just don't buy them ever again. Once one company is ruined, the rest will figure out that we don't want micro transactions in paid games.
It's been like 6 years since I bought an EA game?
What the fuck you were you faggots doing?
>implying anyone here buys video games at all
Fucking retards, don't buy EA garbage period.
Quick name a game made by EA from the last two years that would be worth buying in the first place.
should've called him a soy boy for easy (You)s
I haven't bought an EA game since ME3 fampai.
Star-wars is the last big game they have coming out till Fifa and Madden come out next year. Where all that work is going to be negated. Because normal people buy those games without a single second though. Also both those audiances that buy Fifa and Madden are used to the DLC, Lootbox systems. Since the Fantasy side of the game already uses card packs. Time to wake up and smell the coffee Sup Forums. You are no longer the main consumer of video games.
I just bought battlefront 2 and it's downloading right now and i will buy madden :)
At the risk of everyone jumping on me, there are faggots here who are still butthurt over No Man's Sky for lying to them, but they won't dare rally up against EA like they did with Hello Games. The majority of them grew up in the Wii era and have nostalgia for EA games, not realizing or caring about the devs they've killed over the years.
Sorry bud, I bought Titanfall 2 since I want to support good games. Too bad EA knew what they were doing with that release and now own Respawn.
Come on everyone, you're not actually going to listen to these butthurt ledditors and their stupid 'EA is evul' meme are you?
I haven't bought an EA game ever. Get on my level, kiddo.
Joke's on you I haven't touched anything EA for over 10 years
But I like FIFA...
>fake football
no user
you are the soy
>nostalgia for EA games
Like what?
Who /nevergaveEAacentintheirentirelife/ here?
>reddit war
>nu/v/ wants to take credit
Anything they released in the seventh gen, especially if it was for the Wii. Sims, Boogie, Facebreaker, Madden, etc. Take your pick.
you can try out Pro Evolution Soccer by Konam....wait a second
You guys can't even fight the lesser evil of vidya industry let alone the final boss.
>a single quarter
I haven't bought an EA game in nearly 20 years and it does nothing.
Normalfags buy Madden every year without fail.
Been well over 10 years for me. But that's more to do with nothing they make I honesty care about.
Reminder that game killers and their supporters will all burn together.