Demons Souls looks like the best to me.
Sup Forums is the stupidest fucking board
>food analogy
I don't know which is worse, you thinking this image actually made sense or you just picking random fucking pizzas for the sake of bait.
>food analogy
Are you trying to say Bloodborne and DS1 are shit?
>pineapple is bad
Shit taste
did american schools stop teaching how to use the > symbol?
Does /ck/ have retarded video game analogies?
Fuck are you talking about
Literally the opposite of what he said. Did you even read the OP? Did anyone not just look at the picture of food and post?
fuck you guys I want pineapple pizza now
/ck/ is about cooking as much as Sup Forums is about video games
half the board is alcoholic and the other half eats nothing but fast food
I dare someone to try and make that a thing on /ck/
OP seems to be using them backwards for some reason
According to the image everything on there is good except BB
Those all look fucking disgusting aside from the Demon's Souls one, but it's pretty hard to make a basic cheese pizza look gross
Nah they're small enough that they don't go full retard.
>Dark Souls 2
In other words perfectly fine but people overexaggerate the flaws to the point hating it has become a meme to fit in?
as long as you just want pizza and aren't a greedy fat fuck you should be perfectly happy with the game.
It's more that people pretend to like a worse product so they can seem unique.
BB looks like absolute shit why is it soup?
Both are correct, you fucking faggots.
I thought Dark Souls was generally looked upon as the best of them though.
OP here. Is correct. I don't actually like 2 I was just shitposting.
chicago deep dish has sauce on top
amazing pizza if you like sauce and thick toppings
That's chicago deep dish, they took the term pie too literally.
Real OP here. Is a faggot. And I actually do prefer DeS2.
Is Bloodborne a pumpkin pie?
Swap Dark Souls 3 and Demon's Souls
No I'm OP. If I was serious about liking DS2 I wouldn't have used a food analogy shitpost. I my be a shitposting faggot, but even I don't think DS2 is the best game in the series.
So you're saying that people of different tastes like different things? Seems a bit controversial, OP
>have a party
>order a pizza with no sides
Games are a social experience user. Gimping yourself by only sharing an incomplete experience with your peers is social suicide.
Both of you are faggots. I'm the REAL OP, and both of you can suck my dick. Food analogies are the perfect way to explain video games to my American brothers.
>'go 'za not actually a 'za
>bloodborne not actually a souls game
Bloodborne > 1 > Demon's > SOTFS > 3
games are not a social experience or a party you normie faggot
they're personal escapism
Is this an actual /r/incels refugee on our boards? Oh dear how sad.
This man is correct.
>actually liking 'go 'za
bloodborne deserves better
didn't you say you deleted all your pics of her
jesus fuck
I agree. I bet most of the cancer is underaged, kids are cancer.
How's the Dark Souls 3 DLC? I tried twice to get into the game and each time I quit around the Cathedral area. Does the game pick up? Could one of you guys suggest a pretty mellow/easy build? Don't have much time to play these days but I'm thinking I'd like to see the areas (loved all the other games).
>implying the order isn't
They're all very good games though and I like playing them all way more than I like other games.
I like both DLC's though AoA does fall flat for some people. As far as builds go I've had the most fun with either a Quality greatsword build or more recently a Strength UGS/Any big fucking STR weapon I can find, I just discovered the joy of Vordt's Great Hammer. I'm also doing a DEX Katana run but I find that weirdly difficult, but that might just be me being used to the big slow weapons playstyle as that's what I usually gravitate towards.
Fuck, that was supposed to be spoilered.
why does Sup Forums only use food to make analogies
image doesnt make sense. pineapple is the best
food is all we know
user, Dark Souls 2 is the weakest game in the series.
That would be DaS3.
Dark Souls 3 is very similar to 1 mechanically. Its good.
It's not good, it's adequate, and that's what makes it the worst. It's so fucking boring and safe that it puts me to sleep.
I'll take two expansions, please.
DaS2 may be more adventurous, but its mechanically the shittiest. If being 'safe' means not having enemies that literally pivot as the stand still, I'd rather a game be safe and adequate.
What the fuck is that abomination under bloodborne?
>i live in africa click click
>board analogy
>Food analogy
>Not music analogy
Demon's = Homework
Dark I = Discovery
Dark II = Human After All
Bloodborne = Alive 2007
Dark III = RAM
The only shitty mechanics in Dark Souls 2 are soul memory and Adaptability though
Being risky is what got me and many more interested in the series in the first place. I fucking hate DaS2 because it massively dissappointed me on release, but atleast it tried to do something else.
To be fair, I did spend the most time in DaS3 out of all of them.
>amerifat gets offended that people don't like eating 3 Kg of cheese and grease
>Dark Souls 2 is pineapple pizza
I know it's a food analogy, but I can't think of a more accurate comparison
>people have lived on my continent for millennia but we don't know about agriculture
Chicago deep dish 'za > Jew York flatbread "pizza"
Is that so.
>people on my planet have been walking for millennia but we ride around on mobility scooters
>we can't walk, either
Your picture says DS>BB>DS2>Demon>DS3 though OP
Also jews favorite style is deep dish
>Also jews favorite style is deep dish
How can someone have never heard of New York?
Actually it says BB > DS > DS3 > DeS > DS2, which is correct.
>american "cuisine"
>looks terrible
>devoid of substance and toppings
>getting a mouth full of sludge
post your favorite food so we can all judge you user
I envy their cuisine, beats a toast sandwich.
>soulsborne games
I can literally go to Hollywood right now go to the Jewish district and see the local Chicago style pizzeria get packed with em, in fact I got one a few days ago, nothing but jews everywhere. The owner is a Chicago expat, probably a ton of jews there also.
>deep dish
The only thing that's shit is your taste
You can literally go to New York right now and it's full of Jews. The state, not the single pizza place.
You don't get banned from all boards when you get banned from one, right? I can't even remember but I think that's how it works.
pizza isn't fucking cuisine food you goddamn mouth breather
go back to reditt
>soulsborne games are the worst kind of pizza
The whole state? I've heard that northern NY is pretty good, might visit to just to see how it compares to the other coast.
Daily reminder that Chicago-style """"""""""""pizza"""""""""""" does not count as pizza at all and should not be referred to as such. It's tomato stew served in a bread bowl.
>The whole state?
Thank you Mr. Goldstein, you are my greatest ally.
That's not true, aforementioned pivoting of enemies as they stand with both feet on the ground and mid swing is the worst flaw in the mechanics because it completely removes any fairness the gameplay had.
It tried to but it failed pretty hard.
>toast sandwich
I bet thats english food. Are you a europoor?
That's because you're a pedo.
>pivoting of enemies as they stand with both feet on the ground and mid swing is the worst flaw in the mechanics because it completely removes any fairness the gameplay had.
It's just standard tracking, holy fuck man. There was in Dark Souls, and there was in Dark Souls 2. They don't even go 360 degrees save for the hollow soldiers and drakekeepers.
Better to try and fail than to obey your thirst.
Spot on.
Careful. You'll attract the autistic guy who sucks ass at Ninja Gaiden again.
DaS3 is alright but I feel like it would be really forgettable had it not been for the last few bosses, including the DLC ones.
The only ones that really stood out to me were Nameless King, Demon Princes, and Slave Knight.
It was way worse than "just standard tracking".
Actually Im a barafag so not only were you wrong but you couldn't have picked a more wrong thing to say.