So... basement dwarves from 4chin and Reddit managed to bomb the user score and remove the micro-transaction...

So... basement dwarves from 4chin and Reddit managed to bomb the user score and remove the micro-transaction. But is there any stats about the sells and player counts?

I'm pretty sure all the SW fanboys don't give a fuck about the drama and they are enjoying the game right now.

Soyboys cant live without their star wars and america is full of them.

>remove the micro-transaction

Doing fine in uk. Everyone buying it to play on x box one x

will the micro transaction cancer finally die?

EA you butthurt faggots, your employees have been on Sup Forums all day calling gamers "basement dwarves" and pathetic no lives

What's wrong? Can't deal with finally facing repercussions for your shitty manipulative practices?

Enjoy droning away in that office of yours while I spend my free time doing what I love, you tremendous fucking faggots

x box one x is litterally the normies' console

>EA shills are THIS assharmed about the fact that bitching and whining worked (Again) while their feeble cries of "J-Just don't buy it! Vote with your wallet!" fell on deaf ears

but no one in the UK plays on Xbox

>tfw you STILL wont be buying their game

Post em

>Requires Origin on PC

>Xbox one x
Not a surprise. People like that are clearly into wasting money.

>basement dwarves
I thought you EA retards were all about being progressive, now you're making fun of little people.

Are u retarded? Uk is Microsoft 2nd biggest territory

I dont get why people are autistically flipping their shit at this game, if you don't like it just dont buy it.

If the game isn't worth $60 to you, just wait until it's lower in price. If you're crying that you have to play 60 dollars plus microtransactions to get anywhere dont fucking pay for microtransactions, it's that simple.

Oh, so they sold less than 10 consoles there?

>from 4chin
>It's Another Sup Forums claims credit for other sites accomplishment episode

Nice sarcasm bitch. 80 000 in 5 days

I'm more surprised anyone considered buying an EA game in the first place.
These fuckos are what brought EA to this point in the first place so I'm not so sympathetic if they're suddenly pissed.

le gambling
that's right, basement dwellers want to remove other people's freedom to gamble
what a bunch of fascists, huh?

shut up cunt, your argument makes no sense

why did you feel like telling me to shut up then?

>xbox one sales
>out of 12 xbox games bought this year in the UK 8 were SWBF2

Because you're fucking Micheal Cera.
Fuck you Michael Cera, you can't keep playing the awkward yet thoughtful teen for the rest of you career. Time will be the weapon of my vengeance against you.

EA shills on 24/7 lel. Hope disney kikes you up real good from the SW franchise forever

This middle guys face always fascinates me. He looks so manly but also like a child at the same time.

That's a lovely turn of phrase.

>"le just don't buy it"

You're either a retard or an actual shill.

Bad business practices spread, they HAVE to be nipped in the bud, I'm not particularly interested in this bullshit showing up in games I actually want to buy.

Boycotts are a meme and have literally NEVER worked. The ONLY way to affect any change is to stamp your feet and moan and cry until you get your way, it's the only thing that works.

But i want a star wars battlefront game. But i dont want these Microtransaction bullshit. So not buying it isnt an option.

Sup Forums didn't do shit. All the faggots on Sup Forums did was praise it because Reddit hated it.

Most people are not even aware the videogame industry have these sort of problems, they don't even know about scores, they see Star Wars they buy Star Wars, it's that simple.

So it blew it's load way too early as well. I guess that's why it's a microSOFT product

I knew you were faggot didn't know you were a corny faggot tho



>Get mad at this game because SJW protag, kuck this kuck that kuck kuck kuck
>Like the game because Reddit hates it

Eat shit.

>Us vs them mentality

Grow up

I'll pick it up for the space battles if they ever confirm that the cash shop will be cosmetic only. So far all they've said is that they will bring it back at a later date