Are they fucked? Ea has shut down other studios for far less

Are they fucked? Ea has shut down other studios for far less.

Nope, battlefield still makes dollars for them

Dice makes a lot of money, they don't care

wasn't dice that made the call for that system

Anyone can make Battlefield.

no, no they can't

>no one can make a generic military shooter

DICE is their biggest money maker, no way they'd drop them

Battlefront 2 will sell millions, why would they that shut them down?

Dice has great artists and sound people but everyone involved in gameplay design and testing should be fired. All of their games look good but play like total shit because they have no idea what they are doing.

At this point anyone could make Battlefield, it's not that good of a base game as it is.

>generic military shooter

>Make map
>Put guns and tanks in it


you're forgetting:
>64 player servers
>10/10 graphics/audio design
>squad system
>actually decent shooting mechanics
etc, etc

Are you being sarcastic?

Not him but i doubt any other developer could properly make a battlefield game with messing it up.

>tanks and a map are generic
Is that your argument really?

Visceral tried that and failed big time.
EA need DICE, even if it requires restructuring.

How to make a new Battlefield:
>take bf4
>reskin it

No, they'd have one of the highest team health ratios and their usefulness to EA is undeniable.

Even EA wouldn't blame a studio for an MTX backlash. Unless Disney gets involved and they really want to keep the license, which they probably don't considering what a pain in the ass it is.

Bf is pretty much a definition of the most generic shooter imaginable.

What makes it generic?

spotted the dice faggot, lmfao

OP, reddit is going after EA, not a subsidiary. Everyone is fully aware of the bullshit EA tries to pass.

>anyone who disagrees with my opinion is a shill!

Every studio that works for EA is fucked, either now or later. EA always kills them.

not an argument, even if you don't like the games they are very well designed and clearly have a lot of effort put into them

EA and DICE are too close one in the same to break up. I highly doubt it would ever happen unless EA goes full retard and decides to only do Sports games with each year, no innovation whatsoever

If Disney demand a sacrificial lamb, possibly.

More than likely the EA upper management will be gutted but it would be amusing for them to try and shift the blame on to DICE.

>People itt actually defending post-Battlefriends: pretty awesome company 2

BF3 was still decent but after that DICE has made mediocre shooters tha just look pretty but play like ass.

>mfw bf4 is just a reskin of bf3

Not yet, I think. If the next Battlefield also tanks the same way then it'll be very likely. Same goes for Bioware and Anthem.

How to disband dice in 4 easy steps
1.Take the core people of Dice and move them to Dice LA
2. Rename Dice LA
3. Tell investors (and Disney mostly) that the studio that ruined their franchise is gone
4. Profit
And you keep both, Dice and the Star Wars license


This whole issue is the fault of EA management, not Dice. And Dice still makes three of their biggest IPs.

Plus, this whole "controversy" was planned. Much like the GTAIV marketing stunt. They do something completely bad and if no one complained, they would make a lot of money. People did complain, which they had a contingency plan. Pretend to be shocked and remove the feature. They look like a caring company and people still buy the game, plus a lot of new people who heard about the game through all the negative press. A few months later, turn on the same features they originally wanted and many more millions of people accept it. It's like the Democrats and sex scandals.


Even dice can't make good battlefields anymore

Dice hasn't made a good BF game since 2006.

>dumped all complexity for the sake of trying to steal market share from cawa

DICE can't either, the series simply keeps getting worse. EA would do us a favor if they nuked Stockholm and made LA its own studio to continue the series.

Mirror's Edge 3 when?

>EA goes full retard and decides to only do Sports games

Can you imagine that
they would than produce trash games wit MTX for trash ppl who are not even gamers

They would leave us alone

As long as Battlefield brings in shekel they'll stay alive.
They can branch out and do other games on their own dime but if the game risks Battlefield's revenue? EA will "suggest" DICE to kill that game and focus on what it does best.

Because DICE is one of their two cash cows, the other being whoever is behind FIFA.

DICE is the technological backbone of EA - frostbite powers far too many of EA's titles (along with the tech support DICE offer) for them to be shut down.

They'll still make gorillions. Reddit is buying the game and casuals will buy tons of it just because of the star wars name. Dice is fine.

What has dice to do with the shady concepts that EA wants to see? They literally followed EA's orders