Why have all the recent space sim games been so shit?

Why have all the recent space sim games been so shit?

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Because the ones that are in development are called scams.

You're an idiot.

what games are out there besides elite dangerous? (besides 4x stuff)

X4 will save us

No Man's Sky, Star Citizen, X Rebirth, Everspace, Fractured Space

Star Cit ain't even out yet.

>X game
>Anything more than a clunky mess

>No Man's Sky
>Star Citizen
>X Rebirth

airlock yourself

You asked what space games are out, not what space games are good. Dumbass.

Probably consoles. Consoles can't HOTAS, so the games have to be designed around playing with a controller like an idiot.

Starfield is coming user.
Keep the faith.

Freelancer type space combat
Star Trek style away missions
Outland aesthetic

What ever happened to Limit Theory? Did that guy die?

He literally game dev'd so hard he lost his mind and had to be committed. Not kidding.

I like Everspace; it kinda reminds me of Freelancer's colorful take on space and all those fields of vertical standing asteroids.

>Starfield is coming user.

>Freelancer type space combat
>Star Trek style away missions
>Outland aesthetic
Paid mods
Buggy as fuck
Needs the community to make it fun

I'm gonna wager the Settlement system was a testbed for some sort of 'colonization' facet. Whatever it is, I can't be excited for it anymore.

I'd like it more if wasn't a roguelike.

This looks sick.

What is it?

X Rebirth

I'll DOX you, and Imma find you. Next I'll tie you to a chain in my icy cellar, and force you to play it through if you value your virginity from behind.

Starpoint Gemini 2 and Starpoint Gemini Warlords were pretty enjoyable.

Though i'd call it a space rpg more than a space "sim"

If you're an X nerd you'll probably get lost navigating all those menus.

>X Rebirth could have been good

There's a decent game buried somewhere underneath, but I'm beginning to realize Egosoft has no idea what they're doing

>you can't pilot capitals in freelancer

>he wants to pilot capitals

>you can't walk inside capital ships

you could with mods and it was terrible

With mods you can.

>Freelancer with the discovery mod and an open sandbox server.

I miss those days.

>Sup Forumslancer never coming back

I know all that, but after he came out, he started working on the game again, but said development was going to be slower so he doesn't kill himself. Then it's been radio silence since June.

They promise too much and their ideas are too lofty, so people get hyped up and are ultimately disappointed.

I haven't hear anything.

Man I'd love to have another game like Startopia.

The lack of space station sims on the market is disconcerting, to say the least.







I miss Sup Forumslancer.

There's still a server up.

Brb gonna check it out

Whatever happened to the official server?

The dev behind it is making an actual space game now

Not enough people played it.

Yeah, I saw.

they dont want people to like space and keep us trapped here where they can control us and rather doom us all to die on this rock than loosen the grip on control

Are your webms of X3?

There was never an official server

They are.

The incessant menu navigating means yes


Other than older space sims, are there any good ones that came out within the past few years?



Okay. Hope I installed the mod right and I won't get autobanned.


Not really, ED is super boring and Star Citizen isn't out yet. Someone mentioned Starpoint Gemini 2, but I found that lackluster too.

Welp. I just want my Freelancer 2.

I think Freelancer is the only space sim I've played. It was alright, I didn't even finish it since after you join the resistance the economy gets fuck awful and I fucked myself over trading in my okay ship for a shit one.

Shut up, Char.

t. soul weighed down by gravity

Multiplayer and clans with mods, at least back in the day, was the hypest shit. The amount of clan warfare and fucking shit up was ridiculous and fun.

It'll never happen. Microsoft sits on the license doing nothing with it.

The game keeps crashing. No idea why.

It looks cool but there's no guarantee it'll come out.

Really? Name of game and link?

Microsofts so fucking weird. They'll port half their games, be dedicated to crossplatform multiplayer, and then just sit on licenses and waste away. Weird mix of pro and anti core attitudes.

I don't have a link, there was just an announcement on the Sup Forumslancer page talking about it.

I wouldn't be surprised if they wrote it off as a tax loss or something, and can't legally do anything with it.

I've played a lot of Freelancer and am wondering about other space sims now. Can anyone here tell me about Freespace 2, and whether it's worth playing?


Freelancer and Freespace are nothing alike. Freespace is more of a campaign based true spacefighter game.

Gravity can be good sometimes.

>literally indie Freelancer

Do want. Time to wait a few years.

Huh, he wasn't kidding when he said it was identical.

>try to get into Elite
>all combat boils down to snipefests because of hitscan lasers

Sometimes, the original isn't always the best.

What's the best Space rpg that ISN'T related to Star Wars?

I've always wondered why no one developed a half-decent space CRPG. Fallout in space would have been amazing

Even the Elite thread on /vg/ doesn't like Elite

>Freespace is more of a campaign based true spacefighter game.

Fine by me, I also like mission-based space sims thanks to Wing Commander. I'm just curious about Freespace 2 since it's apparently open source and has lots of mods.

Start with Freespace 1, it's also good. And yes the series is worth playing

Most of those mods are for more campaign based stuff. But if you know Wing Commander it should all feel kind of familiar to you. Freelancer also has a prequel called Starlancer that is very much Wing Commander.

Man I hate that this game is stuck on the DS. They need to just say fuck it already and do an anime adaptation.

>The degenerate west canonically loses the Sol war in Starlancer/Freelancer

Are there any other space sims where the good guys win?

Yes, it's good.

I'm watching Code Geass now and it reminds me of Infinite Space.

>Coalition gets blown to bits by blue space plants while the superior west goes to take the space plants' homeworld and all their neat shit the space plants' parents made for them

I'll keep my eye on this.

>>Coalition gets blown to bits by blue space plants

>not in the game
Literally in the collector's edition


No they gave creative control to the fans. Only the fans had no idea what they really wanted and Egosoft tried to ablige them and ruined the entire game.

Keep telling yourself that comrade, there's a reason the Sirius colonies are thriving and you see fuck-all from the coalition

>want to make a DDLC system in Freelancer all because one of its music tracks sounds like ambient space music

But who plays Freelancer nowadays? Is Discovery even still alive?

The game is over 15 years old now, it's pretty dead.
