New to gaem, get tablet

>new to gaem, get tablet
>can't progress past 2.5 stars, it just feels so awkward
>even after weeks I'm still not past 2.5 stars
>give up
>switch back to mouse
>suddenly able to 4star with ease

fucking tablet meme

>playing osu

Were you clicking by tapping the pen on the tablet or using Z and X?

why are you playing the shittest rhythm game ever invented?

no I was hovering

I also have terrible handwriting, maybe I'm just retarded

w-what should I be playing instead then

>Original EBA/Ouendan games
>Beat maps crafted to be incredibly challenging but also fair and satisfying to beat
>Weebs competing over who can make the hardest beatmap
>No regard for design

i can't get into osu because i don't know what the good maps are

you can sort by favorites

you can use Tillerinobot for recommendations

How the fuck do i train myself to single tap streams? Not being accurate enough with alternating is what's bottlenecking me since forever but single tapping seems absolutely impossible on anything past 4 stars.

what skin do you guys use? anybody want to make a Sup Forums room? Im a scrub that can only do 3 star songs tho,

That's how I feel about most beatmaps. Been playing for around 6 years, and I can easily say I have only a handful of "Wow that was incredibly fun to play, and the difficulty of the map flowed with the song perfectly" maps.

Sad news: even like 5 out of the handful are unranked. Osu is a bit too strict for their own good when it comes to accepting maps. I cant see any "1-2 star only" maps being accepted in this day and age.

tl;dr, if the map can be near perfected on Hidden, and you still feel satisfied even if you missed a couple of hits, then the mapper did a good job on it. That's mostly how I see it.

Muscle memory shouldnt be a thing when playing a rhythm game.

Can you list some better ones? I'm looking for rhythm games.

I dropped this game quite a while ago but I was already feeling like the mappers are just going full retard. Was 2012-13 the high point before it went downhill?

It's the same shit every time someone mentions osu. People criticize OSU but never suggest good rhythm games you should play instead.

This. Osu is the best one if you've already played eba and ouendan games. Rythm heaven and all those games are fun but it's not to real music. If you're a faggot you could try clone hero(I think it's called) it's guitar hero if guitar hero was osu in which a bunch of queers make terrible beatmaps for guitar hero controllers

This is how I feel about Osu maps really.

Lunatic Rave 2 and IIDX convert bms.
Setting it up is hell and it's more buggy than a Bethesda game but at least it's not spyware.
You're welcome, and please stay out of /jp/.

Beatmania. If you can't play it, you can try Stepmania or Osumania instead.

Oh right, I forgot about Lunatic Rave 2 but I do remember it's a bitch to setup and figure out and it made me give up on it. IIRC it required windows to be in korean locale too.

Etterna is pretty good and easy to get into with just 4 lanes of notes
Lunatic Rave 2 is pretty hard to get started with and the game can crash a lot for some people but it has the highest skillcap of any rhythm game, there's a torrent floating around with 70 gigs of original songs

just download beatmaps by galvanize and you're gold bro

Alternatively, give pop'n portable a try if you have a PSP laying around.
Or you could emulate the ps2 iso on PCSX2, I guess. It's runs "fine" on toaster and it got me into BEMANI games.

I tried emulating it but I still had some minor stuttering and occasional lag which I didn't want to put up with. I was emulating Empress. I started playing osumania but I was already losing motivation in rhythm games by that time after playing regular Osu for years. I wanted to give Stepmania a try but the default skin is just autistic and I felt that even if I change it, which is not as simple as it should be, the menus are still just fucking annoying. Eventually I stopped playing all of those games, though I still have Stepmania installed hoping I will one day feel like giving it another shot.

The earlier versions should run perfectly, being souped up PSone games.
I would recommend 3rd Style, 6th Style and 8th Style.(they're on isozone)

I could never get into Stepmania either, I know what you mean.

>w-what should I be playing instead then
Project Diva

I thought I was the only one that felt like that