What the fuck kojima is doing in Sweden?
What the fuck kojima is doing in Sweden?
This is probably what Asians think Western culture is naturally like.
The truth is he went to Sweden to bang prostitutes with Sony's money
having some sweedish fun
Does this dude even like videogames?
He has time to show a fucking dildo library but not enough to show gameplay for his game??
no way is that fucking real
not enough black dildos to be sweden
sweden yes
Obviously so he could get a shitload of these from the source.
user, Sweden is concentrated Western ideology.
>Extreme feminism
>Accept hostile people
>Sexual perversions encouraged
Yes, nordic countries are considered part of the West, you've never heard of Western Civilization?
is there anything worse than self hating westerners?
Westerners who do not see their legacy burning away
I ate so many of these I threw up once
Never been able to eat them since
>Fat Free Food
Sweden is an eastern civilization, not sure what you're talking about
He didn't even mention them being non-white you obsessed troglodytes.
You should retake your primary school history classes
>self hating westerners
That's exactly the kind of westerner that would allow rapefugees in
>what is western culture
user its sweden. If you have the time go to a sweden yes thread on Sup Forums
fake news, fuck off Sup Forumstards
So this is the power of europeans jealous
These are actually made in Canada
Land of the cucks.
I ain't going anywhere near that den of subhuman manchildren.
They're not wrong
Of course Kojima would go to a dildo library.
Fat-Free is just a code word for something being pure sugar.
Shopping for dildos, by the looks of it.
They're not wrong
Literally nothing wrong in that.
Great the Swedes ruin another game, fuck your meat balls and fuck IKEA
Sweden has a feminist government. That alone should tell you how horrible it is there.