What the fuck, I thought Billy was our guy?!

What the fuck, I thought Billy was our guy?!

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you.

If people are from Cali, they're usually politically retarded

can't stump the trump

>even porn stars can't shut up about politics
Why did the 2016 election irreversibly ruin the world?

>/mlp/ can stay in their containment board
>Sup Forums can't

really makes you think

Literally unironically non-figuratively who?

on what grounds?

Hey Sup Forums, fuck off to your containment board, as shitty as Sup Forums is, we dont need your weaponized identity politics autism here.

This will hopefully spawn å pretty good gachimushi


No fuck you leather man

Sup Forums is Sup Forums
get used to it soyboy

Being a big meanie poopyhead

because a meme became president

What the fuck is aniki thinking


>le soyboy maymay
Fuck off redditor.


He made some mean comments on Twitter literally hitler tier

Billy for president



Why can't you subhumans keep this shit on Sup Forums?


Fuck you go back to pol faggot

For people who don't know, Billy's twitter got hacked

Kish kish go away r/t_duck

>picking Trump over Billy

Fuck you. Back to Sup Forums. It's clear you're not one of us.

>lol thread gets deleted
>this thread is going to hit bump limit

Sasuga american mods

>people on the internet unironically think trump isn't a moron

I thought the joke would've been over after he won and all the neoliberals got assblasted when the fuck will this shit stop


Fuck DRUMPF and FUCK white people!

Jews own portstars and soros owned Hillary. Do the math! Sega just does what Nintendont.

can you faggots start your race war already so i can gun your fat asses down on the streets?

Billy isn't a Sup Forums meme anyway

he is /ourguy/, trump is trash

>people still won't stop bitching about Trump

Jesus christ just fuck off you pussies

>questioning our judgement
That's exactly what a Nazi would do

Have the IMPEAAACH lot considered what it actually means, that it would leave Mike "pray away the gay" Pence in charge, who they would then also have to try to find a good reason to impeach?

Saying mean things on Twitter isn't good enough a reason to impeach a president, others before Trump have done worse

You need to be 18 to post here

you were wrong

But this IS videogames.


Who the hell is Tolmpeach?

Not in the pocket of certain corporate oligarchs like the rest of the White House

Being orange in white america

Um, did you just deadname our beautiful president? Do you have any idea how disrespectful that is?


Collusion with foreign entities and financial shenanigans are what are currently being investigated.

i don't care what he says

Sup Forums when they try to socialize in public.

>Not in the pocket of certain corporate oligarchs
>being this naive
>when orange dude is literally owned by bank of america

Lmao he said he was voting for Trump because Bernie was backstabbed by the DNC.

Because everyone is being paid to REEEEE about politics to distract the public, go ahead and look on craigslist and the amount of jobs being offered to protest. Its getting fucking stupid, I just want to play games.

The Sup Forumstard is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a racist, Alt-right, Nazi, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Sup Forumstard and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Need to wait for evidence to do anything sweetie.

Because he is the corporate oligarchs you fucking idiot.

>humans in the first world are so fucking bored that they're creating boogeymen in their heads to fight against, just to feel like they have some form of purpose
We really need that nuclear war. When the bombs drop and these spoiled children lose everything, they'll learn to be grateful for what they have.

Sup Forums - Sup Forums

Its a /fit/ meme you dipshit, its not our fault reddit steals shit.

Um, no sweetie

No shit. That's why an independent special prosecutor is investigating, retard.

Oh, so no vidya?


He's in the pocket of banks and the Jews, retard

Literally this. And the mods on this fucking shitty site do nothing with thinly veiled politics trash.

Show me your intelligence all mighty Rick and Monty viewer. Show me the way to real nihilistic intelligence. You are clearly very intelligent as well as competent. Go on tell us your brilliant plan to make a million dollars into 10 million and show us all. What a million dollars is a lot of money? But I thought you were smarter than the leader of the free world shouldn't a month of Californian/NYC rent be a pitiful sum for someone as intelligent and driven as you are? You don't like the world start with the man in the mirror and make a change faggot if trumps so stupid and your so smart way aren't you president yet? Get on it \v\irgin! MORE VIDYA LESS WAR ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES! Could be your slogan.

What's with the padlock in his belt loop?

>Obama wins reelection
>barely any shitposting outside of Sup Forums
>quickly dies off
>Trump wins election
>non-stop shitposting across all boards for 12 months and counting

What the fuck?


Summer sure came late this year

It's only been ten months. I'm sure they'll find something eventually.

he's the neo-Sup Forums guy

This isn't video games, amerigoblin.

Democrats certainly don't seem to understand that you need evidence. They've been crying for impeachment since the ballot boxes were closed.

this will never cease to make me laugh and remind me of how funny it was to just watch the deluge of liberal tears flow
i didnt vote for him

>Obama wins reelection
>barely any shitposting outside of Sup Forums


>barely any shitposting outside of Sup Forums
why would you type that if you weren't here?

>Trump: I'm gonna be tough against China
>goes to China
>Trump: wow, China is actually pretty cool. No need to be tough with them.

How's Sup Forums taking this?

Nice screenshot from Facebook of a liberal lying source on the right and a meme from twitter on the left. Maybe I should just start making meme on side I hate and a onion article on the right it'd be just as valid and people would believe it.

>mods delete game awards thread wherein nintenbros are getted assraped for their fragile egos
>they leave this Sup Forums bait alive
Really cracks my walnuts.


trump is an incompetent clown who got into power by manipulating others, you're still getting manipulated by him.

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong board. The politics club is two blocks down.



Trumptards are actual newfags.

>Says the increasingly anxious soyboy, for the thirtieth time this year

He manipulated people in the same way every politician does to get elected.



How are those two things mutually exclusive.
Oh wait, you don't know.

Sup Forums is full of browns that want to be white or atleast Japanese. They like to roll play as white nationalists with the real ones.

Billy walks his own path and fights for what he believes in. Whether you agree with him or not, you have to respect that.

The Watergate investigation took three years, you underage fuck.

If he's so incompetent, how did he manipulate an entire country?

>Accidentally call coworker a soy boy
Bullshit. There's no way this shitty new meme is ingrained enough for anyone to say it out loud.

Like a soyboy hehehrh

Hillary is shit, but at least she's not a laughing stock overseas.

>having a political opinion makes you a Sup Forumstard
>never been to the board itself