whats your genuine opinion on swating Sup Forums
whats your genuine opinion on swating Sup Forums
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maybe if horton was shot there, the creatures would still be alive
Hilarious as shit.
Normally I'd say it's pretty fucked up but anyone with a pepe emoticon deserves it.
very childish and immature
holy fuck that nose
he'd take an eye out if he went in for a kiss
Normally I'd say it's pretty fucked up but anyone wearing a hat indoors deserves it.
Normally I'd say it's pretty fucked up but anyone who is white deserves it.
Normally? Disgusting and dangerous. The video in your image? Hilarious. They treated him like an African American motorist, when he was the victim.
>2 beds
>That one mod in the first video spamming RELAX like Ice can fucking read his message.
What a mouthbreather.
The people who do it should be shot. Unironically.
Has anyone ever been shot/killed because of it? Amazed if it hasn't happened yet.
My opinion is Ice needs to lay low and do something else with his life for the time being. He's breaking down.
Pretty fucked up and I don't condone it, but fuck me if I didn't laugh my ass off at each one of them.
Kootra now works on that Friday the 13th game.
>people unironically donate hundreds of dollars to this retard
I fucking hate streamers
swatting isn't video games
report my post so gay fag janitor reads this
Yeah, one streamer got shot in the face when his house was raided and needed to get surgery. The guy who called it went got arrested.
Dude this shit's amazing.
Hilarious but also bullshit and kind of shitty.
I don't blame the kids calling it in though, it's the cops who are giving them this power. Of course kids are going to do this if all it takes is a god damned phonecall to get a swat team to show up to someone's house, guns drawn.
Maybe if burger land wasn't such a shitty, militarized police state and actually had any degree of sanity and common sense this wouldn't happen.
>it's the cops who are giving them this power.
Rubber bullets, but yeah.
That nose
the whole IRL streaming scene is fucking insane and it still seems relatively underground
I don't understand how burger planet hasn't become the next CWC
so in europe if i called in a bomb threat or that some guy was holding someone hostage with a rifle, the cops wouldn't come prepared to actually deal with that kinda crime?
This guy looks like a fucking goblin
Did you see his face dude?
Man that is a funny thing to hear from a likely European
Depends on the country. Western europe, they would come for sure. Eastern europe? Yeah, no.
>Europolice won't respond quickly to a hostage or bomb threat
I think I'll stay on my side of the Atlantic.
>we just got a call that serious shit is going down at so&so house
>we should probably send a car there, have an officer scope the place out and then maybe even knock on the door and ask the resident if everything is ok...
>....naa, lets just show up with an army and helicopters and stuff, because ridiculous stories called in by anonymous tipsters always turn out to be true, of course. Yes, this is the reasonable thing to do, surly.
Yeah some kind of semetic coin hoarding ostrich llama goblin hybrid. Weird.
What did this 12 year old mean by this
That nigga ain't white tho.
>send a car alone to a possible terrorist who has hostages and deadly weapons
you're too stupid to be using the internet
It has to be a militarized police state because of all the crazies and non-whites. Don't expect anything other than it to get worse.
imagine on the day of the Abbotabad compound siege
>*knock knock*
>Osama, you in there?
>We just want to make sure before we send a whole squad to fuck you up.
>Cops should waste time "scoping out" a fucking terrorist/hostage crisis
They're not just saying "something's going on" they're saying shit like they have a bomb and there's a hostage situation.
top tier bait
that "serious shit" they claim is going on is always something dangerous that needs to be dealt with immediatly like holding someone at gunpoint or holding people hostage or a bomb threat. those aren't situations you deal with by just sending one cop to knock on the door. and the reasonable thing to do when you're the police is to take every situation seriously, if they don't you're begging for a disaster to eventually occur when something actually DOES happen.
the only countries where they won't respond with overwhelming force is the countries where the terrorists come from, and only because those countries are in such a shit state that they can't respond with that kind of force.
its dangerous immature a waste of police time and tax payers money its really not that funny and aside from it all its illegal
Remember when a single cop car got sent to investigate the disturbance in Die Hard
Dangerously stupid but entertaining, it's gonna escalate when someone got shot by swatting
One of the many reasons I don't act like a gigantic fucking asshole,unlike the rest of you gigantic fucking faggots. Or assots, or fagasses.
Annoyed because my tax dollars end up paying for 50 cops to stand around on a false threat.
Even if you found this shit funny in the first place, surely the 'joke' has been beaten into the ground thoroughly by now.
somebody already did, look at the images in the thread. that being said, there's a precedent in place to put kids in jail who do this kind of shit. a kid got 5 years in prison.
Christ, someone's gonna SWAT a streamer in Russia and he's going to get the entire top half of his body blown off live on stream.
had to look it up because holy fuck. here it is for the lazy pcgamesn.com
It kills innocent dogs :(
Was kinda funny at first but I think there's more productive ways to "get at" someone
Imagine being so petty and worthless that you find entertainment in others suffering
>people's dogs have been killed because of this
>people have been shot because of this
No, it's an absolutely garbage thing to do. Anyone who does this is human garbage.
>murican IQ
How are police allowed to break into somebody's house without permission or any real evidence? If they have to break a door or something, can the police be sued? Assuming that it's Swatting and not a real crime.
I'm not American, but can the police be sued for that in cases of swatting? I'd sue the fuck out of them for that.
Not video games
No. Here's a fun fact for your too, the police can legally take your belongings if they have suspicion it's stolen or was purchased using stolen or illegal goods like drugs. Last year, more assets were seized this way then were actually stolen by criminals.
Chances are, they can't be sued in your country either.
because they're under the impression that they're responding to a serious threat and that someone might die if they don't act swiftly. like, if you're a cop, and you get called to intervene in an active murder and that apparently theres some dude in a house slashing everyones throat, would you just knock on the door and ask politely if you can check things out?
lel he looks like a fucking terrorist too
That's disgusting. It should be up to the police to confirm that there's an actual crime and if it's false, pay for damages.
Basically what happens is the following:
>swat team roll up because they've been told you're holding hostages and threatening them at gunpoint
>you have a dog, who acts hostile when they burst in
>they shoot the dog to make sure it doesn't interfere with them saving the hostages and keep going
>turns out there are no hostages and the person who called it in was lying
Getting rid of the dog, in an actual situation where you are about to kill hostages makes sense. You should be suing the guy who called it in, not the cops. All suing the cops does is encourage them to not respond to legitimate threats.
Remember when this guy wasn't a piece of shit
>You should be suing the guy who called it in, not the cops.
I would sue both of them honestly.
The police act fast because the calls that cause swatting act as if they don't immediately respond someone is going to die.
The person who should be sued and pay for broken property are people calling in false bomb threats.
the cops responded exactly how they should have given the information they had. there is no reason to be upset with them, unless you're a petty person.
what part of this are you not getting? they're under the impression that they have no time and that peoples lives are in danger at that very instant.
They can be sued but they're usually protected in cases like these because like other people said they have to assume the situation is dangerous. This family down the road from me got $1.25 million last year because a cop shot their dog. Or at least they did until a judge reduced that to $250K because that's the legal maximum you can get from the government in a lawsuit
it's extremely hard to sue the police for shit like that, and even in cases where they bust down the door of wrong house they usually win in court
alright lets say theres some guy whose about to murder your ass and the police arrive just in time to have enough time to stop it, would you rather they ring the doorbell and wait for a response or would you rather they rush in to save you? thats the kind of mentality we're working with.
1.25m for a fucking dog? They're lucky to get 250
Normally the cop is supposed to wait for backup before barging into possibly hostile situation.
Of course I would be. Don't come into my house without permission or actual evidence. If there's a legal avenue, I'd take it.
>The person who should be sued and pay for broken property are people calling in false bomb threats.
I'd put it this way: discover who did it or I'm suing you.
I'd still sue.
Good on them. Why did they shoot the dog though?
That's awful.
The dog died and the cop was a douchebag that said some shit like he feared for his life when the autopsy revealed he shot the dog from behind. It was mainly that high though because people in general are just pissed with police getting away with crap like this.
so you're an extremely petty person, got it.
>haha wasting a shit ton of public resources is so funny
People who do it should get the death penalty for being retarded.
Anyone have that video of the streamer begging the cops not to shoot his cocker spaniel as he’s on his knees saying he does want to let go of his dog but the cops force him to comply and then the dog gets blown away?
Fuck off mudslime
It's stupid and is going to get someone killed one day and the dumb fuck memester is going to get tried as an adult for second-degree murder.
>Of course I would be. Don't come into my house without permission or actual evidence. If there's a legal avenue, I'd take it.
Ok, then you're dead. Good job.
it's cool and good that every single cop is perpetually afraid and responds to fear by firing a gun at it
As much as you guys hate streamers, sometimes with proper justification, that's no reason to waste the time of the police who have other problems to deal with.
And there is no reason to get the guy's fucking dog killed.
>Ice Poseidon
how many times he got swatted again?
>get almost killed
The fuck is wrong with americans?
Other than it’s an animal and the police kill thousands of innocent people every month
If someone came into my house, broke my door and shot my dog, yeah I'd be fucking petty.
Americans just don't like admitting that their police and judicial system needs a massive overhaul so they try to deflect criticism of it.
>get mad at the people who came to save your life and attempt to sue
you're a petty person, there is nothing else to say
So you're saying that if you called the police because an armed man is in your house trying to kill you then you want them to knock on the door and wait for you to answer rather than bust in to try and save you?
HOLD UP, so how exactly this whole swatted thing work? They just call the cops and tell he is a terrorist or something and they go there without any sorta of investigation to see if it was true or not?
Reprehensible but funny.