Find a flaw
Find a flaw
you should have been able to choose whether to leave Ellie behind or rescue her.
Something something. Muh story. Blah blah
I don't even know anymore. I liked it and my only gripe is that there's going to be a sequel
Aiming with a controller makes me angry
Tries to be too many genres at once (stealth/survival/shooter/puzzle/horror/walkingsim) and as a result is bland and mediocre at all of them.
I'll be honest Sup Forums.
I love this game, and i've played through it about 5 times (Grounded Difficulty and Grounded +) yet i've never touched what people argue is the best part, the multiplayer.
I genuinely understand people hate it because the gameplay doesn't appeal to them but the music / story / characters / graphics are pretty fucking good. I enjoy the melee combat and the 'collection of items to upgrade and build weapons' in my games too, just like Evil Within 2.
It's not a bad game, but i can understand why people regard it as 'average', even if i love it and think it's amazing.
i don't know why anyone even bothered trying the multi-player when the single player is so fucking good and replayable.
It's a decent game that you beat once and promptly completely forget about because it did everything above average but nothing great, unless you're a casual who has never read any post-apocalyptic fiction and never played a 3rd-person shooter
Oh I know what you mean. A sequel is only going to tarry the gripping narrative of a generic zombie story.
The entire game is a flaw. Didn't enjoy a moment of it.
On a side note, Sony really should start making an officially recognized difference between a video game and an interactive movie.
I dunno how people got so attached to this game's story after the Walking Dead game just released not a year back. They must've missed that one.
Not even trying to bait either, they hit like all of the same notes and TWD has a much stronger cast.
I didn't see it as a zombie story.
More of a story with zombies.
Sequel will likely Turn the franchise into a generic zombie story though
is garbage
you're encouraged to use listen mode but the game is a lot better without it
you can't use it on the highest difficulty IIRC.
>Cool spore related zombie outbreak
>Just creates generic rage zombies with "one bite then you die!" but the Bloater was neat to see
>Elie and other AI companions running into enemies when sneaking around or standing in plain sight
If you use all of your supplies for molotovs instead of medkits then Ellie will feed them to you whenever you're out of combat.
Puzzle sections are really fucking boring. Wow, grab a ladder.
It is too easy to break combat and too easy to simply wait behind a corner and strangle everyone who comes to slowly investigate what made that noise.
Paying for no hud, hardly any supplies and increased enemy damage as """dlc""".
Paying for weapons and perks in the multiplayer of a full price game. Also, online pass.
Matchmaking system takes too long and wastes time for no real reason.
It is still a good game but has some jewy aspects that i really dislike.
I dunno. Naughty Dog had ideas for TLoU that didn't even involve infected to begin with. I could see them try to go down that road in the sequel.
>Just creates generic rage zombies
you're forgetting the clickers
I would like them better if they actually used echolocation instead of just being boring "Zombie but blind, it sees with clicks but not really"
And that would be fine. Hell, I could appreciate a new game in the same universe if they didn't take up the same characters.
>the gameplay doesn't appeal to them
Because the gameplay is tacked on*
And no one would praise the shitty story in this game if it were a movie, or any other medium traditionally considered "art." What I'm saying is that this is a game for people who don't like video games.
>And no one would praise the shitty story in this game if it were a movie, or any other medium traditionally considered "art."
This is what bugs me the most, the story is formulaic as hell.
Really goes to show how fucking clueless gaming journalists are who praise this shit to the high heavens
That's right my good sir. They're not TRUE GAMERS™ like us!
Very low replayability value as well as pretty generic stealth and action mechanics. I also found it kind of strange that the same group of seemingly endless scavengers follow you to the end of the earth for destroying their car.
this so fucking much. I didn't even want to leave her, but they railroaded the player so hard that it just killed all the emotional investment I had.
But user, you can't make a sequel if Ellie dies
you can just decide that one ending is canon, lots of games do
You can't fuck your daughter.
>because the gameplay is tacked on
That's your opinion but i disagree. Deal with it.
no fuck that, leaving ellie would undermine joels characterisation
It's not an opinion, user.
It's a bad "game".
>fuck that, the game should just be programmed to play itself
that is a big jump in logic
unimaginative story
Deal with it.
Not really, the player's actions are already planned ahead of time. I don't have a huge problem with scripted events but "muh story" is not an excuse for the player to not be given agency.
in many of the cutscenes it appeared he was starting to accept her fate. it can really go either way. i think he was just more angry at the fact that they never told him she was going to have to die.
they didn't bang.
thankfully the SFM delivered
I'd love to do a new game+ or anything but the introduction is so fucking long and you can't skip it
>generic zombie story
Thats about my only flaw.
And i guarantee anyone who thinks this is prime storytelling enjoys the walking dead
it's past your bedtime young'n.
Ellie's AI, otherwise pretty good.
>More of a story with zombies.
Otherwise known as a zombie story. "It's not about zombies, it's about the people!" Is the same stupid justification every hack writer uses to defend their shitty zombie script. It's up there with "They're not zombies, they're infected!"
Will anyone else on Sup Forums get Tlou2 just to play Factions? Shit was the best part in the first one.
title makes no sense
you can't rape ellie
Terrible and predictable story
Ellie doesn't get raped.
>inb4 they're not zombies
Crafting shoehorned into the game.
they're all forgettable, only Joel is likeable and he fucked at the end
Well, duh. They're not zombies, they're infected. Which are totally different from zombies in that they're called something else.
Only normies can enjoy this game. It was tailored to perfection by using the same emotional triggers as oscar bait movies. This game is like Frozen, while it is understandable why it got popular I can't really wrap my head around why it became that popular. But these things happen from time to time. A right game in a right time. If it came out a year later or earlier it may not have been that impactful.
- Ellie is invisible to the enemies except when the story wants to provoque emotions.
- the fact that Ellie is invisble to the enemies disconnects the message of the story wich says that Ellie is very important, fucking RE4 mantains the message of the cutscenes in the gameplay sections even if Ashley is an idiot.
- fake sense of liberty.
- fucking batman-esque radar to detect the enemies wich makes no sense.
- emotional manipulation trough all the story.
the game is mediocre and if you like it then you should find another hobbie because vidyas are not your strong.
Fuck of summer child.
>fucking batman-esque radar to detect the enemies wich makes no sense.
That's because you retards keep playing on EASY mode.
Go GROUNDED or go home.
She was about to when David got on top of her and straddled her. He was probably going to rape her, kill her, then eat her had Joel not shown up.
forgot to mention the horrible AI.
I liked it. But there were plenty of flaws. The radar system for example should not have been in the game.
I used it once, and it completely ruined the immersion and atmosphere of the game so I never used it again.
that still is a negative point wherever is taken out from another dificulty set.
My penis is not inside Ellie as we speak
seems a pretty big flaw to me
>it hurts when someone reminds me I don't belong in muh secret club
AI is fucking terrible and the stealth sucks
Shitty tps gameply, only 5 hours of actual gameplay, walking conversation simulator, characters you don't care about, ellie beating up full grown men... I could go on.
I haven't played it yet but if it's anything like uncharted then the controls are absolute ass. Shooting, platforming, basically moving from point a to point b is a chore
Also it's a game largely designed around cinematic set pieces where the only tension is wrought from the events happening to the character, not what the player feels
Then again that might only work for Uncharted. If that's all been fixed then the only flaw is it has a sequel
Terrible enemy A.I.
Ellie is ignored by said A.I. unless an event is scripted
Ladders and pallets, ladders and pallets.
Too linear. Rarely is the player allowed to explore off the beaten path.
Mediocre story
>story is good.
Being this pleb
Slow start
Ellie feels like an afterthought gameplay wise.
it's soulless
MEEEEEH I don't agree with this user WAAAAAAH MY OPINION WAAAAAAHH! I can't just post it instead of replying because i'm a big baby WAAAAAAHH
there are no set pieces in the last of us. it's really nothing like uncharted aside from the aiming which is slightly similar. very grim tone, almost no humor at all.
The gameplay is boring formulaic drivel, with minor interesting or engaging moments, that is padded out through use of character dialog and cinematic filler. The story is a matter of preference, but I don't really care for zombies or the fresh after societal breakdown type of post-apocalyptic setting of the game (e.g. The Walking Dead, The Road, I am Legend), so I guess I'm a bit biased. Still, it showed me how flaccid the game truly is when the plot wasn't carrying much of the weight.
dude this was a Find a Flaw, or a Rape This Shit?
well at leat you admit that you are a baby, that explains the shitty taste you have.
>I only play superior wrpgs with true "freedom of choice"
*tips fedora*
The combat and doing something resident evil 4 did better.
Story felt forced.
female protag
Joel was a...?!
Summer section is too long compared to the other parts
Fall section (Besides the ending) is pretty average compared to the rest of the game