Why does Sup Forums hate lol, asking for a friend here

Why does Sup Forums hate lol, asking for a friend here

>1 map
>No skill needed
>Killed rts
>Pointless mechanics
>Broken characters
>Comunity is pure cancer

Thats really all mobas tho.

> Sup Forums is one person
> giving a shit about what other people on an anonymous image board think
> being a massive faggot

welp i wanted to write a fucking essay about why but here is the tldr

>asking for a friend here


My negger says
>there are 3 maps and more get added on events
>And why is it considered an esport then
>wtf is an rts
>Kinda right, nerfs happen tho
>You're right on this one

Oh damn 3 maps? Wow that's pretty crazy imagine if other multiplayer games had 3 whole maps it must take a lot of effort to reskin the same map 3 times so it's minutely different across variations.

Also it takes no skill you desperate loser

It's casual shit, nothing else to say,

its only fun said ironically. and lel or kek are better regardless

>3 maps
Only one is ranked

You obviously have never played lol

Why would you want more maps in a MOBA? And, if you say It doesn't need skill, why are there divisions?

>Shitty cookie cutter character design philosophy, everyone has the same 4 abilities with a different forced synergy passive gimmick
>One of the worst player bases of any multiplayer game ever
>Simple and casualized gameplay even for MOBAs
>Every game is exactly the same. Went to the "wrong" lane instead of your dedicated one? Banned. Built the wrong items? Banned. 5 man mid? Everyone is banned.
>Cancerous developers and PR
LoL is shit even by MOBA standards. DotA is also cancer but even it is significantly more fun, interesting and varied than LoL.

>kite towers and last hit mobs
Whoooa such skill.

>You dont know anything, do you think that more than 130 champs have the same skills?
>Yes, the comunity is such a shit
>Whoa, do you really think that the gameplay is basic when you have to plan a strategy every single match depending on the picks of the rival team?
>Yes, but not always, mostly they are really unfair with the Vans
>Come on, Riot is one of the best developers nowadays, they always hear their players
>HAHAHA, every single online game have microtransactions, don't be a hypocrite

>Implying thats everything there is to do

MOBAs are trash that's ruined the industry and brought out the worst in already bullshit people.

>Argument please

Because you have a giant roster of characters, and if you use one that isn't in the approved meta (ie one of like 10) you can be banned. Actually, fuck Riot in particular. As bad as the community is, the devs being terrible adds fuel to the shit fire.

>not fun
>people REEEE out at every corner
>Anita types point to it to show how toxic gamerz are
>not fun
>esports are trash
>i dont like it
>not fun

>You dont know anything, do you think that more than 130 champs have the same skills?
Skillshot, escape, shield, teamfight ult. I've just described 90% of LoL champions and those who don't fit in this model get reworked. It's undeniable that LoL has a very forced, cookie cutter approach to designing champion kits.

>Whoa, do you really think that the gameplay is basic when you have to plan a strategy every single match depending on the picks of the rival team?
You do that in every MOBA.

>Come on, Riot is one of the best developers nowadays, they always hear their players
lmao. Also listening to players is not always a good thing, especially if the community is as shitty and toxic as LoL.

>>HAHAHA, every single online game have microtransactions, don't be a hypocrite
Microtransactions vary. Having to unlock champions is fucking cancer.

Cartoon horses for one thing.

mobas are fun if you don't suck fucking dick at video games

league of losers is for underage and they ruined competitive vidya gaymen by turning it into this up tight no fun allowed bullshit. also typical libtard community and managers

But I like lol threads

You can use whatever you want, Riot will not ban you because you use a champ out of the meta, and Riot doesnt add fuel to the shit fire, they mostly ban people who troll or faggot in the game


hero units ruined the rts genre and i don't see the fascination of playing a game with only hero units
also progression based games with "unlocks" are the lowest form of casual tier entertainment


because kek is funnier

>it's popular
>competitor to DOTA2 so it pisses Sup Forumsalvedrones off

>>wtf is an rts
I want to believe he's joking, but this is exactly the kind of people who play this garbage.

Sup Forums hates LoL because it's really popular. There is nothing else to the hate, despite the otherwise verbose shitflinging towards the game you'll notice. Any question starting with "Why does Sup Forums hate..." can easily be answered with "contrarianism"

I just prefer lmao


>>wtf is an rts

i hate anything top 5 on steam

>By that logic all the computers are the same, you turn them on, use it, and turn It off
>So, they aren't so basic
>The part of the comunity who is toxic and shitty never talk on the forums of Riot
>In every game you have to do things to unlock other things

same reason I hate mario when he's sitting on his stupid little recliner like a dumb faggot plumber cuck

And that should be?

I've played LoL for a long time now, it's easy to tell when people hate the game to look cool and have never actually played the game before, they always give the same shitty answers
>pve farming for 20 minutes
>no skill required
>1 map
>killed the RTS genre
all of those are shitty reasons, the game isn't a boring farm fest unless you want it to be that way, it does require skill, it's less skill than the one you need to play something like an RTS or a fighting game, but there is a skill requirement if you actually want to get anywhere in the game, people love going on about how only playing 1 map is shitty when they probably tend to stick to a couple of maps whenever they play an online game, and RTS games where doomed regardless of LoL's birth, the genre requires too much time and effort for the casual market, it was never going to make it beyond niche genre or that genre you played while growing up.