Congratulations on winning GOTY, Link

>Congratulations on winning GOTY, Link.

Other urls found in this thread:


GOTY award is just some bullshit so fanboys/shills can claim their fanboy game is "superior" to the other fanboyed shilled game.

Don’t call him. he’s busy right now

The fact that such a boring, mediocre game could win GotY just shows you how pathetic the industry is. Probably paid by Nintendo. This game is flawed from top to bottom. A good starting off point, a neat tech demo, but that's all.

They get a handle on cheaters yet?


alright, name your goty, user.

Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Persona 5

holy fuck you are triggered

Both shit
The answer is none
Everything was shit
Only literal underaged and shit eaters desperate for games no matter how shitty they are will claim otherwise
>give me my cocaine, I don't care if it is .001% purity, just gimmme

Not triggered by the game, mad at all the journalists who hail this game as the second coming of christ. God help us if other games take inspiration from this and every open world from now on will have gimmicky traversal mechanics and outrageously boring worlds peppered with unimmersive separate shrines. The sheer corruption of the gaming industry by hailing this cynical product as the be all end all of games this years is dazzling.I worry the gaming industry will never recover from the undue praise and influence this game is being rewarded.

>idiot cannot comprehend the fact that his game is hated by many people
>envisions everyone who hates it to be one single boogie man out to get him
You sound fucking autistic
Did it even win anything yet? Who decides this shit?

holy fuck imagine being this mad that people like a game, you need to get a grip man.

I remember when I went through my faggy cynical teenager phase. You'll make it through too champ.

I still love Kass

it literally is the same user though, note how he didn't deny it at all. Also, note the post times and the fact he's repeated the same posts in all 3 threads nearly word-for-word.

The real answer here is Knack 2

Shame that half the reason it won/going to win is because the past decade of Zelda games have nothing but mediocre. It's only the one time they chanced to do somehting different that it becomes highly appraised.

It's pretty much Nintendo's formula
>Mario has always been platformers
>The handful of times they've done RPG's have been highly acclaimed
>Pokemon has always done mediocre RPG's
>The moment they turn it into a dungeon crawler, they create a cult following

>Who decides this shit?

A bunch of uninformed, journalistic hacks who don't know anything about videogames and are just trying to conform to online pressure and opinion to make money

Did Link ever get over Mipha's death? Whenever he bangs Zelda is he thinking of her?

No it's really not. This game has been played by millions, not everyone is going to like it, and you have to accept that.

Yeah maybe years ago
31 here faggot
>inb4 go away grampa, jaded memes

>assasins creed : robo dinos
come on man really? you are gonna talk shit about how BOTW is boring and basically a tech demo. when your pick for goty is a by the numbers open world game with no innovation in it?

>weeb shit
when has a nip game won GOTY? im not saying its bad. but not GOTY contender.

innovation has nothing to do with enjoyment.

you say this as if them simply breaking the mold is the reason botw is so popular, when that really isn't true.

I never said multiple anons can't feel the same way, just that those specific posts are the same guy.

>not denying it means he admits it
Worst argument ever. The only similarity is the fact that all three posts say it's boring and a shit game. Those post times also don't mean jack shit. Two were 15 minutes apart and the other was seven hours before them.

>MGSV gets shit on for removing most of the things that made an MGS game an MGS game and replaced with open world

>BOTW gets praise for removing most of the things that made a Zelda game a Zelda game and replaced with open world

Really makes you think

It's ok when nintendo does it.

I haven't met a single one in all my time. Get a good connection poorfag.

whatever you say mr samefag :^)

>caring about journalists
They're not even good at games.

Its hilarious how BotW fans believe the game is so unbelievably great that its literally impossible someone could play it and dislike it.

>blowjob with those razor-sharp shark teeth

did you even read >I never said multiple anons can't feel the same way, just that those specific posts are the same guy.

You'll find out in the next DLC. ;^)

Sonic Mania

I played both Horizon Zero Dawn and Breath of the Wild, and enjoyed both, and still believe that neither was GOTY.

Have you ever considered that a lot of people have the same criticisms because they are big flaws of the game?

Saying those posts are all the same person because they think BoTW is boring and shit is saying that multiple anons can't feel the same way.

absolutely could be the case, but in this instance I am 95% sure it's the same user that moved from one thread to the next, especially considering the final post of the previous thread


>OP of one thread baited
>that means everyone who bashes on BoTW is the same person
holy shit can you be any more delusional?

Imagine putting your cock in a fish's mouth, how slimy it would be.


>Saying those posts are all the same person because they think BoTW is boring and shit is saying that multiple anons can't feel the same way.
It's almost like you're stuck in your own little autism world and cant read a fucking post. Or you're just trolling. Fuck, I cant tell with nintendo fans.

How did Mipha suddenly grow nipples?

no, that statement just makes no sense and based purely on assumption, despite the fact I clearly already stated that I was accusing that specific user. It's a given that multiple people can have that same opinion, but as I already said the post times strongly suggest it's the same user anyway.

Your assumption that it's the same user is based purely on the fact that they all said the game was boring and shit. I think the game was boring and shit, does that mean I'm the one who made all those posts?

>is based purely on the fact that they all said the game was boring and shit.
not true, it's also based on the post times and the fact the things said are nearly verbatim

>being an adult means eating shit and liking it
Wew lad.

I don't think you know what verbatim means. You've also (or at least I assume is you since I've just been responding to whoever's been responding to me) said that because he hasn't denied it that makes him guilty.
I think you're being really fucking stupid simply because people are calling your favorite game shit. Sup Forums is no ones hugbox.

nah I'm just sick of seeing these same posts over and over again about why people think it's the worst most boring game ever. Give it a damn rest, I get that some people will be sick of the praise the game has gotten, and I'm sick of that as well, but trying to "combat" that with the opposite is just as fucking irritating. For once I'd like if Sup Forums could just discuss a game normally without having to resort to extremes all the time.

>not even finished
Not even in the running for GOTY mate


I beat the entire game and I'm still playing, but man, The main story line aspects are just mediocre. To learn the story you have to go on this quest to look at pictures in various locations and watch flashbacks or outside of that you can watch link have these deep and meaningful relationships with various regional anthropomorphic ghost and a giant lady.

It's never been a groundbreaking series in story, but this was all just weak. Hopefully the DLC will cut a little deeper into it and introduce some enclosed levels.

Man, this gif really lacks the polish of the actual game. It just looks weird.

NieR: Automata

Reminder that sand niggers are better women, boys are better fish, and birds are just better.

Link is gay.

>playing Zelda for the story

well damn that silenced him


holy shit what a cute girl

>odyssey, the best mario game since 64 lost to a generic open world meme game

still pisses me off.

Literally the worst of the 3D Marios and barely an 8/10 game.

shut the fuck up zelda fangirl.

I legitimately had more fun with AC Origins than this shit.

Why tho. Surerly by now everybody has worked out it's a bad game that tricks you into thinking it's a goood game at first. Like skyrim but even more so and you work it out eariler.

The type of fag that would say that is the exact kind of person that would buy an assassin's Creed game.

Why the hell are the all the fairy's so horny in this game?

*steals your GOTY*

Why does Zelda make people so fucking angry? Goddamn I haven't even played that shit but it doesn't make me sperg because my goty didn't win.


We all know why this thread was truly created.


>Public vote only counts for 10%
Lol all the chink votes on the planet won't let this beat out botw

Why did you link your own post, butthurt poster?

It weirds me out, and I fucking love Zelda games. But I just didn't like Breath of the Wild. The same thing happened to me with Zelda 2 and Wind Waker. I bet you the people who absolutely love BotW have a couple Zelda games that didn't like either, but they for some reason act like it's impossible to dislike BotW.

you misunderstood me, I have no problem with people disliking the game.


Oh my

I didn't think you did. I was talking about the fans that do have a problem with people disliking the game.

>hollow knight shills spam threads constantly
>doesn't even get indie goty
>gets beaten by a multiplayer game that barely has 1000 simultaneous players

this would be fucking perfect if he wasn't zoomed in so fucking much all the time, that last shot I can't even fucking tell wtf is going on


Even as a nintendo fanboy, you have to admit that they did go off the edge multiple times
>Based on a puzzle strategy game that fans adored
>The moment they turn it into a 2D sidescroller it get's a 68% on metacritic

That doesn't work out for everything.

See Paper Mario.

>Did it even win anything yet?
It's won plenty of awards already but it just won Ultimate Game Of The Year and Critics Choice Awards at the Golden Joystick Awards.

Reminder that if you adamantly spout your opinion on games that you haven't played, you're a machild, and you're part of the reason Sup Forums is a joke.

Not sure if sarcasm or natural retardation.

>A flavour of the month Day Z clone
>Winning anything

It's funny because people didn't believe me when I said Skyrim was popular on Sup Forums before the memeing started, and now the same exact thing has happened again with BotW.


holy shit, this came out already?


What's happening in that last shot I can't tell.