Childhood Vidya Scares


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welcome back

>*rattling intensifies*

Sup next time retard

watching my friend play this when we were kids was terrifying


fukking hell

Rated E for Everyone

For some reason, it was never gruesome imagery that bothered me. It was always seemingly mildly unsettling things that wormed their way into my brain.

One of the resident evil games started with a zombie driving a semi truck to a gas station, and I used to be terrified of zombies, so I would always turn it off as soon as I saw the zombie

Fucked me the hell up. I had to put my Gameboy on the carpet because I was worried it would infect me or something.

Did you find it by accident?

No. I just knew there was a weird Pokemon I could only catch if I did certain things. The whole flying and surfing by the coast. I didn't know what it looked like.

To this day, that save is still on my Red cartridge. With missingno. and my glitched up hall of fame.The music playing is so damn creepy.


Fucking pussies, all of you

I must have had a strange copy of OOT. Was dicking around in Hyrule field and fell into a hole in the ground. In the hole were pic related and scared me shitless.

You're all small time.

I love the aesthetic now but goddamn this whole game was so unnerving as a kid. Especially these fucks.

Nah, it was pretty normal, there was a wolf in one hole, a cow stuck in a wall in another

But yea, those things fucked my shit up as a kid

The re-deads in TWW sadly didnt even look remotely scary, but the scream was still point on

I found it pretty scary when they bite you


i was 8 back then and i had nightmares of this


Never played it again.

The piano in SM64 is the reason I stopped playing piano.

>Wolf in one hole, cow stuck in another
Ah okay. I remember bringing it up one time and people were claiming that there were no such holes and I must have been in one of the tiny towns.

>the 3ds version removed the blood
still mad

These actually didn't scare me. But
>playing the game at night
>just sailing around exploring
>night falls in-game
>a storm brews up
>hear spooky music
>look around
>see this

I hadn't encountered any references to the ship yet, so it felt out of place and chilling.

>first time encountering a big octo

My sides

yesterday I had a real nightmare where I was in a dimly lit interrogation-esque room sitting at a mahogany table with my laptop opened to steam.
then out of the shadows across from me is todd howard with a remington 700 pointed right at my head, and he starts yelling over and over again to pre order fallout 4. in fear of losing my life, i did and then I woke up.
what has todd posting done to me?

Todd making up stories about how bad things will happen to me if I don't buy your games isn't going to work

>First time encountering a big octo
Absolutely terrifying.

I dreamt that I was at the mall and picked up a bunch of 3DS games dirt cheap somehow. I was mad when I awoke and realized I didn't actually hit the jackpot.


Npc faces in OoT and MM. Some of them were horrifying to me. Still are, actually.

To the freezer with you, you creepy old piece of shit.



>People are disgusting. My own mother and father are disgusting. You must be disgusting, too.

What did they mean by this character?

i was 10 years old, i saw in the back of the GC box.

Sup Forums users 10 years after their first playtrought

jesus christ

>the cartridge had a little dust in it
>put game in
>get this screen
>too scared to touch the game after that because I thought I did something wrong and God punished me
Good times.

I was 16 when this came out. Jesus Christ, why am I still here, shitposting with children?

i miss being scared by zombies

RE2 death scenes.

I failed and the characters were getting fucking eaten and screaming in agony because of it. Distinctly remember dropping the controller because of it.

First experienced panic induced fear when that piece of shit mask started flying around seconds after I picked up a key in SMB2

No wonder that face app said I was 8/10 even though I'm not really attractive. A bunch of normies use make-up and I don't.
Dat Anita body tho.


When I was five my parents were given a PlayStation that came with mortal kombat 4 and resident evil 2. Stupid parents let me play it, right at the beginning of resident evil I got ganged by a bung of zombies and that death cutscenes plays that shows the horde eating you. Immediately turned off the game and put the cd case in a drawer and closed it so the zombies couldn't come out of the game to eat me while I slept.

I thought mortal kombat was awesome.

nothing creepy about it,capturing missingno fucks your save up potentially,you only are supposed to use it to get free items and run away nothing more.

The Frankenstein monsters from 40 Winks. Going through the caves scared the shit out of me because I could hear their footsteps even when I couldn't see them. Then I arrived at that witches house and never picked the game up again.



Almost two decades on I still sweat when I hear anything tapping on metal because of this fucker infesting my childhood.

The intro to JP Rampage Edition always scared me, the way the raptor slavers at the mouth and widens its eye. I always hid to the side of the TV before it came on to press start without seeing it.




I played Zelda when I was about 5. I really enjoyed reading the manual and seeing the illustrations, and you'll notice those illustrations are much darker and creepier in tone than those in later manuals.

Anyway, I woke up around midnight one night and saw what looked like a giant hand over my window. I was so scared that I wanted to wake my parents, but they really hated being woken up, so I decided to just hide under my sheets. I eventually fell asleep.

The next day, it just turned out that my mom had tied up the curtain in a way that made the shadow look like a hand.


Gave a 12 year old me a slight coronary

I can't be the only one who found dying dismembered to some fan or something in this level to be deeply disturbing

It sure was for the 6 year old me

>that save is still on my Red cartridge.
No it's not, unless you switched out the battery in the cartridge.

>To this day, that save is still on my Red cartridge
Not anymore, man. The batteries keeping the memory alive in the last produced cartridges died like last year. Saves are gone. Same for Gold/Silver.

this and the dogs through the side window.
fucking me and my friends up even when we knew they were coming

Rudi the clown from Wario Land 3

>Hey, who is that person sitting in the chair?

>That door who becomes alive

> Reliving the nightmare

>white trash post again on Sup Forums.jpg

>10 year me old plays WHERE'S THE FUCKING EXIT

My Crystal's original save battery actually died 5 or 6 years ago. I'm mad that some people's lasted until last year.

This whole level

based testposter


I still can't deal with this shit to this day. Played the PS4 remaster and had to look away and push forward when the heartbeat sounds started.

Still creeps me out to this day

How did this get approved?

It was even creepier for me, because I didn't understand exactly what Jenova was at the time.
I thought of Jenova as some sleeping god whose body had been defiled just so it could be used as a power source.
I kept imagining that it would wake up and wreak havoc upon the entire world.

Didn't expect a Star Wars game to make me shit my fucking pants.

I never played that, but I had pic related. Whole game is kinda creepy, but the damn pig level is what got to me.


These guys imo are scarier than Redeads.
-They charge at you with their loud helicopter noise
-Encountered at sea of where you're more vulnerable
-Stare at you if you're out of their range and wait for you to go back to sea if you go onto an island
-Can be encountered during nighttime and/or during storms

Shadows of the Empire had dianogas too, and it was almost as scary.

>2 in the morning, 12 year old me playing games on emulators and stuff
>walk into some room in the dungeon
>this fucking thing appears
>never touch the rom again

>in that one part of the ocean where there's over a dozen of them
>get hit
>instantly fall out of the ship
>get back in
>get knocked out before I can do anything at all
>eventually die after being wombo-combo'd for a bit
I thought it was more annoying than scary.

The heartbeat is what makes it scary.
Brilliant sound work

I remember trying to swim to Sandover Village from the tutorial area when I first played it. Got killed, turned my PS2 off and quietly went to another room holding back tears.


fuck that guy
>hurr durr just hold that key no kid would ever know about

>be kid
>playing Tomb Raider for the first time
>get to level 3
>already had to kill a few raptors in the level so I was pretty spooked out
>get to this area
>music starts
>hear a loud roar and giant footsteps
>suddenly see this big mother fucker runs up on me
>scream and shut off console

I never did beat Tomb Raider as a kid because I was so absolutely fucking terrified of the T Rex. Beat it later as an adult, but that level still spooks me the fuck out.