ITT: vidya that flooded Sup Forums with shitposting

ITT: vidya that flooded Sup Forums with shitposting

Other urls found in this thread:

TOR was the beginning of the end. Now Sup Forums desperately tries to find new games to be the next TOR, or forces new games to be like TOR.

every single one

Project Beast leak

>The infinite shitposting over the end of BB 'being a dream'

>Any game with a black protagonist
>Any console exclusive

Yea but we kept to our own cesspit for a bit

Console wars were never the same after bloodborne, it gave sonyfags a huge morale boost.

This pretty much. Everything about TORs launch was a fun to observe type of chaotic mess.


2 shitposts in 1 picture

I actually liked Bioshock Infinite and had more fun with it than the first two Bioshock games.

>Literally STILL the ONLY good thing to come out of this POS game.


The closest thing we got to TOR levels shitposting was Ass Effect Andromeda.
What an amazing time seeing that trainwreck unfold.

too bad most of the sfm with her is just disgusting fetish shit

100% agree
Young bitch is unbearable.
But that bitch is like a good wine.

It's was one shitpost thread after another. I sat back and played the game while i kekd

>Not liking disgusting fetish shit

This shit was shilled so fucking hard here.


you can blame Sup Forums for that one


I'm still mad at the amount of praise this game got

>not linking disgusting fetish shit

>mfw I actually liked Bioshock Infinite

>you can blame Sup Forums for that one
>only 2 threads on Sup Forums over the course of a month and both were filled with "go back to Sup Forums"

wait a minute that card

Not true, the best ones are all tamer

>Sup Forumstard posting Sup Forums
Fuck off Sup Forums


One thread at a time, threads were comfy as fuck. People need to learn the difference between shilling and people talking about a game that just came out.

and Sup Forums doesn't say that they don't shitpost and yet this thread has been made every day for the past few days

where Sup Forums is celebrating a game where you Bash the Fash did bad

already posted

>linking a thread where Sup Forums gets BTFO and gets derailed by liberals

also, Sup Forums didnt celebrate the failure because barely any of them play video games

I know of one

I still have my Tedd Howard folder. Good times

>Near Perfect
That's not how it fucking works.

So this... is the power... of damage control.

That's not "disgusting fetish shit" at all, user. Where's the shitting dicknipples?

>Elizabeth with a Bush
Never knew I wanted this.

>dismisses facts
A walking stereotype

Weird that this game comes up, I'm actually doing a playthrough of it right now (been on my backlog for a while). I'm stuck on this part though, these puzzles are fucking brilliant. Can anyone give me a hand?

None of that is true, people just cry TORtanic whenever they're looking forward to a new AAA game and an anonymous stranger on the internet says something mean about it.

Try playing the Rick & Morty intro with the bells.

Yelling "Tortanic!" is the default defense mechanism for shills theses days

>Rick and Morty
Ahhh that makes sense, you have to have a pretty high IQ to get that show. You must have a pretty high IQ to solve these puzzles as well.




>Sup Forums went so nuclear over KS that it literally caused the board to split

I don't hope games are bad, I hope bad games tank financially or critically



So none gonna post good BioShock r34?

This fucking game

Cuphead didn't cause a massive shitstorm here. The shitposting was pretty tame compared to DMC, TORtanic, and Todd "bitch you better buy fallout 4" Howard.


>Damn near perfect

Oh-fucking-kay. What is it like being so delusional?

You have to admire the TORtanic for a moment, it changed Sup Forums shitposting forever.

No everyone who criticized it was just told they were pol

yeah wtf

OP said vidya, user.

i haven't seen this image in a couple years but it still provides immense amusement.

never forget

>no ones said the obvious yet

Why do you personally attack people for their choices? As if what they buy makes your life worse?

>The walking dead
>exclusives ever not being console war shitposting fodder


I actually like eating shit and had more fun doing so than eating delicious healthy food.




>the ones where she rims dogs ass

Not him but people who support bad games have a negative impact on my hobby. There is one genre I'm basically locked out of now because of shiteating plebs directing the course of where it ended up.

Also if you feel personally attacked from people saying your game is bad or shitting on threads for them you might be autistic.

>One thread at a time
>Threads died when there's nothing left to discuss

Dangan Ronpa
>Meme posting
>4 Threads up at all times
>Threads are still going even though it's a general

There's much worse shill threads.

Did the TORtanic really sink, though? I've seen other people on Sup Forums say that it's still running.


It sank dude, no one plays it. And not even EA or Bioware give a shit about it anymore.

No game stands as greater proof of viral corporate shilling. The shooter vets and weeaboos of Sup Forums saw through that shit from day one.

Anti Sup Forums contrarians try to claim that the game was a massive success despite the fact that it was forced to go F2P in less than a year and the only evidence that it did well after that was from Superdata research, an analytics firm that has a poor history of being inaccurate and unreliable.

Dark Souls

Love both games to death but the fanbase is cancer.

Blizzard baited every retard that they can possibly get. They knew how to get a large audience.

i always get a little sad when wildstar comes up. I really did enjoy the world they built.