What games are we all playing today?

What games are we all playing today?


>Go, Saorise!

I dropped the real game because you can't make him say that

>Sup Forums playing games

Woops pic related

Path of exile, finishing the race event during this weekend.

Possibly some starcraft 2 later with bros

overwatch no limits is a ton of fun. made a team quit with 5 torb one moira lol

Nioh and then I got frustrated and started playing Breath of the Wild.

Wow yiff male warlock

Ultra Moon. Finally got my copy. Trying to decide what to name my starter right now.

If it arrives today (though I doubt it) my copy of Taiko Drum Session too.

Maybe some Heroes of the Storm (want to learn Alexstrasza) and Overwatch later too. Made it to Diamond in OW last night and won once again after that so that feels good.

i have this pool of games i keep coming back to, among others stalker, mount and blade, morrowind, oblivion, new vegas, minecraft, 7 days to die, GTA, and some other shit i can't remember

Nothing. I tried playing Battlefield 1 this week but I got bored after a few matches and uninstalled.

Finished replaying VtMB as Tremere. I'll probably start Thief II: The Metal Age for the first time or American McGee's Alice.

a bit of path of exile, finishing my char on 10days temp league,
a bit of pso2, still figuring out it, super comfy game

is challenge mode actually worth the effort

Spelunky or DQ8 on the 3DS
last time I played DQ8 it was on the PS2 but I dropped it when I got the ship; how far in was I? felt like I'd got quite far

battlefield 1
post more ochako

Finishing Nioh then starting Hand of Fate 2

FFXV Comrades.
Once the game is reinstalled, at least. The base game and other add ons can go fuck itself. I refuse to start a second playthrough until all the dlc is out and they also stop patching story content into their unfinished game.
The only reason I'm starting Comrades now is because the multiplayer will be dead by the time that happens.

If you're new in fighting games yes, it helps learn not necessarily the combos, but the kind of dexterity you'll need, along with patience. The combos are good for that, but otherwise they range from useless to just plain extravagant trash you'll newer actually use. if you want to improve good look up your characters BnBs and stuff on a wiki.

We are playing some duelyst, Abyssian host to be specific.



I'll probably farm more Shinryu Extreme on FFXIV and hope to get its mount.
And then hate everyone and especially myself for putting up with trash who don't even know their rotation.

Hoping to get some time into tales of symphonia. But I'll more than likely be playing ultra sun.

Maybe some Nethack later, I dunno.

>overwatch no limits is a ton of fun. made a team quit with 5 torb one moira lol
Are you trolling, m8?

you self-important egomaniacs are whats killing this board. go choke on a dick somewhere else, sweetie


just proved my point

You lost me.
Proved what?


dark souls 3
is better than bloodborne

you have to go back

Hows your boyfriend, Ocha? I heard Deku is studying real hard

When's season 3

How can one show have this many best girls?

Finished the Career mode of WWE 2k18 and I'm going to try the reactivated illusive target in Hitman as I missed them the first time.

once reddit cries hard enough for it again, sending hori into another spiral of depression and alcoholism.

cant be too long then

I don't know user

post more best girl


Pretty much this.
But there is a 20% chance I'll continue with my first-time playthrough of Fallout 2.


Woke up with a real itch to play Castlevania so I quickly played through the first one. I never played any games past the SNES though, is SoTN as good as everyone says? What other must play Castlevanias are there?

Darksiders 2.

Played it long ago and liked it but lost my savefile. Recently I bought the Deathinitive Edition so I'm going to pick it up again.

Darksiders 1 was so much fun.

I wanna fuck Momo

This funny little game, called life.

Depression still hasn't been patched out yet

Who doesn't?

I found a quick fix for it. This mod called "booze"

Etrian Odyssey V, end game stuff.

I accidentally triggered the "mom confronts user about his drinking habit and forces him to pour all of his vodka down the sink" cutscene last week.

git gud

keep em coming

I'm speedrunning it right now. Just skipped making friends. It save me aot of time.

nuzlocke ultra sun, so far i only lost a zubat to hala

Same I downloaded my copy from the freeshop 2 days ago, trying to finish omega ruby first though

Oh, that sucks, now you have to replace all your vodka potions, that's gonna set you back.

That's why you transfer servers at lv18
Feel ya bro. Had to hide ~10 empty bottles of scotch in a dresser when my parents did a surprise visit the other week

Playing new Rimworld update

Team Fortress 2.

I want Mina to burn my cock off with her acidic pussy juice!


A little game called, "Test my patience"

I greatly preferred DS1, honestly. The combat system was great in DS2, it felt like a DMC game even - but it was ruined by the RPG mechanics - you'd either be underlevelled for an area which meant you'd have to bat fodder around like a training dummy for ten minutes to kill it, or stuff would die in two or three hits if you were appropriately levelled so you never got to stretch your legs with the combat. The third and fourth worlds were awful, too. It's a shame because the first few hours are excellent.

I've just been sitting around all day after being sick yesterday. I have no fucking clue what to play.

I'm gonna play some Chaos;Child, Xenoblade and Fire Emblem Warriors.


>working retail
Get out
Get out now.
t. Someone that worked for Gap/Banana Republic for 2 years

Become a server or delivery boy to actually make good money.


especially if your ass is fat and people cat call you, you will just end up getting your butt pounded on a weekly basis and start charging for it. happened to too many people i know


Probably playing Destiny 2 so I can beat the single player.
After that maybe move on to dead space 2 or silent hill 2 to finish those.

New Vegas. Finally got started with the DLC again and goddamn I love dead money. Perfect atmosphere. Also maybe Warframe, even though I'm growing to hate it more and more. Finally getting mirage and enjoying her a ton.

ochako belongs in the trash

>Got my degree four years ago
>Every interview I land, the first question is "so why have you worked in retail so long since you got your degree?"

Sometimes it's not as simple as 'just get out'.

Bloodborne and until dawn


Please do not say such things about my wife.

What degree

I got regular moon but didn't even reach the first gym/challenge what does Ultra add? Is it pointless like emerald version or meaty like BW2?

Is Mineta /ourguy/


>But why don't you freelance from home?
Can't compete with Indians/Chinese.

Doesn't help that Dad keeps telling me "just make the next Facebook and then retire" with a straight face.
(polite sage for offtopic)

Dark souls 3

Recommend games pls.

Just played some Stalker, gonna play a round or two of World of Warships and then a bit of Forza 7 before going out to the nearby "big city".

no, grapefag

Katawa Shoujo.

replaying system shock, I wish there were more scifi dungeon crawlers

Which route?

>Tiny Metal
Got emailed a demo build by the devs since I backed some other project of theirs forever ago. It's a bit janky and lacking in polish in a few areas, but the mechanics are unambiguously Advance Wars (sans the name), which means it's good.

>Opus Magnum
One of the best puzzle games I've played in years. It's by the SpaceChem guy I think. Great if you like designing your own production lines and raging because two machine components don't play nice with each other.

>Slam Fighter II
Some game that popped up today on Steam for like two bucks. It's set up like a fighting game except instead of throwing hands you're slinging shade. Pretty basic and a bit buggy, but it has a certain novelty charm to it (and the devs are obviously Jojo fans, which I admit I appreciate).

Probably dick around on my griffon in GW2.
>make expansion
>only fun thing they add is mounts
>specializations are boring trash or completely unbalanced
I wish the MMO genre hadn't effectively died.

Dota 2 as usual

The closer it gets to christmas the more I want to play a yakuza game.

>mfw I just realized it's been 20 days since I last even attempted to play a game

Vanilla wow private server.

Play sotn my boy
Then do a richter all bosses play through
Then do a naked play through fists only

Going to keep playing Metroid Samus Returns until my hands start bugging me. Which recently hasn't been very long. Where can I get a new pair of hands?

>Where can I get a new pair of hands?
You can't grandpa. Get used to it.
