>already dead
What the fuck went so wrong?
>already dead
What the fuck went so wrong?
What went right?
It's Call of Duty
you know what the fuck went wrong, this subject is redundant in the context of [current year] current events. Try again
same boring shit, different wallpaper
also the devs are retarded and need to force their twitchy jumpy shit in games where it doesn't belong. This return would've benefitted from more open maps and slower, more tactical gameplay but nope, it's back to arcade shooty shit with modern weapons sights
putting politics,storyline and muh holocaust aside
>tiny maps
>destiny rip off headquarters area complete with vendors labeled "coming soon"
honestly surprised it lasted this long
CoD no longer dominates the market. PUPG, Overwatch, MOBAs.
love the fact that bo3 has more population than iw ever had lmao
is the campaign worth pirating?
Im really itching for some ww2 campaign
they put in a battlefield bad company auto injector style self healing mechanic
you have to get first aid kits from enemies and ally squad members and you can only hold 4
it's an OK story but it's not call of duty anymore
>it's an OK story
Utter garbage. Shit on a plate. Tripe.
Just play WAW again. Great campaign.
>Destiny rip off headquarters
And yet it manages to have more things and social functions than Destiny's social areas.
No, even the campaign is hot garbage. Last good campaign was bo1, bo2 was decent-ish too.
it has the exact same things and social functions
>throw the ball
>get mini challenge quests
>show off new uniform
open loot drops(same idea as engrams)
at least 3 vendors who you can't use yet
puts you in 3rd person for no reason
face it it's destiny ww2
and even if I could get past that the 6v6 matches when even an early access title like Tannenberg can hold 64 is just sad
CoD is always doa on PC. I'm sure on console it's still going hard.
>source : my ass
True, fuck COD!
*plays PUBG*
>already dead
You say that like it's not true
I don't play PUBG. Every CoD after COD4-MW2 has sold like absolute shit on PC.
The PC market is saturated with shooters, CoD is really nothing special.
not enough diversity
Every year people say CoD is dead, and yet every year it's the best seller.
that kinds sucks for a COD game, but it's not a flop sure sure.
I know this sounds like bait, but people only play it on console and that's only because there really isn't anything else mainstream.
I bet it will fail on xbone due to pubg being ported in December
There's nothing else mainstream on console every year until now.
This year it will genuinely flop on xbone due to pubg, screenshot this.
Yet its not even the best seller this year. Not even close.
Still pretty active on console, but that's pretty much where cod. I think the biggest issue is that a lot of the maps are designed for War mode, and they generally work well for that mode. Other modes like tdm, not so much because of the laning it does.
Also has a shooting gallery, a dueling area, and a place to play Activision Atari 2600 games. I think it's a stupid idea but they did it better than Destiny 2's tower.
not dead on pc, played last night and there were full games throughout.
>same garbage COD without any real changes to gameplay
>loot box fucking garbage
>still peer to peer fucking trash
COD WaW in fucking 2008 was better than this shit.
sold less than blobs 2 and even casuals got bored boots in ground gameplay
>the core game is so bad they had to put in an atari collection to keep you logged in and you list that as a plus
wew lad
that means nothing because a full game is 12 fucking people
it's CoD
>Those implications
wew lad yourself, faggot. I was simply listing shit you can do in the social space
>tfw you long for modern warfare scenarios with current day weaponry
I'm so god damn sick of future shit and historical trash.
Everyone is too busy grinding PUBG lootboxes. Console CoD is probably doing ok though.
>what the fuck went wrong
CoD kiddies got easily manipulated into supporting other jew game series (Battlefield/Overwatch) so it's popularity died.
Soon they'll jump ship from those games onto something even worse. It's the cycle of the normie.
Just play the dozens of modern shooters then.
Wait the freemium game style daily rewards aren't attracting daily gameplay? And I thought normalfags would eat that social score shit up.
>That mission of rescuing and escorting War Pig in CoD 4
It just felt genuine, voice actors played it like they're actually winded and tired, they portrait the soldiers as humans and not actors (Huh, you think we got them? Yep, we got them.)
I just want the people to act like people, not fucking actors in a movie.
The gameplay is fine but those shitty small maps are fucking awful.
Just get the map packs. You did buy the season pass, didn't you user? :^)
I know you're memeing but i probably will just for zombies, if the DLC maps are the same 3-lane, small, muh esports bullshit like the launch ones, then i'm definitely dropping this MP.
Has the best zombies to date. Prove me wrong. Protip: you fucking can't.
Hardcore mode ends up being slower and more tactical.
less than rainbow six siege gets daily and its 2 years old
This game be looking stupid as fuck. The only person I know that bought this also happens to be the dumbest son of a bitch I’ve ever met.
>hurr durr I want my historical game again
>hurr durr I want my modern warfare game again
>hurr durr I want my futuristic jetpack game again
If your game doesn't have the movement depth of Unreal Tournament or Quake, its utter trash
>barely any maps
>only a small few non-shit ones
>LMG/Shotguns might as well not exist
>3 maps on best mode
>Snails pace exp
>Can't throw a grenade more than 1 metre
>Jump shotting PPSH Mountain class try-hard faggots in every game
Also just feels generally slow. Sprinting feels slow and stamina is low. Is it less than the previous games because it seems it
>shity and slow progression system
>xp doesn't save if you quit
>weapons don't level up
>no challenges
>no calling cards or other unlocks
>no double PaP
It's a really fucking good map but there's a lot of really good stuff introduced with BO3 and IW that was dropped in WW2 for no reason.
It's fucking CoD in 2017. THE same game but now with a pleading attempt to go back to historic warfare. In addition to that:
>9 maps, half of which are junk
>clusterfuck of a division/equipment system
>loot boxes that are 95% useless grips
>scorestreaks are fucking bunk
>no Pacific Theatre
>NO dogs
>MWR has less players than IW while BO3 has more players than MWR and IW
>Nah, wait like 4 months from now. then you can see the number dropped to below 10,000 people
I think this will be the last of the yearly CoD games.
>briefly had to compete with fucking touhou in sales
It's just a bunch of blind sheeps, they're both equally garbage.
The servers
Literally no one at my college can play it.
I hope so, maybe they can spend that extra year to make a better game
>CoD PC sales are relevant
That wont happen because of the ridiculous set pieces they have to have in CoD now and needing to have a story, instead of it just being a bunch of nameless soldiers participating in different battles.
>totally not a nigger who thinks his opinion matters
>Still quake 3 engine trash
>Guns feel like garden hoses, no recoil or feel
>Sound like fucking airsoft
>Still small ass chokepointy maps and spawn killing
It was clearly going to be shit from the beginning. Especially considering there hasn't been a good CoD title in ages.