Anyone else playing Final Fantasy XI?

Anyone else playing Final Fantasy XI?

15th anniversary is going on right now and I have to say that I'm having a blast playing it.

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FFXI died years ago and you are only anbusing your childhood playing that current abomination.

Stop it.

I would play but private servers are dead and buggy and there's no way I'm paying a monthly fee for a 2002 game.

Yeah it's still enjoyable. Finishing up the story content I couldn't do.

This is my first time playing, actually! It's really neat and I'm sad I missed out on it since I didn't have stable internet at the time.

I'm stuck three-mage door since like forever so I can't finish Windurst missions

Is it worth to play for the story? I'm someone that's not usually interested in MMOs.

FFXI unironically has the best story out the entire Square-Enix library. It really deserves a single-player version.

I think so. It has a rough start but I'm doing Chains of Promathia right now and it is blowing me away how it connects with all the stuff that they set up before.

yes, but on a private server
currently leveling my BLM which is at 58

Tactics is better although the original translation is incoherent, and I say this as someone who played FFXI for 5 years

You can do a quest that lets you solo open the door.

Tactics is my 2nd favorite but I still put FFXI's plot, atmosphere, and world-building at the top.

I enjoy both for the same reasons, and I honestly can't pick a favorite between the two.

draw your sword, galka

Any geared out THFs in this thread? I'd like some equipment advice since I'm not sure what daggers to get

>Your character in FFXI is never "the chosen hero"
>Just an adventurer who keeps getting caught up in stuff
>Absolutely amazing story telling

>Abyssea shits all over that


Abyssea is the first true expansion after the original producer Tanaka and 2nd director Komoto got tied up in FFXIV, which meant that the original creatives couldn't intervene in dumb team-level decisions

Those dumb uninformed decisions were probably made by Ogawa, Matsui, and Ito (not Hiroyuki, but Mizuki)

Yeah, it's probably the best-written MMO

How do we feel about Rhapsodies?


FFXI has a great story. It's probably the only reason to even play the game anymore.

I was having a blast with it until my computer broke down. Once I can get some new parts I plan on going back into it.

what server? nasomi?

valhalla, sadly I don't have enough time in my life to do kupo/nasomi

Oh that sucks. I had that happen a while back and it was the worst. Was stuck with a Laptop that could only browse and watch youtube videos while I waited for new parts to come in.

you never live until your power supply dies while the PC is on
I pretty much shit my pants when that happened to me ~6 years ago

Is there a difference between Normal and Difficult in terms of drop rate for High Tier Battlefields?

A big one yes

Can you recommend one I can spam on D for Plutons?

What server and who do I /tell for a Sup Forums linkshell?

for plutons? honestly the one i probably have had the least trouble with was the taru AA but that needs 15 merits for the KI while most others need 10 so maybe its not ideal. im just giving you my experince based on doing Tenzen on normal 10 times for a ginsen and not seeing a single one, then doing it one on normal and seeing one first try. the devs did confirm that normal is the baseline and it changes from there, easy is 1/10th of normals drops and very easy is 1/50th


Did they ever remove playonline?

I've got capped merits Maximum Merit Points upgrades, so it doesn't phase me.

My bigger issue is that AA TT has nothing else I want in terms of drops, but I guess beggars can't be choosers.

Any special start for AATT?

Do you guys recommend Dancer as my first job or should I level a more traditional DD job like Drg or Drk?

>Implying you wouldn't miss this

shadows for meteor which he spams,so maybe some extra healer trusts. what drops are you looking for?

Anything for THF, honestly. I just got it to 99 and I'm trying to get an off hand 119 dagger since all I've got is WKR stuff.

I was doing Garuda but she kicks my ass on D, and Normal I haven't seen any of her drops on ever.

Bitch please.

ah, i havent done any of the primals hard modes, dont need anything from them either, last thing i need is the offhand item from AAHM. main reason i recommended the taru is cause it never feels dangerous the way HM or the others do, damage is pretty consistent.


I haven't done a lot of them either since they don't typically drop annything worthwhile, but Garuda does and she is rough.

Her Whisperwing Wind can recover a great chunk of HP and she will spam the shit out of it. It makes Difficult impossible since I don't damage her as well as I do on Normal.

Any job works for your first. You'll be jumping around a lot due to subjobs, so just prioritize learning the game and finding your groove.

I'm on Pheonix, but it's a smaller server than Asura. If you want a bigger population go to Asura, but if you're fine with a smaller server then you can join us and I'll give you a linkpearl.

Open invitation to anyone who is on Phoenix or would like to play on a smaller server, just leave your name in the thread and I'll get back to you asap. Our shell is small, but growing.

I'm probably just gonna quit soon, so I'll just solo a bit.

Is Final Fantasy 6 and/or tactics good on Android? Im bored at work and thinking about just downloading one of them.

It's good, but very callback-y

I'm kinda iffy on it, honestly.

There are parts I like, but there are a lot of parts where they jerk off the player so hard that I'm left groaning. Iroha loves you way too much for me to like her.

Fuck off.

Go back to your treadmill themepark MMO thread cocksucker.

It made sense to me considering that the few people left in the future were you, Iroha, & her Dad Tenzen. Of course she'd idolize you.

So how is BLU right now, I heard there were some changes that made it less dominant. For some reason the thought of it being more balanced and not everyone being one makes it more appealing to me. Is it still viable for all then end game stuff though?

wait, are you mad that someone is having fun with the game as it is?

Reminder that Arciela is the best Heroine.

I think it's in a good place. It's really strong for low-man and solo content, but at the same time it's useful in endgame without taking up anyone else's role.

Someone more experienced with endgame than I could probably give you a better opinion of it, though, as I haven't dug too deep into endgame yet.

What changed for BLU?
It was pretty obnoxious getting turned down for Ambuscade groups that wanted another BLU when they already had one or two

I'm looking into it, thanks
It looks like I may have broken the sequence of acquring items or someshit


Almost shit myself getting 30k exp for the first time in Escha

I ended up cleaving for someone who hadn't seen BLU kill 20 mobs before with one spell, and they just freaked out.

WAR DRK and SAM were my bread and butttrr back in the day. Are they still considered good jobs?

All 3 are gear intensive but capable of putting out disgusting amounts of damage
Just be ready to have people expect RMEA weapons on you

Is there any job that doesn't have that kind of expectation? Even bard is worthless without the harp

BLU always got by with tanmoyagi/colada which is an incredibly cheap investment, and groups always wanted it more as an example
As for BRD it's probably the most expensive job in the game, since you want all 4 of your RMEA

As far as RMEAs go, how does apocalypse fare?

Apoc was always a great utility scythe for Cata/Entropy, but its damage output was a little bit shy of something like a Rag

I just did Garuda on Difficult with some friends, and while she kicked our asses, we did end up beating her shit in.

We got two equipment pieces to drop, and I have never seen that happen before on High Tier fights, but at the same time I have to admit that I've never done a High Tier at higher than Normal.

To the user earlier who mentioned doing difficult fights is a giant boost to drop rate, I gotta thank you for pointing me in this direction. I clearly need to start gearing up and getting Job Points so I can tackle these Difficult fights.

I wish I had friends that still played. I can't handle more than normal on solo, and for most of them even that's a bit too much

Come to Phoenix and I will be your best friend and we'll hang out eating ice cream in Lower Jeuno.

>that tiny rez

Tempting but I don't really want to pay for a shift right now

Thinking of making a burtgang weapon, is it correct you need 300 stacks of alexandrites? I've been farming and for about 30-40 minutes per run you get 75 on average per run.

That's a lot of work.

Mythics are pretty ridiculous, yeah
I prefer farming gil from other methods to fund it

I bought them back in the day for 2.5k each. Back before anyone wanted to make one. Or was crazy enough to

You already have ochain and aegis?

I don't even know how I would store that many alex, I guess people buy alts?

So about 200 hours of pretty menial work. When you figure it's about 200 million of gil to buy them, and 1 million gil is about $2, you're making $2 per hour, which is well below minimum wage

You can trade them in as you get them
I like filling up multiple storage containers to look at them when I'm done though

You can trade them in as you get them, though it's not recommended since you might change your mind in the mean time. Can't get them back.

Yeah from when I played last.

They were pretty easy to make compared to this.

I think it's quite a bit easier when you consider the rhapsody KIs. Can pretty much shit out things like the assault requirements in a day

Does Lilisette not use steps?

I don't believe so

>I'll come back to FFXI
>When pigs fly!

I still don't understand why they have those.

Oh hey thanks for this.

fuck the bg site

ffxiclopedia has superior guides and info

I forget why BG Wiki even exists.

I remember there being drama, I just don't recall what it was about.

I miss ffxiclopedia, definitely the best source of info but after abyssea or so it stopped updating whereas bgwiki continued

Is there a guide in how to handle Adoulin missions/etc best? I feel so damn lost in what to do

ffxiclopedia's ads make it incredibly annoying with the page continuing to move