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Should I get Xenoblade Chronicles 3D? If I can play it on the go, I’d get this version long as it runs fine enough.

The greatest piece of art ever conceived. What else in the entire human creation comes close as imaginative as this?



weeb trash


Monstrously overrated.

Still good though but fuck me, people having religious epiphanies over this shit probably would've jizzed their pants if they played Xenogears as a kid.

Xenoblade 2 is thataway.

it was pretty good


switch remaster when

it's like a singleplayer mmo but the story is pretty gud

Why not?


Best RPG ever

prettyyy prettyyy good

It's great, like all the Xeno- games beside episode II.

Of the blades I prefer X though better overall gameplay and the sidequests are dramatically better.

if you like WoW combat in a singleplayer game


That game has 0 cool environments.

I tried to play it right after I finished DA:O. but I just couldn't get over not being able to switch characters. It felt like a complete fucking joke.
Whereas in DA:O you could use scripts of "if x happens do y" beside switching to them on the fly, in XB the scripts (at least in the first 4 hours) were much more limited. So it feels like you're playing a multilayer game with literally 3 AIs that you can influence but not fully

I tried playing it but couldn't get into it. It's not the story (though it is pretty much every shounen cliche stuffed into one story). It was just the endless rush of tutorials and new moves. You hardly had time to fight 2-3 battles with a skill you just learned before another 5 page tutorial popped up explaining how a new one works. And this goes on for the first two areas of the game, with long cinematic breaks blocking your ability to fight as well.

If you're going to play this game, I highly advise you to take your time and fight a lot of stuff before going to the next story event. Do all the side quests before moving forward, just to give yourself time to learn the mechanics of the game. I still didn't understand half of them by the time I got to the plains (which is where I stopped).

>the ruined city underground where Big Joe sells you brokenly strong items
>a tower to heaven that's actually a spaceship that crashed and lodged itself into the ground
>the green goo area where Miang does her thang that they reused for the final battle of Xenoblade X
I thought it was cool.

it's okay, the combat is really reliant on comboing things with your team but the AI is fucking garbage

Ya. Just don't play the 3DS version if you can help it.

It's actually a very solid port. Obviously the resolution and textures are ass but it ran perfectly fine and I thoroughly enjoyed my second playthrough on the go. I say go for it (as long as you don't mind the lack of Jap audio, which you honestly shouldn't because the Brit dub is fucking stellar anyway)

But you can change characters. You literally can play as anyone and make any party of three out of the seven total party members as you want


Fucking love this area and its music so god damn much.


XBC was one of the few games that actaully made me feel dwarfed by its enormous world, it also did a really good job of making me hate the mechons, which was a great thing because once its revealed that mechonis dindu nuffin it was a great twist


>buy overpriced swimsuit for fiora
>she dies 15 minutes later

fuck dis gaem

I started it today because I never finished it originally.

It's okay, though the font size is made for ants.


XC offers an insane sense of scale and depth in it's world. The story pays off and has a lot to keep you invested in, and the characters that populate it are memorable all in their own ways. With tons of varying environments, amazing music, and fantastic open world, there's a lot to take in.

The only faults I really have with it is that the leveling can throw you off and quickly make fights unfair if you're even 2 levels under an enemy. Basically all side quests are just something that you naturally beat during the quest. But sometimes you'll wind up a bit underleveled for a boss and it makes it extremely difficult. Basically, it's easy to get your shit kicked in.

Aside from that, GOAT JRPG. I can't think of a better J/RPG from the 7th gen era.


I mean the alternative is either find a physical copy with motion controls or dust off your wii u if you're one of the five people that bought one
The 3DS port is actually super solid, it's maybe the best way to play it right now

>Anything early-game



can I play it on PC?

Aside from the lower resolution and missing tons of particle effects that make the environments look really good on Wii in spite of the weak specs of the console, the game suffers from slowdown in battle whenever there's more than a couple enemies around(this is most noticeable when the affinity burst QTEs pop up and you can visibly see the circle shrink slower)

Playing on Dolphin with the HD texture pack is the way to go

On Dolphin, yes.

I have it and even bought a New 3DS for it, but I always drop it after a few minutes. The text is too small and with the resolution you can't the enemies or the beautiful giant world that is hidden behind 20 pixels

>with the HD texture pack
Delete your post then yourself

Even if you don't want to use the environmental textures the UI ones are pretty important for playing on Dolphin so you don't have a pixelated interface

Pretty poor writing. Combat isn't interesting at all.

Get it for dolphin instead.

How do I make it sound my mouse doesn't move when I use the right analog stick on this game? I just tried setting up emulation for this game today and that bit is driving me wild.

Yes, with the HD texture pack. Why the fuck wouldn't you?

Your analog stick is moving your mouse?

*during battle (the only time I'd consider it important to be able to switch on the fly)

You can by using chain attacks

great presentation
music is good
creative environments and world scope
combat is slightly more engaging than typical jrpg shit
if you're looking for a good rpg I'd say no
if you are a jrpg fag it is about as good as it gets for this genre

What other games have creative environments?

Posting best field theme

no, it's phenomenal

playing the 3ds version. loving it

the sequel

Great setting, mediocre everything else.

>Should I get Xenoblade Chronicles 3D?
Get both. And the soundtrack. And the artbook.
Like me.

great setting, great story, great battle system

Does it work good on dolphin?

This. Fantastic game only hampered by the limitations of its hardware. And it would have been even bigger had Monolith finished the right shoulder of the Bionis.

>hampered by the limitations of its hardware
the only part that god hampered was graphics

No thanks

>hampered by the limitations of its hardware
Why do people think that it works that way.

You get better and better graphics (and that's all there is), but that costs way more. So you get less content plus micro transactions, loot boxes and other shit.

I will take a proper game with 480p graphics any day because of that.

Just that a look at "modern" games. It's primarily graphics and that's all there is. The games get dumbed down more and more as well because they need a huge audience to fund them.

For Xenoblade it's even a miracle that it was released in the west at all, because it fully flopped in Japan.

Depends on your computer. Even a lower end pc can emulate dolphin nicely at higher settings.
Trust me, playing all these wii and gc games being rendered in 4k and above is truly amazing.
I have a 4690k and a 780. I can do between x6 and x8 depending on the title. Back when Dolphin only had x4 I was blown away. Now it has x8 the native res and I just can't imagine playing these old titles on a regular wii.

At least give dolphin a try. A haswell celeron can run games 60fps 1080p on 1.5x the native res alone. So even a toaster can run stuff.


i've never finished the game, but i got it on 3ds when it came out, and i regret it. portable is nice, but it's just too squished down to fully enjoy. thought i would play it more because it's portable, but eventually i dropped it. Now I just want to go back to my wii(u) version.

Yeah I'm going to try it then, thanks

Where would I reliably procure the ROM and the texture pack?

I have the emulator installed now. Also, what are some good settings for mouse and keyboard (or xbox controller for windows)? I dont't have any motion sensing stuff.

Hope you have a controller user.
Best way to play is with actual GameCube wii controllers though. They sell sensor bars that have a USB plug for a few bucks and a BT adapter is like 10 bucks.
If you already have BT on your pc, just go to dolphin controller settings, change wii mote to "real wiimote" and press "refresh" a few times while trying to sync your wiimotes. Trying to sync it through windows BT settings is not a good idea and will probably not work.
For gc controllers, get a mayflash adapter or the official wii u adapter. Both are natively supported on dolphin and have a tutorial on their site. If you get the mayflash, leave it on wii u mode instead of pc mode. I have both adapters and they work the same whenever I play project m with a few buds.
Well, that should make your life easier. You'll spend less time trying to get things to work like I did.

It's okay. The battle system isn't terribly interesting in the midgame, it starts out introducing and piling on tons of mechanics early but stops at one point and doesn't require you to abuse them too hard to beat the game. There's tons of really boring sidequests all over the game.

On the other hand, it's got a nice setting and story, music, and the best damn Jap-to-English dub in the history of vidya.

+ nice world design
+ decent graphics for wii
+ great story
+ great characters
- unpolished, slow combat
- tedious boss fights
- can't run fast (in a game where you need to be able to get around quickly because everything is incredibly barren)
- weird gem system that really doesn't have to be there

forgot one thing
+ great ost

Overrated garbage

forgot another one
- fetch quests, fetch quests everywhere

Fiora is SHIT.


You take that back.