The Switch now has the definitive version of BoTW, Mario Kart 8, Sonic Mania, Doom, Skyrim, Snake Pass and L.A. Noire...

The Switch now has the definitive version of BoTW, Mario Kart 8, Sonic Mania, Doom, Skyrim, Snake Pass and L.A. Noire. There's literally no reason why you shouldn't already have one.

I'm just waiting to see if nintendo will keep up the pace or drop it like the wii u

>Definitive version of Sonic Mania, Doom, Skyrim and L.A. Noire
You mispelled PC.
Also Snake Pass a shit

>definitive version of Sonic, Doom, Skyrim, Snake Pass and L.A. Noire.
>L.A. Noire 2011 game.

I have a switch with mario and zelda
i literally cannot think of anything else worth buying for it when PC is my primary platform

>definitive versions of doom, skyrim and l.a. noire

Is it possible to be this stupidly wrong, or is it just blatant shitposting?

Do the pro controller motion controls work for BOTW?

>definitive version of Doom
Now that's just bullshit
t. Nintendo shill

Fuck off hater

Because consoles and prehiphals suck. All that shit would run on my PC sooner or later. I wont spent shit for the garbage of tomorrow... fucking wastelands

because my tablet pc can do muuuuuuuuuuuuuuch more, and has better games. Switch and all other consoles are garbage

Post proof

daily shitch shill thread?

>definitive version
>Doom, Skyrim, L.A. Noire
These anti-Nintendo shitposters are getting really subtle.

It's way overpriced, and maybe only zelda is a good game and i played it on wii u.

If the switch was 279.99 cdn, I'd get one.

Nigga I love the Switch, but you're insane if you think that Doom on Switch is the definitive version.

>definitive version of BoTW
Nah, that's the PC version


When will you stop shilling, brother? It's almost 5AM, and people do this shit for free every single day around the clock.

If you were wondering, why rest of the world believes that americans are dumb, here is the reason.
Only dumb american would buy console with no games

These posts feel more naive than anything, like some people have only known Nintendo all their lives and never touched another platform.

>This somehow isn't shilling

Thanks Nintengaf

Shill threads of any kind need to be deleted. If you want to buy ad space, then contact Hiromoot and get that arranged.

PC will always be better, chum. Don't delude yourself with fantasy.

>Definitive version

why is nintendofags so dumb?

L.A. Noire though great as a handheld game, the FPS chugs, just in case anyone doesn’t realize it, the definitive way to play it is the remaster on the other consoles, can’t deny it when it’s in your hands tho

>Has the 2 highest rated games of the year
>No games
It's clear from your picture you enjoy inferior things but stop being a nigger

How is it shilling when we're talking about the greatest console this generation with a massive library of games of every genre on it?

Nothing to really do with the thread but I really hope those of you who say this realize how stupid it sounds and DEFINITELY don't say it outloud to other people.

Sup Forums wordplay is the English language used in the worst way.

>massive library of games

Pfft...This made me smile that's how funny this post is. Switch has no games other than BING BING YAHOO.

ive had my switch for about 3 weeks now and the buyers remorse hasn't kicked in yet

got odyssey, botw, disgaea 5, and stardew valley

what a cosy console

Vampire bloodlines best game on the planet zombie night terror
A hat in time
sacred 2
Stalker 1 2 3
Star Control 2
Emulation snes, genesis, dreamcast, psx, saturn, amiga
witcher 1 2 3
and more... I got like 300 games from gog, and there are plenty of games I enjoyed alot, and I seriously prefer snes games like actraiser, demons crest, contra3 and super ghost n gouls over anything on the switch.

Neither ZeldaBow nor Mario Hat in time look any appealing to me. I saved peach too many times never getting to fuck her... so fuck nintendo fucking cock teasers... zeldabow looks just boring to me. I dont feel the slightest itch to play either of them. Again, the concept of consoles is so stupid, because in long term you will see how limiting it is... I had all consoles back as a kid up to xbox and ps2. And man I hate that shit now. So many cables and requirements, and ohboi are you fucked when one breaks. Luckily so far only my least favourite consoles broke, ps2 and psx... and thanks to emulation I can store all that trash on the attic and play anywhere when I want and dont have to worry about my pc breaking because I can get a new one and still play all my games with no problem even in the future...


Is this bothering you? Is it on the same level as when you call Trump, Drumpf to poltards?

I make also my own games on my tablet pc with flash and I can draw on it with a wacom pen. I can also write emails, watch all movies I want, and write stupid replies like this one... good luck with your crippled switch

Are you a newfag? You write like one.

I don't think that's what the fucking word means you retard.

I buy physical games because I don't get much bandwith. So no those are no use to me.


Like, I want to get one, but at the same time, I'd literally be spending over $350+ over just one console and a game. A game I won't be sure if I'll enjoy or not.

Adulthood sucks, because you realize just how much money's worth in order to even fucking manage through the day.

I can't even feel excited for my own birthday any more and that shit's literally in two days. I'll already be glad if I get one lousy present. My family is slowly growing detached from one another.

Well l.a noire anyway.
I have bden trying to find a chance to download snake pass.