Bullshit plotholes

>"John Freeman [...] made sure there was no zombies around because he ddint have weapon."
>somehow able to shoot the headcrab zombie officer moments later

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>barbed Q
I just now fucking understood this

how in the fuck did neither jak nor daxter recognize younger jak is beyond me. the story in the jak series goes full retard when they introduced time traveling

>stop at McDonald's because out of gas
>have gas in the trunk

Why did Gordon email John instead of fighting off the ALIENS and MONSTERS ATTACKING HIS PLACE himself?

>in left4dead all the zombies are still alive
>the survivors travel across different states battling thousands of zeds just for a chance at some forlorn hope of rescue
>instead of just staying inside a saferoom for a few weeks until all the zombies starve and die

>cj breaks into area 51 to steal a jetpack
>cj performs a casino heist successfully
>cj can plant a bug on a ship full of enemies
>somehow cj couldnt break his brother out of prison

Left 4 Dead zombies are literally magic

Sounds like a normal Holder story to me

yeah the sacrifice comic kind of pissed me off with it just handwaving the infection entirely as magic mutating shit instead of adding onto lore at all

please delete this, it's awful

But why hide in a small room with limited rations, guns and first aid when there are infected mutants capable of flinging cars, busting walls and bringing all his other mutant buddies with him? The gameplay limits what the infected can do, but if they threw balance out the window then Hunters could eviserate in seconds, no Wall that isn't made of something thick and sturdy can hold a Tank down and your friends would be picked off by Smokers one by one until it's just you against the horde

Nah I can see that for sure.

Wait, really?

>But why hide in a small room with limited rations, guns and first aid when there are infected mutants capable of flinging cars, busting walls and bringing all his other mutant buddies with him?
Noise attracts them. Maybe I'm reading into game mechanics too much but special infection and hordes are disabled until a survivor exits the saferoom for the first time in a level. If you shut the fuck up and just hung out you'd probably be fine. I think you made a good point though, in the L4D1 intro a tank just straight up busts through a thick cinderblock wall.

I'm going through each safe room in my memory and most of them probably wouldn't stand to sustained assault by infected. I think the boat is the best option out of all of them, but even then it's not even technically a saferoom.

>anchor off shore
>return along the shoreline for supplies as you drift around where wanted
>infected can't swim, smokers tongues aren't that long and tanks can't throw that far and even if they could they won't go roidrage until you're pissing them off by making tons of noise

Seems like the most dangerous time would be returning to shore for supplies, but if they went slowly when looting and didn't have to deal with plot-device shit like the bridge in the port level I think they'd be alright.

pic related, l4d.com/comic/. It was alright for bridging the gap between the sacrifice and blood harvest but I found it a disappointment overall. Hope they do more with the l4d2 guys than they did with the first set.

Why did everyone just step aside and let a woman with absolutely no naval experience take command of the most advanced nuclear submarine in the world?
Why are black people even allowed to exist in a Nazi controlled US that never had a civil rights movement?
Why did nobody ask Seth if he knew of any illuminati bases in the US, instead of waiting until someone said the word "Roswell" near him?
How did the rebels escape the prison when they had been surrounded by Nazis?
Why did Engel just not give a shit that all the rebels somehow escaped from literally under her nose?
Why did they wait until after BJ was executed to replace his body?
What was the point of Horton?
How is Anya able to fight Nazi super soldiers when BJ can only do it with the help of his own super human body and high tech gadgets?
Why wasn't Engel under heavy guard after everything that happened in the game?

They were hiding out
plot armor
she's retarded
literally nothing

Wolfenstein 2 was so inferior to the last two, it's not even funny

>But why hide in a small room with limited rations, guns and first aid when there are infected mutants capable of flinging cars, busting walls and bringing all his other mutant buddies with him?
>implying the tank can break the saferoom doors when there is a bar on it

>the sacrifice was going to be canonically determinant depending on whoever bothers letting themselves die
>they went ahead and just made bill dying canon because his VA is old and wasn't available often
mother of mercy

it made the most sense

ingame mechanics dont count

Why Stalkers know about the Monolith and why they dont circle arround the Brain Scorcher?

Why instead of giving Strelok a very dumb directive they didnt summon a Monolith soldier to shot him in the face?

why does the wishgranter increase the size of the zone when it is made to prevent people from fucking the zone up?

That too, its very dumb.

They could create better deathtraps but somehow use the worse of them

sure they do